Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
For some, it's about the gifts, both getting and giving. But economic times can change, and if your focus is there, you can be let down.
Others say it's all about family. But even in that, family situations can change, loved ones can pass away or move on, and traditions that one could count on change.
So what is unchanging about Christmas? The One who's Name is at the heart of the day... the Lord Jesus Christ, the unchanging One, who's birth we celebrate on this day. The One who came to this earth with purpose and intent, to redeem His lost children, and to pave the Way for us to come before our Father in Heaven in a state of Grace... as opposed to being condemned for eternity in our sinful state.
Glory be unto God for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise His Name. And remember... Jesus is the Reason for the Season.
I don't think I could say it any better than S.M. Lockridge...
(NOTE: The audio doesn't start until the 0:22 mark)
Labels: The Lord Jesus Christ
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas comes early... got my new EeePC!
Will be great for when my wife and I go away, as we'll be able to keep some basic connectivity when on the road. Of course, my excuse for playing with it at work today is to get it working for support over the Christmas holidays... hey, if I can connect remotely while away, it means I won't have to bill more hours to drive in to the office!
Had some trouble getting the WPA2 wireless security working, but a quick Google search revealed that there's an update for that... fixed me up in a jiffy.
Even though I'm in the IT business, even I still get amazed some days...
Now you too can Shoe-t Bush!
1) You gotta admit, Bush moves pretty quick for an old guy
2) I'm really surprised that the guy wasn't dropped by the Secret Service before his shoe left his hand. He (the Shoe-ter) is pretty lucky to be alive, IMO.
Labels: Humour
Monday, December 22, 2008
Garth Turner attacks Senator Mike Duffy
Of course, he's quickly pulled the post down before I could get the screenshot... but I managed to get this screenshot of the header from

UPDATE: I now have the cache... he didn't add any of his own commentary, just reposted one of the news releases about the appointments. Still, the title he chose certainly implies a whole lot.
JT: "Should I stay or should I go?"
I'll have some thoughts on the John Tory "fiasco" here on my own "soapbox" very soon.
Labels: John Tory, Queen's Park
Thursday, December 18, 2008
CTV pushing Christian station WDCX 99.5 off the radio
I flipped on the radio on Tuesday, and pressed the #1 preset for WDCX... which I've had at my #1 slot in all three cars I've owned. And I heard a different style of music, and I thought to myself, "This is a different style for WDCX". Then I heard the dreaded words I'd heard once before... "This is a test signal for blah blah blah..." I actually slammed my steering wheel, and said to myself, "Here we go again".
This happened once before, back in 2003-2004, with "Kicx 96", a country station also based out of Kitchener. They later moved up the dial and became "Kicx 106", and stopped interfering with WDCX 99.5Mhz, to the delight of many believers across the GTA and SW Ontario.
WDCX has been broadcasting since 1963, and has been a mainstay in many Christian households in the area for generations. I remember listening to them on the way to school with my mom for years, and then listening to the likes of Steve Brown and Ravi Zacheriah on my way to work when I commuted to work, just like thousands of other Christians here on this side of the border.
Yes, they are a US broadcaster out of Buffalo, but they carry a whole lot of content for Canadian churches, along with a whole host of advertising for Canadian businesses. Just take a look at their banner from their homepage:

Last time this happened, I didn't think there was much I could do to stop them. Since then, I've discovered the power of blogging, and how much people do honestly listen when issues like this are raised. It's my hope that a campaign can be started, petitioning the CRTC to deny CTV's request to broadcast at 99.5Mhz on the FM band... and that the CRTC will finally stop attempting to issue new licenses for this frequency.
Here's the info on the CRTC's approval from October of this year. Wonderful... we don't hear a word about it until it's all over. Except here's the thing... what on earth were they doing holding the "Public Consultation" on this issue IN ALBERTA, and not here in SW Ontario? Anyone else think that kinda stinks? The only folks who were able to show up for the "Public" consultation were the suits from CTV who wanted the license for the Kitchener area!
Application 2007-1504-7, received 22 October 2007Stay tuned for more information, I'll be posting more on this story as things develop.
Public Hearing in Edmonton, Alberta
27 May 2008
UPDATE: According to an e-mail I just received, this whole issue may simply go away... last time someone took this slot, they went to the CRTC practically begging to move because of the sheer power that WDCX uses... 110kw vs 2.2kw of FM power.
