Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Did Bob Rae's brother put out a "hit" on Iggy?

LOL... you've got to wonder if John Rae put out a hit on Iggy for his little brother, with a pic like this!
"Oh no... John must have called in a favour from Jean!!!"

Courtesy of FailBus

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

The "Four Prime Ministers" photo... updated!

You've all seen the famous "Four Prime Ministers" photo?

Well, another yet to be famous photo was taken today on the JustVisitingExpress... "Just One Prime Minister", featuring former PM Chretien, Liberal leader Ignatieff, and future leader Justin Trudeau!

Credit goes to Liberal twit adamgoldenberg for taking the pic!

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another Guelph G20 THUG ID'ed by Toronto Police

21 year old Guelph activist/violent thug Kelly Pflug-Back is wanted by the Toronto Police Service, and is to be charged with six counts of mischief over $5,000 upon her arrest.
You might recall her name... she's one of the misfits who assaulted Olympic torch bearer Cortney Hansen back in January.

Guelph residents are asked to encourage Pflug-Back to turn herself in, or contact the G20 Investigative Team at 416-808-0650 with information assisting in her arrest.

UPDATE: She is now thankfully in the custody of police... hopefully for a long time, at least until she realizes how to interact with society in a civil manner.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Warren on Iggy calling Harper the Devil: "Not a good idea"

Another reason I've always liked the guy... he's honest, doesn't pull any punches, and will give an honest evaluation of a political situation... in this case, Iffy's "Sulphur-gate" GAFFE. A good overall analysis of Iggy's overall campaign thus far.

Care to offer an apology yet Mr. Ignatieff?

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Iffy's musings on cancelling F-35 widely panned

Of course, if he'd been here at all over the last three decades, he'd more likely been aware that we ("we", as in "The Canadians") have already been down this road once before...

Jet deal could see Grits crash and burn
Fighter purchase part of Canada's obligation to allies
Remember the Sea Kings
F-35 fighters are the price of sovereignty

Today's rumour is that the last time it happened, it was also Peter Donolo's fault. Which begs an important question for Mr. Ignatieff... sir, why does one of your closest advisors hate the members of our Armed Forces so much that he refuses to EVER allow them to have the equipment they need?

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Warren SUPPORTS scrapping the long-form census

Warren made this interesting statement on his blog last night, and only now does it all make sense... he supports the Harper government's move to scrap the long-form census, citing privacy issues as the reason for his support. (note, I said "supports the Harper government's MOVE", not "supports the government"... a distinction I think he'd appreciate my pointing out)

Last night, he said ‎"I’m not involved with Team Iggy, for reasons that would shortly become become crystal clear, and nor are they involved with me." PERHAPS this is what he's referring to, because today he posted the link to the following video: (of course, another theory is that he's about to sign with SunTV NEWS, but we'll just have to wait and see...)

I'm neither here nor there about this issue.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just Visting Express, Day 3 - Another funny photo

Seriously, the funny photos just keep coming...
Liberal supporter on the left: "WOAH DUDE... I know you're mixing with the "unwashed masses" and all, but most of us still use deodorant..."

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Iffy's Bogus Journey, Day 3 - a UofT Exit Strategy

When I woke up this morning, I was wondering what bad news would befall Iggy on his "Just Visiting Express" today... and that didn't take long. Looks like the University of Toronto has an "exit strategy" already mapped out for him, should he lose the next election. (with the likelyhood of that being about 110%)

Travers: U of T offers Ignatieff an exit plan
Published On Thu Jul 15 2010

It’s not a scheduled stop on this summer’s gruelling bus tour but the University of Toronto is looming as the Liberal leader’s final destination. Michael Ignatieff is being touted as an eventual successor to Janice Gross Stein at the university’s prestigious Munk School of Global Affairs.

Returning to U of T where he has strong ties would provide a soft landing for Ignatieff if the next election doesn’t go well for the Liberal party and its leader.

What might normally be dubbed a "Golden Parachute" might be better referred to as a "Lead Balloon" in this instance.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ignatieff says "cheese" - IT'S PHOTOSHOP TIME!

By now, we've all seen the "cheesy" picture of Ignatieff... looks like it's time for some more Photoshop fun!!!

If anyone is interested in having some fun of their own, here's a blank slate for you...

Fire up the Photoshop folks, it's time to have some fun!!!  Or, should I say, MORE fun... and it's only Day 2 of the "Just Visiting Express" tour!!!  (or, as I like to call it, Iggy-head's Most Ironic Adventure... or maybe Iggy-head's Bogus Journey?)

