CTV pushing Christian station WDCX 99.5 off the radio
Unbelievable. CTV, either knowingly or unknowingly, is seeking a license from the CRTC to move CKKW Kitchener from the AM to the FM band. But in so doing, they're going to push WDCX, the best full time Christian radio station within broadcasting range of the GTA and southern Ontario, off the dial from the 99.5Mhz slot in the FM band here in Ontario.
I flipped on the radio on Tuesday, and pressed the #1 preset for WDCX... which I've had at my #1 slot in all three cars I've owned. And I heard a different style of music, and I thought to myself, "This is a different style for WDCX". Then I heard the dreaded words I'd heard once before... "This is a test signal for blah blah blah..." I actually slammed my steering wheel, and said to myself, "Here we go again".
This happened once before, back in 2003-2004, with "Kicx 96", a country station also based out of Kitchener. They later moved up the dial and became "Kicx 106", and stopped interfering with WDCX 99.5Mhz, to the delight of many believers across the GTA and SW Ontario.
WDCX has been broadcasting since 1963, and has been a mainstay in many Christian households in the area for generations. I remember listening to them on the way to school with my mom for years, and then listening to the likes of Steve Brown and Ravi Zacheriah on my way to work when I commuted to work, just like thousands of other Christians here on this side of the border.
Yes, they are a US broadcaster out of Buffalo, but they carry a whole lot of content for Canadian churches, along with a whole host of advertising for Canadian businesses. Just take a look at their banner from their homepage:
Yea, that's the CN Tower and Toronto City Hall, proudly on display.
Last time this happened, I didn't think there was much I could do to stop them. Since then, I've discovered the power of blogging, and how much people do honestly listen when issues like this are raised. It's my hope that a campaign can be started, petitioning the CRTC to deny CTV's request to broadcast at 99.5Mhz on the FM band... and that the CRTC will finally stop attempting to issue new licenses for this frequency.
Here's the info on the CRTC's approval from October of this year. Wonderful... we don't hear a word about it until it's all over. Except here's the thing... what on earth were they doing holding the "Public Consultation" on this issue IN ALBERTA, and not here in SW Ontario? Anyone else think that kinda stinks? The only folks who were able to show up for the "Public" consultation were the suits from CTV who wanted the license for the Kitchener area!
UPDATE: According to an e-mail I just received, this whole issue may simply go away... last time someone took this slot, they went to the CRTC practically begging to move because of the sheer power that WDCX uses... 110kw vs 2.2kw of FM power.
I've also obtained the relevant phone numbers for the CRTC and CKKW. You can call the CRTC at 1.877.249.2782, and the local CKKW station at 519.884.4470. Let them know how you feel about suddenly not being able to hear WDCX anymore. Flood the phones, make sure you're voice is heard.
I flipped on the radio on Tuesday, and pressed the #1 preset for WDCX... which I've had at my #1 slot in all three cars I've owned. And I heard a different style of music, and I thought to myself, "This is a different style for WDCX". Then I heard the dreaded words I'd heard once before... "This is a test signal for blah blah blah..." I actually slammed my steering wheel, and said to myself, "Here we go again".
This happened once before, back in 2003-2004, with "Kicx 96", a country station also based out of Kitchener. They later moved up the dial and became "Kicx 106", and stopped interfering with WDCX 99.5Mhz, to the delight of many believers across the GTA and SW Ontario.
WDCX has been broadcasting since 1963, and has been a mainstay in many Christian households in the area for generations. I remember listening to them on the way to school with my mom for years, and then listening to the likes of Steve Brown and Ravi Zacheriah on my way to work when I commuted to work, just like thousands of other Christians here on this side of the border.
Yes, they are a US broadcaster out of Buffalo, but they carry a whole lot of content for Canadian churches, along with a whole host of advertising for Canadian businesses. Just take a look at their banner from their homepage:

Last time this happened, I didn't think there was much I could do to stop them. Since then, I've discovered the power of blogging, and how much people do honestly listen when issues like this are raised. It's my hope that a campaign can be started, petitioning the CRTC to deny CTV's request to broadcast at 99.5Mhz on the FM band... and that the CRTC will finally stop attempting to issue new licenses for this frequency.
Here's the info on the CRTC's approval from October of this year. Wonderful... we don't hear a word about it until it's all over. Except here's the thing... what on earth were they doing holding the "Public Consultation" on this issue IN ALBERTA, and not here in SW Ontario? Anyone else think that kinda stinks? The only folks who were able to show up for the "Public" consultation were the suits from CTV who wanted the license for the Kitchener area!
Application 2007-1504-7, received 22 October 2007Stay tuned for more information, I'll be posting more on this story as things develop.