I've also obtained the relevant phone numbers for the CRTC and CKKW. You can call the CRTC at 1.877.249.2782, and the local CKKW station at 519.884.4470. Let them know how you feel about suddenly not being able to hear WDCX anymore. Flood the phones, make sure you're voice is heard.
Labels: Christian Music, Christianity, wdcx
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Senate Reform suddenly back on the agenda
I'm sure some Liberals will be willing to talk about Senate Reform now. It will be interesting to see if they do what I predicted they might do, and have these new Senators resign as new ones are elected.
What's this? The "science" ISN'T settled?
Also notice how it suddenly seems to have fallen off the radar of the Liberal Party? Guess they really were just using the issue to try and score political points.
UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claimsh/t KM
Study: Half of warming due to Sun! –Sea Levels Fail to Rise? - Warming Fears in 'Dustbin of History'
POZNAN, Poland - The UN global warming conference currently underway in Poland is about to face a serious challenge from over 650 dissenting scientists from around the globe who are criticizing the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore. Set for release this week, a newly updated U.S. Senate Minority Report features the dissenting voices of over 650 international scientists, many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN. The report has added about 250 scientists (and growing) in 2008 to the over 400 scientists who spoke out in 2007. The over 650 dissenting scientists are more than 12 times the number of UN scientists (52) who authored the media hyped IPCC 2007 Summary for Policymakers.
Labels: eco-facists, Liberals
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New Liberal leader leaves door open to kill coalition
He's also been caught in his first, shall we say, "mistruth" at today's press conference, when asked if he'd sit down with Mr. Harper regarding the Budget. He said he hadn't received any such invitation. Guess he was too busy being crowned to watch yesterday's CBC interview with Harper...
Canadian Press: "I hope the next Liberal leader, the first thing he'll do will be willing to sit down with me and have that kind of (economic) discussion," said Harper.
Ottawa Sun: "I’m optimistic that the next leader of the Opposition may want to look at different kinds of arrangements in the best interest of the country," said Harper.
Labels: coup d’état 08, iggy, Liberals
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Guelph film maker is runner up in Coldplay video contest!
Of the 1000+ entries, there was supposed to be only one winner. However, it looks like they came to an impasse in the judging, so they said this on their website: "But after much discussion and deliberation, we came to an agreement. We have a winner and a runner-up."
I my books, that means it was a tie... who knows, maybe the tossed a coin to decide? Martin, congratulations on your fantastic video! And thanks again for the privilege of taking part!
(anyone recognize this stick wielding goon? There's a good shot of my brother at the 2:48 mark, second soldier from the right, with me popping up here and there between 2:45 and 3:05)

Labels: Photo Ops
No nativity scene in Ottawa this year
(the 60ish year old secretary at work got me with that one today...)
Labels: Humour
The Liberal elite's solution for democracy
They've told the grassroots Liberal membership, "You can have Iggy, or you can have Iggy... your choice"
I guess at least they're being consistent... if they were going to deny the voters a chance to select their government, why should they have to let their own membership have a say on who their leader is?
Well, for those Liberals still interested in the "grassroots" democratic process, I've got your solution right here.
Don't think of it as betraying your party... think of it as a short term investment in democracy. Besides, it's the elite within your party that have betrayed you, right? Our tent is big enough for everyone who cares about democracy. By taking some time to ride out the collapse of Canada's "Natural Governing Party", you'll make some new friends, and who knows... you may even decide to stick around.
Labels: coup d’état 08, Liberals
Bob Rae to end bid for Liberal leadership: CTV
Updated Tue. Dec. 9 2008 10:45 AM ET News Staff
Bob Rae has told his supporters in a conference call Tuesday that he will end his bid for the Liberal leadership, CTV News has learned.
CTV's Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife confirmed Tuesday that Rae will not challenge frontrunner Michael Ignatieff -- virtually ensuring that Ignatieff will become Liberal leader.
"Bob Rae has had a conference call with 12 or 13 of his supporters and he has just informed them that he has no intention of running for the Liberal leadership and that he is going to pull out and that he has no problem supporting Michael Ignatieff as leader of the Liberal Party," Fife told CTV Newsnet Tuesday morning.
