Memo to the Guelph Liberals
Oops. ;-)
Labels: "progressives", election, Liberals
A friend of mine was speaking at our church on Sunday, and he closed off his message with this little clip.
Wow... this guy puts it better than I ever could. Thanks Dr. Lockridge!
(NOTE: The audio doesn't start until the 0:22 mark)
Janna got robbed!!! (Hey, my wife's a professional singer... what else did you think was going to be on my TV on Monday nights for the last few weeks?)
UPDATE: Oh, by the way ALW and CBC... I likely won't be getting tickets now, though I had been strongly considering it thinking that Janna, the most popular contestant week after week, was going to win. I mean, come on... it's obvious that all the Jayme fans moved over to Elicia just to make sure Janna didn't win.Labels: CBC
But as Liberal candidate Gerald Samson told his leader Wednesday, making environmental policy the front-and-centre message of the campaign will be risky business in hard times.
"They seem to not believe the tax shift is going to benefit them," Mr. Samson told Mr. Dion, a lone voice of caution in an otherwise warm crowd of 100 in Cornwall. "I have a hard time explaining it to them."
That's always been the problem with the $15-billion scheme to put a price on carbon pollution and refund the revenue gains through federal tax breaks. It's not doorstep-friendly for campaigning candidates and a tough swallow to voters accustomed to regular federal fleecings.
Besides, the ominous soundtrack to much of the feedback was that the economy takes precedence over the environment in voter concern and that anything that can be successfully demonized as a job killer will turn the proposing party into campaign roadkill.
The first test of Mr. Dion's carbon tax sales success won't be long in coming.
The three vacant ridings where byelections will be held -- two in Quebec and one in Ontario -- will be a public referendum on a Green Shift plan that both the Liberals and Conservatives seem anxious to make the ballot box issue.
While two of the ridings appear safe from a steal, the Conservatives have a heavyweight carrying their flag in the Liberal stronghold of Guelph. Local councillor Gloria Kovach, a prize catch for the Conservatives as a leading national figure for local politicians, just might have enough clout to overcome the 5,000-vote victory cushion given to the Liberals in 2006.
Of course conventional wisdom suggests that byelections just don't matter. But in this case, the environmental concerns of the electorate will be measured against worries about Canada's economic slide.
Anything less than Liberal retention of their two seats will knock the Official Opposition back into House of Commons whimper mode and delay the general election until 2009.
And that would leave envy as the only green in Stéphane Dion's leadership.
National Post
Labels: Carbon Tax, Dion, election, Liberals
LOL... looks like all the Liberal fretting yesterday couldn't stop the Smiling Jack Express train... Jack Layton officially shot past Dion last night for having the highest number of supporters on Facebook, and just kept right on chugging. The current numbers for Jack are 11,677, versus 11,496 for Stephane Dion... a difference of 180. (not bad when you consider that he was down by 54 as of 5:00pm last night... that's 230 additional supporters in less than a day!)
While many folks have a "Who cares?" attitude about this, a lot more people, including the folks who run these pages, know better. Though Facebook is hardly a reliable poll, it says something interesting about where the hearts and minds of today's youth are. In the past, the Liberal Party could count on the youth of Canada as being solidly in their camp in terms of support. Today's young people though, are a whole lot more politically savvy than most people give them credit for. They're also becoming more selective when it comes to throwing their support to any individual or party. As such, there's been a HUGE resurgence in the last few years of support for both the NDP and the Conservative Party amongst young people. In years past, it was getting rare to see a conservative leaning campus club in many of our Universities. Today, most major schools have one, and many are strong and growing.
In fact, one commenter on this blog yesterday, thinking that they were mocking me, only served to prove my point. He (she?) pointed out that I hadn't mentioned the fact that Mr. Harper is third in the Facebook supporters race, with only 10,195 supporters. Well, thanks for proving my point! The fact that Mr. Harper even has 10,195 young people who are willing to fly the Conservative banner on Facebook attests to the very fact that conservatism is alive and well amongst the youth of this country! (though obviously, there's still lots of work left to be done)
Anyway, the fact that Layton has managed to pass Dion, right on the eve of a by-election, is yet another embarrassing blow to the formerly almighty Liberal machine. It exposes the fact that the support amongst youth that they once could count on is no longer solid... and perhaps serves as a reminder that Mr. Dion is not the "leader" that Liberals hoped he would become.