Stay tuned boys and girls, there's likely LOTS more fun to come!

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Iggy's LiberalExpress bus fixed by... HARPER!!!

Oh how the twists of irony just won't stop for the poor "Just Visiting Express"... it turns out that poor Ignatieff's stricken bus was towed to and repaired by "Harper Diesel" in Cornwall, Ontario.

Yes indeed folks, Iggy's tour is cursed...
Harper saves Liberal bus
By Brian Lilley, Parliamentary Bureau

When Michael Ignatieff’s Liberal Express bus broke down on the first day of his cross-Canada tour, he had to call on Harper for help.

The bus overheated on Hwy. 34 just outside of Hawkesbury, Ont., leaving Ignatieff joking to supporters that “A guy named Stephen Harper was seen running away from the bus with motor oil on his hands.”

While Stephen Harper had no part in the breakdown, a Harper was hired to repair the bus.

Once a second bus arrived to carry passengers, supplies and luggage to Cornwall for a late event Tuesday evening, the Liberal Express was towed to Harper Diesel, a garage specializing in engine parts and repairs for buses and transport trucks.

An employee with Harper Diesel’s Cornwall service centre would only confirm the Liberal Express had been fixed there, adding the irony of Harper fixing Ignatieff’s bus hadn't dawned on him until contacted by QMI Agency.
h/t to Wilson (via the comments)

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ANOTHER delay in Iffy's "Just Visiting Express" tour

Oh man, this tour has GOT to be cursed... according to Ottawa Citizen reporter Matthew Pearson, the OPP have closed the 401 near Brockville, due to truck fire... the Just Visiting Express is facing yet ANOTHER delay.

I've got to admit, following the #lpcx feed is turning out to be MOST entertaining... take this photo, for example, from good old Stephen Taylor... oh how the metaphors write themselves...

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LiberalExpress theme song - Pulp's "Common People"

Oh man, when even the media on the bus are mocking you...

According to Brian Lilley via Twitter, the media on the JustVisitingExpress (err, I mean the LiberalExpress) have selected a "theme song" for the tour... Pulp's "Common People". You HAVE to give it a listen...

Check this rather appropriate part of the lyrics...

I want to live like common people,
I want to do whatever common people do...

Hummm... or one might just say, "I want to meet 'The Canadians'..."

Sing along with the common people,
sing along and it might just get you through,
laugh along with the common people,
laugh along even though they're laughing at you,
and the stupid things that you do.

Because you think that poor is cool.


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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ignateff under the curse of the "Devil-gate"?

Who knows... Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff was forced to abandon his "Just Visiting Express" bus today after it decided to do its impression of his most recent poll numbers... DOA, dead, stuck in the mud, going nowhere, in the ditch, "insert your analogy here", etc.

Not even a full day into his "cross Canada tour" (maybe they'd better scale back their expectations to something more manageable, like "cross-city tour, we hope..."), Michael Ignatieff's tour bus has broken down, forcing him to abandon some reporters at the side of the road. Apparently the transmission has died.

Perhaps some might say it's karma? (if you believe in that sort of thing, that is...)

UPDATE: Looks like I'm not alone with the whole "karma" thing...

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Kelly McParland's SCATHING opinion on Ignatieff's GAFFE

WOW, and you thought I was being harsh... the National Post's Kelly McParland has written the most scathing article to date on Ignatieff's latest GAFFE... and points out that this isn't an isolated incident for "the Arrogant Minded Professor".(TM)

Well folks, it looks like the wheels have fallen off the "Just Visiting Express" tour before Micheal Ignatieff has even boarded the bus.

h/t to Alberta Ardvark
Michael Ignatieff may not be the worst Leader of the Opposition in history — it’s a big field and there are lots of candidates — but he’s certainly in the running for most disappointing. [...]

The Liberal leader’s latest boneheaded move — comparing Stephen Harper to Satan — is more than just a stupid remark. It’s the umpteenth stupid remark, uttered just as he’s setting off on his umpteenth effort to remake his image and win over Canadians. The whole point of the Liberal bus tour, which set off today from Ottawa, was to expose voters to the real, informal, ordinary-guy Ignatieff in hopes they’d warm to him. “Hey look, our leader isn’t really the stiff-assed academic snob he appears to be in Ottawa — that’s all spin invented by the mainstream media and their corporate backers. Mike’s a nice guy when you get to know him! Really.”