Labels: coup d’état 08, Liberals
The Liberal implosion continues
Braeden Caley
Calgary Grit
Scott Ross
Hiranda Hussey - A view from the Left
James Morton - Morton's Musings (and President of the Thornhill Liberal association)
Big City Lib
Zorpheous of The Wingnuterer, who says he's really thinking hard about continuing to support the Liberals at all (this one surprised me)
A BCer in Toronto
Labels: coup d’état 08, Liberals
Monday, December 08, 2008
Why is it that only on really cold days...
...does your furnace decide to spontaneously catch fire?
The Liberals STILL don't get it
Now, showing their complete ignorance of the CORE issue at hand, the issue of the democratic process, they're going to go ahead and disenfranchise their own Party membership by installing a new leader via the back room!
Does the Liberal bloodlust for power know ANY bounds?
The core, the fundamental core of the issue at hand, the issue that has so many Canadians ticked off at you guys is the fact that these moves undercut the democratic process, in one way or another. Period. People don't like decisions being made for them in some smoke filled back room. They want to have a say in who governs them, and likewise, within a political party, members want to have a say in who leads them.
But hey, don't take my word for it... just listen to what these Liberal bloggers have to say:
Danielle Takacs
Red Tory
James Bowie
Jason Morris - the Gauntlet
James Curran - What Do I Know Grit
the Independent Partisan
Matt Guerin
Put it this way... if that's how some the Liberal blogging community is feeling, you can bet that the general membership is thinking along the same lines.
But hey, carry right on guys, do your thing however you want... it sure is helping our fundraising efforts. (like we needed the help...)
Labels: coup d’état 08, Liberals
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The BEST photo from today's rallies

UPDATE: Got the appropriate "rebuke" from Reid, the Alberta blogger who originally posted this photo. Sorry dude, forgot to h/t you! ;-)
Labels: coup d’état 08
Liberal members are donating LOADS of money
There's only one problem though. The donations aren't being made to the Liberal Party of Canada... they're being made to the Conservative Party of Canada.
I've heard it from two well placed sources now. Card carrying Liberal Party members, incensed at what their Party leadership have pulled, are calling Conservative Party HQ and donating... BIG TIME.
I've even heard a report that the Party has made more money in the last few days than during any other fundraising drive we've undertaken in the past... EVER.
Boy am I looking forward to seeing the 4th quarter party fundraising numbers.
UPDATE: Wow, traffic always spikes when Kate links to you... welcome to all the SDA readers.
Just a side thought, if you haven't done so already, why don't you consider joining these wonderful Liberals by topping up your donations to the Party... don't forget, time to make your 2008 political donations is running out! (and it's just one more way you can help send this coalition packing, once and for all...)
Labels: coup d’état 08, CPC, Liberals
Friday, December 05, 2008
The Liberal "308" logo meets MSPaint

2008 Liberal Candidate OPPOSES Coalition
Thursday, December 4, 2008A time to show leadership...
From all of the angles I view things from... the coalition is well within their legal, constitutional and working right, and some would definitely say, obligation.
But I cannot count myself as a supporter of the Opposition-led coalition to form a new government... at this time.
Oh sure there are ironies and things that don't sit well....
When I was going door-to-door only weeks ago, it was suggested that the Liberal Party and our leader, Mr. Dion missed opportunities to be representative and strong and seemingly chose to not stand up to Prime Minister Harper on the many cycles of confidence motions. This was loudly stated numerous times by my taunting opponent, Gary Goodyear (that Liberals didn't show up to work or vote). My how the tables have turned!
The General Election of 2008 was an election where Stephen Harper asked the Governor General to allow him to break his own rule and go to an election earlier than the fixed date in October 2009, because "...Parliament clearly was not working". And, what now? Is it working now?
And what about the NDP joining forces with the Liberals, or The Bloc siding with the Coalition on confidence motions before even seeing them...
all of these ironies beyond belief as recent as weeks ago.
So, now here we are uncertain of the political circumstances, that will set new Parliamentary precedents, where the Governor General will make a discretionary decision about the future of our government....
But, I believe there are bigger issues at stake than the ironies and Parliamentary precedents.
We were in an economic crisis before we were in a political crisis. And it is not just Canada's crisis, it is a global economic crisis.
At this time, I believe, we cannot turn the House of Commons to the Coalition. I fear that the world economy, who look to Canada as a model on many levels, would quickly label Canada as fractured, arrogant and un-confident, short-sighted and clearly unstable as a place to invest.