Congrats again to Mr. Jack Layton on his astonishing resurgence, at a time when many people we beginning to speculate on the NDP becoming politically irrelevant. Though it's just on Facebook right now, it could well be an indicator of things yet to come.
Labels: Dion, Facebook, Jack Layton, Liberals, NDP
Looks like I was right... there's been a MAJOR push for new supporters to sign up on Dion's Facebook page in the last few hours... since about 1:00pm today, Dion's Facebook supporter numbers have spiked, with an additional 54 signing up in the last 8 hours.
It's a good thing for them too... had the young Liberals in Facebook-land not issued a call for reinforcements earlier today, Jack Layton would have been ONLY FOUR SUPPORTERS BEHIND DION.
Too bad... that would have been fun to blog about.
Labels: Dion, Facebook, Jack Layton, Liberals, NDP
Labels: Queen's Park
Liberal MP Ujjal Dosanjh said he understands Commissioner Elliott's urge to call his officers. However, Mr. Dosanjh said it was inappropriate given the possibility of disciplinary action or a police investigation in relation to the death of Robert Dziekanski.
"Given that potential, I believe that Mr. Elliott's conduct is entirely inappropriate," Mr. Dosanjh said.
“Guelph is a city based on the arts and academia. The demographic in this community cares passionately about the development of digital culture and the arts. Bill C-61 is a piece of legislation that is completely contrary to the innovative and inquisitive spirit of the Guelph region.”Really Tom? Guelph is a "city based on the arts and acedemia"?
Tories riled at Liberal chairman as ethics committee draws up witness listEXCUSE ME? Blocking every single one of our witnesses?
14 hours ago
OTTAWA — Conservatives reacted with rage Wednesday after opposition MPs on the Commons ethics committee agreed to 78 potential witnesses for its inquiry into the Tory election ad controversy - but excluded every witness the Tories proposed.
Labels: I told you so, Liberals, NDP
"In a separate court document, Page is alleged to have admitted the substance was cocaine after a police officer entered the apartment and questioned whether the substance was really calcium because it was testing positive for cocaine."(I'm really surpised that no one else used that title for a blog post yet...)
Labels: crime
1. About the Bible What We Believe as a Church
We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. The word "inspired" means that God superintended the writing and the collection of the books of the Bible, allowing the writers to use their own style, reflecting the uniqueness of their readers. We believe the Bible is without error in the original writing and is the final authority for faith and life. No other writings are inspired like the Bible. (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 19:7-11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21)
2. About God
We believe there is one God who exists in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three persons possess the same nature, qualities and glory but are distinct in their roles. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 48:16, Matthew 28:19, James 2:19)
3. About Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only son of God, he was both fully man and God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, was virgin born of Mary, died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin, he rose again the third day in bodily form and that the only way to reconnect with God is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He ascended into heaven and sits at the Father's right hand, interceding for us. (I John 5:20, Luke 1:35, Matthew 1:20, I Peter 1:18-19, Romans 4:25, Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 4:14-16)
4. About Salvation
We believe that we were all created reflecting God's character but were separated from God because of sin and that salvation is entirely because of God's grace and mercy through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that once you are part of God's family, that you are part of it for all eternity. (Genesis 1:27, Romans 3:23; 5:12, Titus 3:5, I Peter 1:5)
5. About the Holy Spirit
We believe that each believer is indwelt with the Holy Spirit at the time of crossing the line of faith. The work of the Holy Spirit is to help people understand who Jesus Christ is; to convict us when we sin, to guide, instruct and provide the power to become fully devoted followers of Christ. (Ephesians 4:30, Romans 8:9, John 14:16-18; 16:8-14)
6. About the Church
We believe that all followers of Christ are part of the universal church with Jesus Christ as the head of the church. The local church is an expression of God's design for the church and it has the right to decide and rule over its own affairs. Baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances that are to be observed during this present age. (Matthew 28:19-20, I Corinthians 11:23-28; 12:12-27, Galatians 3:27-28, Ephesians 1:22-23, Acts 2:42-46)
7. About the Return of Christ
We believe that one day Jesus will return from heaven and gather those who are followers back to heaven to spend eternity with him. (John 14:1-6, Acts 1:11, I Thessalonians 4:14-18, Revelation 21:1-4)
8. About the Resurrection
We believe in a bodily resurrection from the dead and that those who are followers of Christ will go to heaven and those who reject the message of the gospel will be separated for eternity from God in a place called hell. (Revelation 20:12-13, Philippians 1:23, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9)
Labels: Christianity, The Lord Jesus Christ
Labels: CPC, election, I told you so
"I have a position on that at this point, but I'm not prepared to discuss it," Williams said.You see, Danny's always been a bit of a prideful fellow, and maybe he just can't bring himself to say anything about Dion's carbon tax plan. Because in so doing, he'd have to recommend the voters of his provice do exactly the opposite of what he's been telling them for months... to vote for their local Conservative candidate in an effort to stop Dion's costly "Green Shaft".