So what’s he do? Before he even gets on the bus he heads off to Calgary — Calgary! — and informs everyone who voted for Harper (i.e. all of Alberta) that they’re such total dunderheads they cast their votes for the Prince of Darkness. Here he is in the heartland of Conservatism, Stephen Harper’s adopted home town, trying to lure just a few voters to his party, and the best tactic he can think of is to insult the entire province. What next: Head off to St. John’s and suggest that everyone who votes Tory is a dumb Newfie?

It’s hard to figure this guy. He’s made mistake after mistake after mistake. He signs the coalition pact, insists he’s on side, then repudiates the whole thing later. He stokes a phony election threat, insists he means it despite all common sense, then retreats in embarrassment when it falls flat. He raises issue after issue as a line in the sand, then does nothing when the Tories step over the line and kick sand in his face to boot. His own caucus ignores him, his supposed pal Bob Rae embarrasses him, he fires his advisers to get better advice, and then makes the same dumb mistakes under the new advisers.

He doesn’t seem to learn.

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TorSun, NP, CTV, CBC all reporting on Ignatieff's GAFFE, approaching "GATE" status

It's official... with most of the major MSM players reporting on Ignatieff's "devilish" GAFFE at the Calgary Stampede, what was initially a low-blow attack on the Prime Minister has now worked it's way up to a "GATE" status... which is it folks? "Devil-gate", "Satan-gate", or "Sulphur-gate"?

Credit goes to the first out of the gate Toronto Sun on this one, can't wait for SunTV News. Second was the National Post, who had "the quote" on their front page today. As a result, CTV was forced to question him on it when he appeared on Canada AM (see video), where he tried to simply dismiss the comments as "a joke". (Canadians aren't laughing at your negative, attacking, Republican-style humour, Mr. Ignatieff). With many of the major players having commented on it, the CBC was, of course, left to play catchup, unable to defend Ignatieff's gaffe by simply ignoring it any longer.

Let's review what we've seen so far... first was the Toronto Sun:
"Ignatieff kicked off his summer tour in Calgary by touting the Liberal’s “positive message” and then compared Prime Minister Stephen Harper to the devil, "You know you smell the whiff of sulfur coming off the guy.” In literature, the whiff of sulfur is often used to describe the devil and someone as well read as Ignatieff should know to choose his words more carefully."

National Post
, today's front page:
Political rhetoric burns with fire and brimstone
Joe O'Connor, National Post · Tuesday, Jul. 13, 2010

There will be no retraction, no apology offered and no backing down for Michael Ignatieff, who kicked off a cross-Canada tour in Calgary by likening Prime Minister Stephen Harper to the devil.

Speaking to an audience of Liberal supporters at a Stampede breakfast on Saturday the official leader of the Opposition let fly, saying Canadians "can smell the whiff of sulphur" coming off the Conservative PM, a putrid scent most often associated with rotten eggs and — in Christian theology — Satan himself.

Michael O'Shaughnessy, Mr. Ignatieff's press secretary, stuck by his boss's verbal blast on Monday when pressed to elaborate. In an email, he said that the whiff of sulphur is "quite evident when one faces the Conservative government on a daily basis."
CTV - Video only, in which he tries to simply dismiss his blunder, can be accessed here.

And finally, the CBC:
However, political observers say Ignatieff's 2010 bus trip might not move his poll numbers much and come with risks, such as gaffes by the leader or, even worse, no one showing up.

Ignatieff already generated controversy over the weekend at the Calgary Stampede when he was quoted as comparing Harper to the devil, saying "Canadians can smell the whiff of sulphur coming off this guy."
And if he's just apologized on Sunday, when it was first reported, it would have been a non-issue... but now we're into DAY THREE of reporting on this gaffe, and the chorus is only growing louder.

Way to draw attention to your bus tour Mr. Ignatieff... making absolutely sure that everyone knows you blew it right out of the gate. Just issue an apology, (or a typical political "non-apology" apology) and get it over with.

UPDATE: The National Post's Kelly McParland has chimed in over the brewing controversy... "Maybe Ignatieff's just not that smart".
"The Liberal leader’s latest boneheaded move — comparing Stephen Harper to Satan — is more than just a stupid remark. It’s the umpteenth stupid remark, uttered just as he’s setting off on his umpteenth effort to remake his image and win over Canadians. The whole point of the Liberal bus tour, which set off today from Ottawa, was to expose voters to the real, informal, ordinary-guy Ignatieff in hopes they’d warm to him. “Hey look, our leader isn’t really the stiff-assed academic snob he appears to be in Ottawa — that’s all spin invented by the mainstream media and their corporate backers. Mike’s a nice guy when you get to know him! Really.”