What we need now is stability and unity.
Labels: coup d’état 08, Liberals
Rae saw the opening, and has taken it
Stop and review the events of the last few days. The coalition idea is proposed. It gathers steam, most Liberal MP's declare that it's open war on the Right Honourable Stephen Harper. They're mad, and they're out for blood... their hatred knows no bounds.
Meanwhile, everyone knows that Iggy, the heir apparent, is playing this one cool... he sees this deal as doomed to failure, and doesn't want to be the guy left holding the bag when it does indeed blow up.
So the Liberals go into caucus yesterday. Dion and Iggy stand up and propose the "wait and see" olive branch approach to the upcoming budget, opening the door for an honourable climb down if the public backlash continues. But the sharks smell blood in the water, and they're having none of this "let's work together" talk. In fact, they actually SHOUT THE TWO OF THEM DOWN... the current, and the likely next, leader of their Party.
With the door open just a crack... in walks the "saviour" of the deal, none other than Bob Rae. Rae is one astute political operator, and with his Power Corp. brother advising his team, see this as the opening they've been looking for. You bet they're going to campaign hard on this one, and use it as the springboard they need to wrest the leadership from Iggy's grasp.
And just you watch, over the next few weeks, as the caucus then begins to rethink supporting the "heir apparent", Michael Ignatieff.
Then think about it long term... Rae is able to use it to win the leadership, which could likely get moved up to sometime January, just in case we go to an election after the Budget goes down. Rae fights this election on the unity platform, but goes down in flames over it... he'll win back some support, but not enough to win. He gets to say afterwards that it wasn't his plan, and trust me, he won't end up wearing it in the eyes of the caucus... everyone will say it was Dion's hairbrained idea, and Bob was just making the best out of a bad situation.
That's my two cents... more like my buck fifty, but you get the idea.
Labels: coup d’état 08, Liberals
And so begins the coup within the coup
The Prime Minister had just dodged a confidence vote, which he would have surely lost, by winning permission from the Governor-General to shut down Parliament until late January.
Mr. Dion appeared to be open to changing his mind about defeating Mr. Harper's government, saying that a “monumental change” on Mr. Harper's part would alter that.
That phrase angered some Liberals, who began shouting at Mr. Dion, accusing him of not going far enough, according to a caucus insider. That is when Mr. Rae approached the microphone, telling Mr. Dion that even “monumental change” was not acceptable.
Mr. Dion appeared shocked, the insider said.
Labels: coup d’état 08, Liberals
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Retraction: Guelph Liberal Valeriote still supports colalition?
Short-term maverickFortunately, he has plenty of time to get this straightened out, as Parliament has been prorouged until January 26th.
Frank Valeriote is backing off his comments after the national media grabbed the Mercury story with his comments that fixing the economy should be the focus right now.
It didn't take long.
After reporter Scott Tracey spoke with the Guelph MP yesterday, we posted a few paragraphs. Valeriote himself called shortly after to say he had issue with the post. He later called a couple more times and briefly spoke with Tracey this morning.
We're at a bit of a loss.
Valeriote did not question the quotes cited, nor the main thrust when repeated to him last night — that he believes (as most Canadians do) the focus right now in Ottawa should be fixing the economy. And if the Conservatives can't do it, a coalition would.
It looks like the National Post called to get more on this and reported: "He backed off the comments later last night, saying his ultimate focus was the country's need for an economic rescue plan." How's that backing off?
He's still telling us the story is "wrong."
We're going to try to reach Valeriote again today to seek clarity — Does he still think the priority should be to get a plan to fix the economy, even that's from the Tories? Or is he pushing for a coalition government to achieve this?
It's too bad. Most people would probably tell you they don't care who's in charge as long as someone gets to work on the economy. Valeriote was merely saying the same thing — of course, that may not be what the party wants to be saying right now.
Posted at 10:01 AM
Labels: coup d’état 08
The North Pole weighs in... even Santa says "NO"

I'm thinking it's the "Naughty" list and a lump of coal for those three boys this year.
Labels: coup d’état 08
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Guelph's Liberal MP blinks first, says he doesn't support the coup
Hopefully, you'll be the first among many.
UPDATE: Amm, apparently he's trying to clarify his comments... not sure what to think, or sure where he stands, but I'm assuming he's trying to say he still supports the deal?
