The first "BIG" Order of Canada Resignation
This just in from the CBC... former New Brunswick Lieutenant-Governor Gilbert Finn has sent a letter to the Prime Minister and to the Governor General indicating his desire to withdraw from the Order.
"I've sent a note to the prime minister and to the Governor General saying that since Dr. Morgentaler is now a member of the order, I'm returning my insignia and no longer want to be part of the Order," Finn told Radio-Canada in French.Maybe now the Governor General will have to listen to reason, and veto this despicable appointment.
Labels: Order of Canada
At Wed Jul 09, 12:34:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
This fight aint over yet
Mike Wisniewski
At Wed Jul 09, 01:04:00 p.m. EDT,
Joanne (True Blue) said…
How many does that make now who are planning to return their OC or have already done so?
At Wed Jul 09, 01:46:00 p.m. EDT,
Nicol DuMoulin said…
She won't, but hopefully more people will hand theirs in. They should do it soon though before the timing gets thrown off.
At Wed Jul 09, 02:39:00 p.m. EDT,
Babylonian777 said…
Nice to see some Canadians with a firm back.
At Wed Jul 09, 03:10:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Ya know it makes one wonder why the hard questions aren't being asked or ignored completely by the media...? Based on their reasoning at the selection/nomination commity everyone from Cliford Olson to Paul Burnardo and Carla Halmolka and Willy "the pig farmer" Picton should all be up for the award as they all certainly changed the face of Canada today.
Another one would be How many people who have passed away over the last say 20 years are rolling in their graves from this...? It would be interesting to compile a list from what ever records are public on the people who have received the Order of Canada who were anti abortion and see how many of the family members left living today would concider sending the awards back...
Again, Based on the reasoning at the selection/nomination commity everyone from Cliford Olson to Paul Burnardo and Carla Halmolka and Willy "the pig farmer" Picton should all be up for the award as they all certainly changed the face of Canada today.
Just a few thoughts from a former Easterner now Westerner shaking his head at entitled and Liberal appointed Judges back East...WTF were they thinking other then to make this something their buddy's could play up in the next election to make Conservative Anti Abortion activists make the Conservative option look extreme and scary to average Canadians with the sound bites the media is sure to supply them from this.
At Wed Jul 09, 05:55:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Doesn't change my life one bit if they hand them in - who cares? Most don't.
At Thu Jul 10, 09:37:00 p.m. EDT,
Kelly Thatcher said…
Doesn't change my life one bit if they hand them in - who cares? Most don't.
I do. And I'm not a Canadian.
At Fri Jul 11, 01:38:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
"At Wed Jul 09, 05:55:00 PM EDT, Anonymous said…
Doesn't change my life one bit if they hand them in - who cares? Most don't."
Someone who is obviously up for the nomination as an informed, concerned, and involved advocate of taking part in community and public improvements... probably makes sure they get out and vote every Municiple, Provincial, Fedral, and Union sponcered vote...
Please note... sarcasm intended... but then everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how un involved, enlightened or informed they are. That's because many people in 1930's-1940's stood up for freedom and the right to democracy and layed down their lives so uninvolved and uneducated people could have the freedom to be uninformed and uninvolved...
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