When asked why not, he sharply replied, "I don't really feel like it, quite frankly."
Labels: Carbon Tax, Dion, Liberals
Labels: Carbon Tax, Dion, Liberals
Labels: blogging
Liberal MP John Godfrey has already started his new job, but apparently, he's decided that instead of sticking to his original retirement date of July 1, he's going to keep on being an MP until August 1.
A rally was held outside of the Toronto French School yesterday, where John Godfrey has already begun his new job as Headmaster. The organizer, Gord Moore (full disclosure, he's the campaign manager for the CPC's candidate in Don Valley West) has pointed out that while he's collecting his paycheque from the TFS, he'll also be collecting his July salary as a Member of Parliament... which will be somewhere in the neighbourhood of $13,000.
So, John Godfrey has been asked a simple question... will be continue to "double-dip" on the taxpayers dime, or will he retire immediately?
After all, he did originally say he was going to retire back on July 1... his explanation for why he's staying on the payroll?
"I haven't had a holiday since last summer," he said. "I've taken my holiday time to pack up both of my offices."
In order for him to access his parliamentary office and to request more than 14 years of correspondence, he officially still has to be an MP, he added.
"I decided instead of taking a holiday, I would use that time for transition and could start the new job and I just wouldn't have a holiday," Godfrey said about currently being headmaster at TFS.
My theory? I think the Liberals are trying to put an unofficial "spending cap" on the Conservatives, since the Liberals themselves are pretty much broke. What do I mean by that? During a by-election, each party is permitted to spend $50,000 per riding. So do the simple math... $50,000, times by three by-elections, and you come to a total of $150,000 that each national party is allowed to spend during the by-election writ period. Of course, when I say three ridings, I'm referring only to the Westmount, St. Lambert, and Guelph ridings that are currently vacant.
Because you see, if John Godfrey had stuck to his original schedule, then there would be FOUR ridings in play... and an additional $50,000 that each party could spend during the by-election period.
So you see, the Liberals having John Godfrey has some significant strategic consequences... since the Liberals likely don't have $200,000 to spare, and they know the Tories are awash in cash, by asking Mr. Godfrey to stick around for an extra two weeks, they've managed to reduce their expenses, and prevent the Tories for making use of their full resources during the by-election period.
Clever little move there, don't you think? Of course, the issue of the double-dipping is still hanging out there, but since the press (other than the Toronto Sun) haven't caught on, well, they're likely off the hook... again.
Even though the writ has yet to be dropped, the NDP in Guelph have come out of the gate swinging, firing the first salvo in what looks to be an interesting race in the upcoming by-election... however, it looks like King is a little off target on this one!
NDP candidate Tom King put out a press release yesterday, seeking to make Bill C-61 a local by-election issue. The release even got coverage online at the CBC.
Problem is though, there's a little bit of misinformation that King is perpetuating in order to try and generate outrage amongst the public. King states that, “Under Bill C-61, if you purchase a new computer and move the songs from your ipod to the new computer, the Conservatives believe that is a criminal offence,” said King. “This type of American approach to copyright law does not benefit Canadian consumers, or Canadian artists.” However in actual fact, the bill will expressly allow just the opposite!
For the record, here's the relevant info from the "Private Copying of Music" from Industry Canada's "Copyright Reform Process" page:
Did you catch that? "One copy for each device you own, including your computer, iPod and MP3 player, whether the copy is made directly onto the device or onto a medium such as a DVD or removable memory card to be used in connection with such devices." That statement from Industry Canada right there completely blows apart King's entire argument! He says that you won't be able to move your music from your iPod to a new computer... but the legislation is actually written to expressly ALLOW you to do just that!