Labels: coup d’état 08, Liberals
And now for something completely different
My brother and I took part in a film project by a group of local artists, creating a video submission for the Coldplay "Lost" music video contest. Here's the fruits of their labours... a job well done guys.
Twelve plus hours in subzero weather... oh the things we do for art. Sorry to disappoint all my "fans" out there on the left, but the cut the scene we filmed where my brother stuck a bayonette through my gut... too bad, it was a good scene. At least you can catch my brother shoving me to the ground at the 2:56 mark... he was a French soldier, I was the French peasent wearing the brown leather vest with the black chapeau.
Check the "making of" video here too.
Humour: "Toronto Maple Leafs Win Stanley Cup"
Toronto Maple Leafs Win Stanley Cup!!!
Canada was stunned Monday when it was announced that The Stanley Cup will be awarded to the Toronto Maple Leafs, possibly as early as December 6th.
The cup will be stripped from from 2008 playoff champions the Detroit Red Wings and be awarded to the Leafs, who didn't even make the playoffs.
How is this possible, Canadians ask?
Well, the Leafs have formed a coalition with eastern conference semifinalists the Montreal Canadians, and conference quarter finalists the Ottawa Senators, now outnumbering the Red Wings.
According to current Leaf coach Ron Wilson "the Red Wings have lost the confidence of the league and should hand the cup over immediately to our coalition".
NHL commissioner Gary Bettman is cutting short a European trip to try to resolve the unprecedented hockey crisis that could force a second playoff series, or see an opposing team coalition take the cup.
Labels: Humour
Shouldn't WE get to decide?
I'd like to know, from my "fans" who've been working hard to spin in support of the Separatist-Socialist-Liberal deal in the comments, are there any "lies" or anything "dishonest" in this commercial?
In summary... Dion lost the election. Now he's trying to take power through the backdoor, after being rejected by the voters. And he's doing so with the help of the guys who want to break up the country... who have said that this deal is "great" for the Soverigntist cause.
Labels: coup d’état 08, CPC, election, Liberals, NDP
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
"Senator Elizabeth May" and Separatist Senators?
Are we serious about Senate reform? Here's how we make it happen... we stack the Senate with young qualified Conservatives. But before doing so, have each of them sign a legally binding contract stating basically the following:
I, (insert name here), in accepting the call to serve in the Senate of Canada, do hereby agree to resign my seat upon the election of my successor from the Province of (insert Province name here).I'm thinking 24 newly minted Conservative Senators may spark a desire among some folks to talk about finally reforming the Red Chamber.
UPDATE: The separatists and the Liberals have both denied this as a rumour. I'll admit, I got taken in on it, but I had checked several news sources before I posted it, so I assumed that it might just be legit. I notice, however, the Liberals haven't denied the rumours about May.
Anyway, the original premise of my argument stands... if Dion takes over, the Liberals will fill the Senate with more Liberals. That will put the numbers somewhere around 75+ Liberals vs. 22 Conservatives in the Red Chamber. If Harper stacks it now, it will be more even, around 60ish Liberals vs. 46 Conservatives.
Labels: Senate
NDP/Liberal deal breathes new life into the Bloc
"Already Monday, PQ leader Pauline Marois was raising the possibility the Bloc could use its new leverage to promote her goal of assuming full control over culture and communications.Any thoughts on the consequences of your actions, young Mr. Trudeau?
"If in the present case it is a coalition government that allows us to obtain things, it will be because a sovereigntist party in Ottawa has stood up to defend our interests," she said.
Denis Monière, a professor of political science at Université de Montréal who supports the sovereigntist cause, said an enhanced role in Ottawa for the Bloc would help it greatly in the next federal election.
"It will be the Bloc that controls the Canadian government without the bother of governing. It's pretty much the ideal situation," he said. "This shows that being in opposition can also allow you to play an important role in exercising power. I think the Bloc will gain a lot of credibility with this."
I Prime Minister Trudeau would have been the first out of the gate to denouce this deal as bad for Canada. I find it shocking that the supposed "fathers" of the Clarity Act, Dion and Chretien, would be so willing to sell their souls to regain power.
The Bloc was on it's way out, with Duceppe's retirement likely taking place before the next election. Now, it looks like they'll have some bragging to do during the next election... and with that, will likely hang on to more seats than they would have lost otherwise.