Public Hearing in Edmonton, Alberta
27 May 2008
UPDATE: According to an e-mail I just received, this whole issue may simply go away... last time someone took this slot, they went to the CRTC practically begging to move because of the sheer power that WDCX uses... 110kw vs 2.2kw of FM power.
I've also obtained the relevant phone numbers for the CRTC and CKKW. You can call the CRTC at 1.877.249.2782, and the local CKKW station at 519.884.4470. Let them know how you feel about suddenly not being able to hear WDCX anymore. Flood the phones, make sure you're voice is heard.
Labels: Christian Music, Christianity, wdcx
At Thu Dec 18, 11:31:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
If there's an interest in SW Ontario for this kind of programming, why isn't there a Canadian station? Further, why should an American station interfere with Canadian interests?
At Thu Dec 18, 11:32:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Not really my thing
But I can tell it's important to you. So Good Luck
At Thu Dec 18, 11:48:00 a.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Anon, there's been interest in this sort of thing for years, but the CRTC keeps wanting to impose restrictions like forcing prospective applicants to air content from other faiths... that's why you see Muslim programming on CTS on Saturdays. Most folks who'd want to run a station are more than willing to abide by Canadian content rules, but being forced to air content for other faiths is what makes such a station unviable.
Personally, I'd like to have a Canadian WDCX branch here in Canada.
At Thu Dec 18, 11:59:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Don't get me started on the CRTC.
Government censors at their "finest"
Mike Wisniewski
At Thu Dec 18, 01:17:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
WDCX should double their kilowatt output and make it impossible for the CTV to use that bandwidth.
That would learn 'em.
At Thu Dec 18, 02:17:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
The CRTC has kept treated this issue the same since the 1930's.
Ans since 1940's sesibilities have changed with respect to other formerly offensive content, namely violence, adult content, etc, the CRTC still sees fit to censor religious speech.
Further, the have sub-contracted their oversight of content to the Canadian Broadcast Standard's Council(CBSC). The acronym group has been run by one person for over 20 years, Ron Cohen.
The decisions are politically correct in language and activist in their agenda.
Christian viewpoints are treated as hateful and any complaints regarding hateful treatment of Christians (contests, promotions, ridicule) is endorsed even celebrated.
They even hired a Catholic priest to be a "public representative", even though the guy has his own movie review show on Bravo.
In fact, most of the so-called "public represntatives" for the CBSC are either lawyers and accountants for the industry, or activists of a far left stripe.
You thought the HRC's were rigged? The CRTC and the CBSC are even more so.
At Sat Dec 20, 01:52:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
This happened to us, out west. KWPZ 106.5 has been Christian radio mainstay in Metro Vancouver for over 20 years, but they broadcast out of Bellingham, WA. Last year, the CRTC approved 106.3 for use by a First Nations radio station. Nothing we did prevented this from going ahead, and now 106.5 is staticky in several pockets throughout Metro Vancouver. They do have an online broadcast, but this doesnt help when in the vehicle.
At Sun Dec 21, 09:04:00 a.m. EST,
Luke Coughey said…
I, too, noticed that change. I was pleasantly surprised to hear WDCX sound clearly in Guelph, until I noticed that it was not what I thought. I want WDCX back!
At Mon Dec 22, 08:17:00 a.m. EST,
Luke Coughey said…
After some thought, even though I don't like losing the station, it only makes sense that WDCX apply and pay for frequencies in Canada. If they were to do this and put a tower somewhere in the GTA, perhaps their signal would be stronger here in Guelph. As I see it now, they'll lose a lot of Canadian advertisers, which will put a huge strain on the station, I'm sure.
At Tue Dec 30, 10:01:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Although I understand that WDCX is a US station, I do believe the CRTC should take into consideration the large listening audience in southern Ontario. Besides, now both stations have spotty coverage depending on where you listen. I for one am disappointed and think WDCX should increase their broadcasting signal or risk losing a large audience and advertising base in Ontario.
At Thu Jan 01, 11:15:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately, a lot of us didn't even know this was going on. I fear it may be late in the game to do much and it is doubtful anyway that the CRTC would accept an intervention based on interfering with a US station. Probably the only thing that could happen would, as mentioned in the blog, CTV become discouraged by interference from WDCX and abandon the effort. What would it take for WDCX to be able to boost their signal yet again?
At Fri Jan 02, 08:43:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I have been very upset about loosing WDCX as I drive to work between Brantord and Hamilton. I have listened to WDCX for more than 20 years. There is, however, a good Christian station out of Kitchener, 94.3 Faith FM, but their signal mustn't be very strong because outside of the Kitcher-Waterloo area it does not come in. It would be nice if they could boost their signal to cover a larger listening area. They have good teaching programming in the morning and great Christian music from noon to 6:30 p.m.