So what’s he do? Before he even gets on the bus he heads off to Calgary — Calgary! — and informs everyone who voted for Harper (i.e. all of Alberta) that they’re such total dunderheads they cast their votes for the Prince of Darkness. Here he is in the heartland of Conservatism, Stephen Harper’s adopted home town, trying to lure just a few voters to his party, and the best tactic he can think of is to insult the entire province. What next: Head off to St. John’s and suggest that everyone who votes Tory is a dumb Newfie?

It’s hard to figure this guy. He’s made mistake after mistake after mistake. He signs the coalition pact, insists he’s on side, then repudiates the whole thing later. He stokes a phony election threat, insists he means it despite all common sense, then retreats in embarrassment when it falls flat. He raises issue after issue as a line in the sand, then does nothing when the Tories step over the line and kick sand in his face to boot. His own caucus ignores him, his supposed pal Bob Rae embarrasses him, he fires his advisers to get better advice, and then makes the same dumb mistakes under the new advisers.

He doesn’t seem to learn.

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Ignatieff GAFFE gets bigger, Liberal spokesman now calls ALL Conservative MP's "devils"!

Somehow, the Liberals find a way to make a small problem even WORSE... Ignatieff spokesman Michael O'Shaughnessy now says that ALL Conservative MP's are "devils"!!!
Michael O'Shaughnessy, Mr. Ignatieff's press secretary, stuck by his boss's verbal blast on Monday when pressed to elaborate. In an email, he said that the whiff of sulphur is "quite evident when one faces the Conservative government on a daily basis."
Unbelievable... once again, the Liberals manage to turn a one day story into a two or three day story!

It was low-blow, Republican-style gutter politics when the Leader of the Opposition alluded to the Right Hon. Prime Minister being Satan himself... but now to turn around and imply that ALL the MP's in the Government are the "spawn of Satan"?

Talk about being completely out of touch with reality, or the views of Canadians in general... before this incident, only the extreme lunatic left-wing would stoop to such rhetoric. Very few Canadians would echo these outlandish sentiments, or even consider agreeing with the comparison. But now they seem to be making it part of the "official" Liberal platform... "The Harper Conservatives are not only mean-spirited people with a hidden agenda, but they're the spawn of Satan himself!!!"

Hey, haven't we seen this one before? Oh yea, we have... remember Rick Mercer's spoof ad from the 2006 election? (not on YouTube anymore!)
"Stephen Harper owns a dragon... he keeps it in a shed"
"Stephen Harper drinks his own blood... we saw him"
"We're not making this up... we're not allowed to make things up"

Yea, we're really not making this up... these aren't the funny spoof comments of a CBC comedian. These are the kinds of things that a man who wants to be Prime Minister of our great nation says of his opponents. So here's my question... do you really want that kind of guy running the country? Someone who will figuratively, and quite literally it would seem, demonize his opponents?

I don't think Canadians are up for that. Mr. Ignatieff, your attack was DISGUSTING. It's time to apologize.

UPDATE: First, Ignatieff spokesman Micheal O'Shaughnessy tried to pass off the comment saying Iggy was talking about "rotten eggs" when he said "smell of sulfur". Ammm, RIIIIIGHT... you're telling me a "learned" Harvard professor didn't understand the implications of the analogy he was using? I find that hard to believe.

And besides, if that's true Mr. O'Shaughnessy, why did your Leader feel the need to tell Canada AM that his comment was "just a joke"??? (looking for footage)

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Monday, July 12, 2010

MSM reports on Ignatieff gaffe, said Harper is "Satan"

The Toronto Sun has reported on Ignatieff's "devilish" attack on PM Harper on Saturday, where he likened Mr. Harper to Satan himself. Still no apology from Mr. Ignatieff for perhaps the lowest blow ever struck in Canadian politics. Glad to see that at least on MSM outlet has picked up on this serious gaffe that was reported yesterday.