The Liberal Party of Canada can no longer to be trusted to act in the interests of "Federalism" in Quebec. How can they, when they've now TWICE given life to the Bloc? (first "AdScam", now, what do we call it, "VoteScam"?)
Guelph takes a stand for our democratically elected government
From: Guelph CPC EDA
URGENT: Only weeks after the election, the Opposition parties have banded together to undemocratically remove Prime Minister Harper from office!
If you've been following the news, you'll know that Canadians are reacting in anger over this self-serving move by the NDP, the Liberals, and the separatist Bloc to overturn the results of the last election, which occured only six weeks ago. After receiving their worst election result in Canadian history, the Liberal Party of Canada is refusing to accept the will of the people, and are instead seeking to install Stephane Dion as the Prime Minister over the firmly expressed wishes of the electorate.
And you may be asking yourself, "What can we do to stop this madness?"
Well, you can make sure your voice is heard! By writing to the Editors of the Guelph Mercury, we can ensure that the public is fully aware of what the other parties are trying to do. We can write to the Governor General, imploring her not to accept the Opposition's request to form an unelected Government, contrary to the express will of voters on October 14th. And we can contact our local Member of Parliament, Frank Valeriote, and let him know that Canadians of all walks of life oppose this blatant attempt to overturn the results of the last election.
You can sign the paper petitions that are circulating around town, or online at (We are presently exploring the option of making a copy of this petition available to sign at a location here in town)
And finally, we can stand together with thousands of fellow Canadians across the nation this coming Saturday, Dec. 6, at one of the many rallies that are to be held in support of our Government. There will be one such rally held in front of Kitchener City Hall this Saturday from NOON to 2:00pm... plan on carpooling, as parking will likely go fast!
Below is all the information you need to make your voice heard. Please be respectful in all your discourse, and above all else, let's make sure we hold the Opposition accountable for their actions!
To contact the Governor General:
When writing the Governor General, ensure that you respectfully refer to her by her title, "Your Excellency", or "The Right Hon. Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada". Ask her to respect the will of the people, as expressed in the recent election on October 14, and ask her not to allow the Opposition to form a government without the ratification of the voters.
Her e-mail address is:
To contact the Editors of the Guelph Mercury:
You can write a Letter to the Editor, expressing your concerns, and publicly imploring our MP to not partake in this undemocratic deal with the NDP and the separatists. You can send your letter to them via e-mail at, or via their online submission form located here.
To contact your Member of Parliament:
Frank Valeriote has publicly endorsed this undemocratic deal, after he vowed not to take part in such "shenanigans" during our recent election. (U of G debate, Sept.) He must be held accountable, and we must ensure that he keeps his word. Please contact his office via e-mail and by phone, or even in person, to let your voice be heard.
By Phone: (NOTE: Please consider calling BOTH numbers, Guelph & Ottawa offices. You may also want to continue calling until you get a live person, rather than leaving a message, to ensure that your voice is actually heard)
Guelph: (519) 837-8276
Ottawa: (613) 996-4758
By e-mail: (please send to both, one goes to Ottawa, the other to his Guelph office)
Or in person: (Brenda Chamberlain's old office)
40 Cork Street East
Contact the Leaders of the Opposition:
You may also consider sending a letter to each of the three leaders of the Oppostion, decrying this undemocratic deal, and asking them to respect the results of the election. Their e-mail addresses are:
There's still time to act! Together, we can indeed make our voices heard for the sake of democracy here in Canada. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know.
Thank you for taking a stand for democracy, and for Canada!
Labels: CPC
How does Trudeau really feel about all this?
I don't see how Justin can possibly be comfortable with this deal with the seperatists. The legacy of his father's party, the party that supposedly was the federalist option in Quebec, is now in tatters... the Liberal Party of Canada was willing, solely in their bloodlust for power, to give life to what was a dying movement in Quebec.
I wonder how many Quebec federalists have decided in the last few days to find for themselves a home in the last real federalist party our country has?
UPDATE: Welcome to all the media outlets who are checking out this post. My hope is that you'll seriously consider this question, and pose it to young Mr. Trudeau on the behalf of Canadians.
Monday, December 01, 2008
My Letter to the Governor General
To Her Excellency
the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.