Well, we're not even out of the gate, and King has already been exposed for using misinformation to attack his opponents. I must say on that basis, things aren't looking too good for the Guelph NDP, as people generally don't like being lied to by politicians.
Labels: blogging
Northern premiers reject Dion's carbon tax plan
Updated Sun. Jun. 29 2008 1:36 PM ET News Staff
It appears that Liberal Leader Stephane Dion has a lot more work to do if he wants to convince Canadian leaders to back his carbon tax plan.
Northern premiers say they're not buying the Liberal proposal. They emerged from two days of meetings in Yellowknife giving the thumbs down to Dion's plan. Northwest Territories Premier Floyd Roland, Yukon Premier Dennis Fentie and Nunavut Premier Paul Okalik said it would not be fair to their residents.
"We'd rather focus on alternatives to get away from fossil fuels. But to add on a cost to very high fuel costs already is just not an option for homeowners in our territory," Okalik said.
"(In the North), there really are no alternatives for us in Nunavut to turn to, to get away from diesel generation for power and for heat," he said.
"We think there are better ways to deal with this issue than another tax being applied, especially in the North where the cost of goods and services is already predominantly higher than anywhere else in the country," Fentie said.
Labels: Carbon Tax, Dion, election, Liberals
"I've sent a note to the prime minister and to the Governor General saying that since Dr. Morgentaler is now a member of the order, I'm returning my insignia and no longer want to be part of the Order," Finn told Radio-Canada in French.Maybe now the Governor General will have to listen to reason, and veto this despicable appointment.
Labels: Order of Canada
Labels: Harper
That is, a "Green Shift" from the wallets of their members, to the coffers of the Party.
That's gist of the quote from the photo caption in John Ivison's article in today's National Post... "The green shift that the Liberals really need is the one that comes in the form of cash. The party's fiscal situation is not the healthiest."
Ivison also points out that their situation may be so dire, that they may have even asked retiring MP John Godfrey to hold off on his "official" retirement, so that the by-election in his "safe" riding can't be called until mid-September. Ivison sermises that they may be doing this because they can't afford to run four by-elections at the same time. I have another theory.
During a by-election, on top of the local campaign's spending limit, the National Party has a $50,000 spending cap per riding involved in the by-election. The Liberals may be not only trying to save a few of their own bucks, but also may be trying to limit how much the Conservatives and NDP are able to spend, since both of those parties have way more cash on hand for fighting the upcoming by-elections.
h/t to Dr. Roy"that a bunch of people in the West can’t get over a 28-year-old policy and a dead prime minister. What a burden to carry around"Well, as a Central Canadian who "gets it", I thought I'd take a stab at trying to explain it to my fellow Central Canadian...
Canadians blind to Liberal 'green shift,' poll showsOnce again, the Tories look to have taken a page out of Warren's book... define your opponent before they have the chance to define themselves.
Juliet O'Neill, Canwest News Service
Published: Monday, July 07, 2008
OTTAWA - The federal Liberals have a big sales job ahead of them on their proposed national carbon tax.
A new poll Monday said only one in three Canadians has heard about the "green shift" plan and 60 per cent, who can recall anything about it, say it's "a bad idea."
Labels: Carbon Tax, Dion, Liberals
The obnoxious Garth Turner
Lorne Gunter, National Post
Published: Monday, July 07, 2008
There's an old adage: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. I'm pretty sure Liberal MP Garth Turner has never heard it before. On Thursday on his blog, Mr. Turner, long a loose canon, insisted those in the West who oppose his party's new "Green Shift" carbon tax scheme are un-Canadian, even though the plan proposes to slam Westerner energy producers about four times harder than central and eastern Canadian energy consumers.
This is an old Liberal trick: Equate the national interest with Liberal policies, then question the loyalty of anyone who disagrees.
This tactic is frequently compounded in the West which -- because it seldom returns Liberal MPs -- is frequently portrayed by Liberal prime ministers and organizers as the bad boy of Confederation.
It was Liberal Senator and campaign chairman Keith Davey who, in the 1980 election, summed up his party's strategy as "Screw the West, we'll take the rest." Liberal prime minister Jean Chretien used Alberta as a foil for everything he claimed would go wrong if his Liberals were not re-elected in 2000, and it was Mr. Chretien who said he preferred to do politics with anyone but Albertans.
