Guelph NDP fire first shot in by-election... and miss
Even though the writ has yet to be dropped, the NDP in Guelph have come out of the gate swinging, firing the first salvo in what looks to be an interesting race in the upcoming by-election... however, it looks like King is a little off target on this one!
NDP candidate Tom King put out a press release yesterday, seeking to make Bill C-61 a local by-election issue. The release even got coverage online at the CBC.
Problem is though, there's a little bit of misinformation that King is perpetuating in order to try and generate outrage amongst the public. King states that, “Under Bill C-61, if you purchase a new computer and move the songs from your ipod to the new computer, the Conservatives believe that is a criminal offence,” said King. “This type of American approach to copyright law does not benefit Canadian consumers, or Canadian artists.” However in actual fact, the bill will expressly allow just the opposite!
For the record, here's the relevant info from the "Private Copying of Music" from Industry Canada's "Copyright Reform Process" page:
Current law
- You can copy music onto audio recording media, such as CDs, mini-discs and audio cassette tapes, for private use. However, current copyright law does not allow you to copy music onto devices such as computers and MP3 players (e.g., iPods).
What the proposed "private copying of music" provision would allow
- What could be copied? — You could make a copy of music you have accessed legally onto devices you own and onto media to use with these devices. However, you could not copy music you have borrowed or rented.
- How many copies could be made? — One copy for each device you own, including your computer, iPod and MP3 player, whether the copy is made directly onto the device or onto a medium such as a DVD or removable memory card to be used in connection with such devices.
- In which format? — Any format (e.g., ".wav" or ".mp3"). In fact, you could alter the format of the file if necessary to copy it onto another device.
- Where could you enjoy your copy? — Anywhere, as long as it's for private purposes.
- Who could use the copy? — Only you could use the copies you make. Members of your family or friends could enjoy them with you, but you could not give away any of the copies. If you were to give away or sell the original material, all the copies you made from that original would have to be destroyed.
Did you catch that? "One copy for each device you own, including your computer, iPod and MP3 player, whether the copy is made directly onto the device or onto a medium such as a DVD or removable memory card to be used in connection with such devices." That statement from Industry Canada right there completely blows apart King's entire argument! He says that you won't be able to move your music from your iPod to a new computer... but the legislation is actually written to expressly ALLOW you to do just that!
Well, we're not even out of the gate, and King has already been exposed for using misinformation to attack his opponents. I must say on that basis, things aren't looking too good for the Guelph NDP, as people generally don't like being lied to by politicians.
At Sat Jul 12, 07:40:00 p.m. EDT,
Kyle said…
Good eye.
At Sun Jul 13, 11:37:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I gotta play devil's advocate on this one (on a Christian blog, no less!)
I would hope that King's gaffe was a genuine mistake NOT intentional misinformation
Think about this, King's team must have known someone, in this case you, would point out "misinformation".
I'm sure having to justify there screw-up under your spotlight is a position they would not WILLINGLY put themselves in
Besides, the issue of C-61 sounds like a non-starter to me
That's my 3 cents, anyway
Mike Wisniewski
At Sun Jul 13, 05:34:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
King states “This type of American approach to copyright law does not benefit Canadian consumers, or Canadian artists.” That should just about sum up his warped view of the world and why misinformation is part of the NDP modus operandi.
At Sun Jul 13, 07:43:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Good catch! The story has also been picked up by Canwest ( should think about writing a letter to the editor...
At Sun Jul 13, 10:26:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
A factual rendering of the intent of the proposed legislation. I do, however, take exception to your final statement: " people generally don't like being lied to by politicians...". Many people must like being lied to because they continue to fall for the drivel that spews from the mouths of the Liberals.
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