Governor General of Canada,
Greetings Your Excellency,
I am writing to You today to express my grave misgivings regarding the impending attempt by the Opposition parties to override the results of the 40th General Election, which occurred only weeks ago.
In that election, I exercised my democratic right and elected a Conservative Member of Parliament, and in so doing, expressed my opinion that The Right Honourable Stephen Harper was the best person to lead this country. Over 5,000,000 of my fellow countrymen agreed, and on October 14th, we said that Mr. Harper deserved a stronger mandate to govern.
Yesterday, I learned with disbelief that Mr. Jack Layton, along with the sovereigntist Bloc Quebecois, have in fact been plotting to overturn the results of the election for several weeks now. Moreover, I am appalled that such an action may in fact result in their desired outcome, the removal of the man who rightly earned the public's respect to hold the office of the Prime Minister.
I implore You, Your Excellency, please do not allow these undemocratic actions to be rewarded. If the Opposition parties feel that a change in the government is required, please ensure that they are required to make their case to the Canadian people, and do not allow them to wrest the reigns of power from the man whom we entrusted to hold that office.
I thank You most humbly for Your time, Your Excellency.
Your humble servant,
Labels: coup d’état 08, election, Liberals, NDP
The way forward
1) Everyone needs to take a chill-pill... especially those who think we should be looking for a new leader. A change in leadership is not what we need right now. This was nothing to do with Harper... this was all about the left's fear and lothing of the man.
2) Make sure you talk to all your friends and neighbours and make sure they recognize this for what it is... a blatant power grab by a few politicians, an effort to usurp the democratic will of the people.
3) Remind everyone you talk to that this is the sort of thing that is done in Zimbabwe, not Canada.
4) Keep our eyes on the prize... a majority government. With the Liberals taking a hard left turn, Rae's chances just went up significantly. But if Iggy still ends up winning, he's going to be a right-leaning leader of a left-leaning government... which should end up blowing appart real nicely.
5) Remind Canadians of this trechery, this usurption of democracy, by referring to Mr. Harper by his rightful title, "Prime Minister-elect Harper"
Labels: CPC
The Seventy Five vs. US... The 5,205,334
They decided to overturn the decision of the 5,205,334 people who selected Stephen Harper as their Prime Minister. These 75 individuals said that those 5,205,334 Canadians had made the wrong decision, and decided to instead assert their will upon the people of Canada.
Their names are...
Andrews, Scott - Avalon, Newfoundland and Labrador
Bagnell, Larry - Yukon, Yukon
Bains, Navdeep - Mississauga—Brampton South, Ontario
Bélanger, Mauril - Ottawa—Vanier, Ontario
Bennett, Carolyn - St. Paul's, Ontario
Bevilacqua, Maurizio - Vaughan, Ontario
Brison, Scott - Kings—Hants, Nova Scotia
Byrne, Gerry - Humber—St. Barbe—Baie Verte, Newfoundland and Labrador
Cannis, John - Scarborough Centre, Ontario
Coady, Siobhan - St. John's South—Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador
Coderre, Denis - Bourassa, Québec
Cotler, Irwin - Mount Royal, Québec
Crombie, Bonnie - Mississauga—Streetsville, Ontario
Cuzner, Rodger - Cape Breton—Canso, Nova Scotia
D'Amours, Jean-Claude - Madawaska—Restigouche, New Brunswick
Dhaliwal, Sukh - Newton—North Delta, British Columbia
Dhalla, Ruby - Brampton—Springdale, Ontario
Dosanjh, Ujjal - Vancouver South, British Columbia
Dryden, Ken - York Centre, Ontario
Duncan, Kirsty - Etobicoke North, Ontario
Easter, Wayne - Malpeque, Prince Edward Island
Eyking, Mark - Sydney—Victoria, Nova Scotia
Folco, Raymonde - Laval—Les Îles, Québec
Foote, Judy - Random—Burin—St. George's, Newfoundland and Labrador
Fry, Hedy - Vancouver Centre, British Columbia
Garneau, Marc - Westmount—Ville-Marie, Québec
Goodale, Ralph - Wascana, Saskatchewan
Guarnieri, Albina - Mississauga East—Cooksville, Ontario