Paul Martin likely maintained a minority for his party in 2004, too, by falsely claiming that if Stephen Harper were elected, he would sit idly by while Alberta dismantled medicare. Over and over, Liberals have bashed Alberta and the rest of the West to win votes in central and Atlantic Canada.
Stephane Dion signalled he was prepared to do the same two weeks ago when he began portraying Alberta and Saskatchewan as avaricious polluters who deserved to bear the brunt of his tax plan even though they have just 13% of the national population between them.
This is the same Dion who for at least a decade had been saying a carbon tax was a non-starter in large part because it would be unfair to the West. Now for a few extra votes in Ontario and (he hopes) Quebec, Mr. Dion is prepared to turn on the region, even though just last year he had pledged to be its "best partner" in Ottawa.
Still, no Liberal, with the possible exception of Sen. Davey, has been as obnoxious about his distaste for Albertans and the West as Mr. Turner.
On Thursday, the Halton, Ont., MP said he admired his leader most for having "stood up once to the self-aggrandizing, hostile, me-first, greedy, macho, selfish and Balkanizing separatist losers in Quebec," and for being prepared to "do it again in Alberta."
This provoked a lot of angry responses, not the least from Mr. Dion who called Mr. Turner and chewed him out.
After their call, Mr. Dion insisted that Mr. Turner had "retracted" his offensive remarks. But he did no such thing. He just kept digging.
As of Sunday afternoon, his remarks were still prominently displayed on his Web site and, to make matter worse, he was making new posts repeating his scurrilous charge that separatism is rampant in Alberta.
The closest Mr. Turner came to an apology was to Mr. Dion for the way his remarks made the Liberal leader's task more difficult: "That was not my intention." Talk about self-aggrandizing. Mr. Turner only went that far to save his place in the Liberal caucus.
By Sunday, Mr. Turner was back implying separatism was common among Albertans, and Westerners in general. In full demagogic huff, Mr. Turner said it was a "sad thing" that "ripping separatists" should be so controversial. After all, all he had done was make his "feelings about Western secessionists incorrectly obvious."
But where are these separatists, Mr. Turner?
There are a few Web sites advocating separatism. The odd farmer erects a billboard on his land next to a highway advocating Alberta independence. But no Western province has ever elected a separatist government. No legislature has a sitting separatist MLA (Alberta had one. One. For six months. Twenty-six years ago.) No Western province has held a referendum on sovereignty association. No Western premier has threatened to pull his province from Confederation. And the Reform party -- the most successful Western alienation movement since the Second World War --had as its slogan "The West wants In," not out.
That's not to say there is no resentment or alienation in the West. But it has been dormant lately -- until the Liberals came out with their "Green Shaft" proposal and Mr. Turner, a la Joe McCarthy, began imagining separatists everywhere and setting up separatist straw men to justify his self-serving, antagonistic, look-at-me, tough-guy grandstanding.
Stop digging, Garth, and just admit you were wrong.
This is the first I've heard of it... 550 metric tonnes of "yellowcake", the seed material for a nuclear weapons program, were found and shipped out of Iraq, on the extreme QT... and has ended up in the hands of a Canadian business, in Montreal.
So a question... will this quiet those who say there was no evidence of a WMD program in Iraq?
Labels: Dion
So, we're browsing a used bookstore this past weekend, myself, my wife, and my brother and sister-in-law, when my brother-in-law, who's a huge UFO nut (we got him a NICAP hat for Christmas) came across this old publication...
Anyway, he wasn't going to get it, but I pointed out that he'd never come across something like that again... I figured it had to be a pretty rare find in the UFO culture.
Anyway, he bought it for $20.00... and looked it up on eBay.
Current "Buy-it-Now" price? $184-$199.
I should go into the used book market...
At least one member of the Order is not happy over this disgrace.
From the National Post: "At my age, and with my middling skills, I have not been graced with the time or talent to have attained such a prestigious award. But if I had, and if the same folks who honoured me then chose to celebrate a man for snuffing out little lives, I like to think I would waste no time in telling them where to stick their snowflake. I was proud that my father removed his own hard-earned Order of Canada immediately upon hearing of Morgentaler’s accolade."
Here's hoping he takes it all the way and officially returns the medal, and withdraws from the Order.
Labels: Carbon Tax, Dion, Liberals
Labels: Christian Music