At Tue Jan 06, 05:23:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
This is not a religious issue. This is a legal issue. The international broadcast treaty signed by Canada and the U.S. only protects Canadian and U.S. stations from interference in their respective countries, not anywhere inside the other country.
Historically, in the early 1970s, the late Izzy Asper (who later founded Global) first got into the Broadcasting business by using this fact. He threatened to get a TV license for Winnipeg on the next channel to a U.S. station targetted at Winnipeg. The savvy U.S. owner sold the station to Izzy. Izzy played Anagrams with the call letters (the first two letters switched from KC to CK), moved the studios to an old grocery store building in Winnipeg, got a Canadian license on the adjacent channel, and was suddenly in the broadcast business with an already thriving station.
At Wed Jan 07, 06:16:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I have listened to WDCX for the past 25 years and now in my area (Flamborough) there is interference. I don't get a decent signal in my car until I get closer to Burlington. I also remember when KICX was on the 99.5 frequency and what a mess it created. I never thought that the CRTC would do this again. Last week I wrote to CKKW they told me”
99.5 fm is the only designated frequency available for this area as regulated by the CRTC and we're very aware of its past technical problems. Since we've been working on our new application for quite some time now, we've had our engineers assess and adjust for the problems that our predecessors had". Let’s hope they are wrong in their assessment of this situation.
I also had a conversation with somebody from WDCX a few years ago, when KICX was on 99.5 and he told me that WDCX is at maximum power the FCC will allow (110,000 watts). So to all the believers who enjoy the programming of WDCX, Let us join together in prayer that this problem would have a positive solution.
At Thu Jan 08, 02:35:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Have you tried the Christian station out of Barrie? It is pretty good I find (although it may not reach Toronto very well).
I find it shocking that an urban area of over 5 million people does not have a single Christian radio station...
At Wed Feb 04, 12:25:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
The GTA does have a Christian radio station. 1250 on the AM dial, out of Oakville. God answered your prayers years ago and you didn't even notice. I think you've hurt His feelings.
At Wed Feb 04, 12:57:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Nice attempt at mockery there Anonymous@12:25, but you miss on several points:
1) 1250 doesn't have the same power as WDXC... can't get it where I live
2) 1250 isn't as big, doesn't reach as far, and thus is not able to provide the same level of content. WDCX has always been able to carry top-level programming due to their reach
3) AM vs. FM... WDCX sometimes carries Christian music, which you need FM for
At Fri Jan 15, 04:07:00 p.m. EST,
Neal Ford said…
In defense of Joy 1250, I live in Belleville, and get a half decent signal, though at night it can be dicey. Having grown up on AM radio, i have no problem with listening to music on AM. All in all, I like their programming.
That said, WDCX is very good. We get the 990 AM signal out of Rochester here, and I was able to pick it up in downtown Toronto on Yonge Street, and listen all the way back to Belleville, so it has good range, and if the CRTC, as it is wont to do, licenses one of the three big radio owners to jam a frequency used by a US broadcaster, you would still have the option of 990 AM.
Life 100.3 is an option, at least north of the 401.
At Tue Jan 03, 12:37:00 p.m. EST,
james wright said…
no mention of this problem on wdcx buffalo. For sure a fine station with solid programing.Worth your effort to fight for its clear reception. However the station could meet you half way in a stronger signal.Or mabey you could start your own station. Use Canadian broadcastinig rules to your advantage, thus reaching much farther into Canada than Buffalo ever could.
At Fri Dec 28, 11:31:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
From what I have just read WDCX owner Crawford has found an interesting way to solve the problem. They have purchased 970-AM in Buffalo with the intent to serve Canada. I don't think it's on the air right now but it should be soon. I'm sure they will make whatever signal improvements they can to 970.
At Tue Sep 23, 11:53:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Definitely check out Joy 1250. The same ministry programs as WDCX but the Canadian versions, and with local Canadian teaching programs as well. You can get local news, traffic and weather for the GTA - but their signal is massive and I can hear north of Barrie just fine, or even online with their mobile browsing. www.joy1250.ca Great that we have our own station!
At Thu Jan 14, 12:38:00 p.m. EST,
Pastor Andrew said…
Try LIFE 100.3 in Barrie. The signal range is huge, can even reach down to the tip of Toronto. LIFE tried getting a Toronto station but it went to someone else. You can listen to LIFE online at www.lifeonline.fm or download the free app and listen to LIFE anywhere!
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