Hall Findlay, Martha - Willowdale, Ontario
Holland, Mark - Ajax—Pickering, Ontario
Ignatieff, Michael - Etobicoke—Lakeshore, Ontario
Jennings, Marlene - Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Lachine, Québec
Kania, Andrew - Brampton West, Ontario
Karygiannis, Jim - Scarborough—Agincourt, Ontario
Kennedy, Gerard - Parkdale—High Park, Ontario
LeBlanc, Dominic - Beauséjour, New Brunswick
Lee, Derek - Scarborough—Rouge River, Ontario
MacAulay, Lawrence - Cardigan, Prince Edward Island
Malhi, Gurbax - Bramalea—Gore—Malton, Ontario
Martin, Keith - Esquimalt—Juan de Fuca, British Columbia
McCallum, John - Markham—Unionville, Ontario
McGuinty, David - Ottawa South, Ontario
McKay, John - Scarborough—Guildwood, Ontario
McTeague, Dan - Pickering—Scarborough East, Ontario
Mendes, Alexandra - Brossard—La Prairie, Québec
Minna, Maria - Beaches—East York, Ontario
Murphy, Brian - Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe, New Brunswick
Murphy, Shawn - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Murray, Joyce - Vancouver Quadra, British Columbia
Neville, Anita - Winnipeg South Centre, Manitoba
Oliphant, Robert - Don Valley West, Ontario
Pacetti, Massimo - Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel, Québec
Patry, Bernard - Pierrefonds—Dollard, Québec
Pearson, Glen - London North Centre, Ontario
Proulx, Marcel - Hull—Aylmer, Québec
Rae, Bob - Toronto Centre, Ontario
Ratansi, Yasmin - Don Valley East, Ontario
Regan, Geoff - Halifax West, Nova Scotia
Rodriguez, Pablo - Honoré-Mercier, Québec
Rota, Anthony - Nipissing—Timiskaming, Ontario
Russell, Todd - Labrador, Newfoundland and Labrador
Savage, Michael - Dartmouth—Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia
Scarpaleggia, Francis - Lac-Saint-Louis, Québec
Sgro, Judy - York West, Ontario
Silva, Mario - Davenport, Ontario
Simms, Scott - Bonavista—Gander—Grand Falls—Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
Simson, Michelle - Scarborough Southwest, Ontario
Szabo, Paul - Mississauga South, Ontario
Tonks, Alan - York South—Weston, Ontario
Trudeau, Justin - Papineau, Québec
Valeriote, Francis - Guelph, Ontario
Volpe, Joseph - Eglinton—Lawrence, Ontario
Wilfert, Bryon - Richmond Hill, Ontario
Wrzesnewskyj, Borys - Etobicoke Centre, Ontario
Zarac, Lise - LaSalle—Émard, Québec
You might recognize their names... they're the Members of Parliament for the Liberal Party of Canada. And today they decided that they wanted to install Stephane Dion as the Prime Minister, instead.
It's 75 vs. 5,205,334... and right now, it looks like the 75 are going to win.
Canada and Zimbabwe... just about the only difference now is the temperature.
Labels: coup d’état 08, Dion, Liberals
Why bother winning an election...
Introducing Prime Minister Dion, who will go down in history as the first undemocratic, backroom installed Prime Minister in our history.
Welcome to Zimbabwe my friends... where elections really don't matter.
Let your voice be heard... AGAIN, since they obviously didn't hear you on October 14th.
Labels: coup d’état 08, Dion, Liberals, NDP
Harper more popular that Chrétien
1997 General Election, votes for the Liberals: 4,994,277
2008 General Election, votes for the Conservatives: 5,205,334
That's right... MORE people voted Harper for PM in 2008 than for Chrétien in 1997... 211,057 more, for the record.
But I don't recall anyone talking about usurping democracy and removing Chrétien from office back then, do you?
Oh, wait a minute, the people already did decide...
Canada's first NDP Budget
Out of a job yet? Let the coup succeed.
Fife also reported that the coalition government would introduce a $30-billion economic stimulus package and roll back $50 billion in planned corporate tax cuts.
He said that an adviser to NDP Leader Jack Layton informed the party caucus of the plans on Sunday. The conversation was taped by Conservatives.
"The big deal is this new coalition would spend $30 billion in economic stimulus and to help pay for it they would roll back $50 billion of corporate income tax cuts," Fife told Canada AM.
UPDATE: Liberal MP Scott Brison says this is a rumour, and is false.
Labels: coup d’état 08, election, Liberals, NDP