From today's Toronto Sun:
Ignatieff kicked off his summer tour in Calgary by touting the Liberal’s “positive message” and then compared Prime Minister Stephen Harper to the devil, "You know you smell the whiff of sulfur coming off the guy.” In literature, the whiff of sulfur is often used to describe the devil and someone as well read as Ignatieff should know to choose his words more carefully.
Why rookie Liberal leader Michael Ignetieff has decided to take a play out of Venuzeulan dictator Hugo Chavez's book, I have no idea. But what we do know is this... it is perhaps the first time a Canadian politician has stooped so low as to publicly accuse his opponent of being evil incarnate.

More to come as this serious gaffe gets more coverage.

UPDATE: Liberal peons are already trying to defend their hapless leader's remarks... this, amm, not so clever response from Harper hater Jennifer McMackon's Twitter,
Jatsimpleposie @ChristianConsrv Maybe you're just so accustomed to the smell of #cpc you don't notice it. #cdnpoli

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ignatieff compares PM Harper to Satan?

In parroting leftist dictator Hugo Chavez, rookie Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has made perhaps his biggest political blunder EVER, when he on Saturday pulled a "Hugo Chavez" and made allusions to Mr. Harper being the Devil incarnate.

Ignatieff's quote from the Toronto Sun:
The Liberal leader said his party is the only one that owns the centre of Canada’s political spectrum, noting Canadians can “smell the whiff of sulfur coming off” of Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Why on earth is Iffy taking a page out of Hugo Chavez little red book?

If you recall, Chavez made the same comparision to George W. Bush, stating "I can still smell the sulfur up here", in reference to the fact that Chaves made his speech to the UN from the same spot, shortly after Bush did.

Canadian politics, of course, is a rough and tumble game. But I don't recall a Leader of any policital party publicly stating that the Prime Minister is the embodiment of evil itself. Wrongheaded, stupid, narrow-minded, mean-spirited, these are all terms that have been used of Leaders in the past, and are of course subject to opinion and debate. But calling someone "the Devil"? That's unheard of in Canadian politics. Some might say it's a more Republican style of attack... maybe Iggy picked it up from his buddies south of the border?

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff owes our Right Hon. Prime Minister a public apology, for his despicable, baseless, and out-of-bounds personal attack on Mr. Harper.

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Liberal/NDP Coalition via Facebook?

Okay, I got by far the weirdest "Recommended Pages" suggestion from Facebook today... Facebook suggested that since I "like" Jack Layton's page (which is no secret, I respect the guy) that I might want to consider "liking" Michael Ignatieff's fan page. Why? Here's precicely what it said...
You catch that?  "Many who like Jack Layton like him". Isn't that interesting... many of Jack Layton's fans are also Michael Ignatieff fans. So it wouldn't be a stretch to suggest that NDP supporters are also Liberal supporters, would it not?

Of course, this little screen shot helps verify something that we've all know for a long time... that NDP supporters are also CBC supporters. I mean, it's not like NDPers would bother to listen if it wasn't left leaning...

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Friday, July 09, 2010

CTV makes a poor choice in selecting Laflamme

Okay folks, here's my two cents on CTV's announcement... they've made a poor choice, because I lost all respect for Lisa Laflamme due to her blatantly biased reporting at a Paul Martin event during the 2006 Federal Election... an event which I posted on that very evening.

I was outside a Liberal event one evening, where a small crowd of left-wing protesters had gathered to criticize the Martin Government. They had gathered on the sidewalk, blocking his path from the campaign bus to the pub where he was going to make a speech. The RCMP kept him on the bus for a few minutes, and then had to push through the protesters to make a path to get him in.

In the ensuing melee, CTV's Lisa Lafaemme was nearly knocked over by the protesters. In fact, I recall that someone had to catch her so she didn't fall on her butt on the sidewalk. (she managed to duck into an entryway to avoid being trampled)

With such bedlam having occurred, I looked forward to seeing the report that evening. However, giving her report on the air that evening, NOT A WORD WAS MENTIONED ABOUT THE PROTEST. And why was that, I asked myself? I think it was because it would have looked bad for the Liberals, naturally. Sorry, but if she refused to report the REAL news that night, then I simply can't trust her to deliver the REAL news to the nation.

As such, I have come to the conclusion that CTV has made a poor choice in selecting Liberal Laflamme for Lloyd's post.

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Thursday, July 08, 2010

My prediction on Iffy correct... 23%

EKOS numbers are out today, and they don't look good for the Liberals... Team IFFY is down to just 23%... even AFTER all the G20 "Fake Lake" garbage. Just for the record, that's LOWER than Dion's WORST numbers.

May I direct your attention to my prediction from September of 2009...
"I say he'll at least best (worst?) Dion's numbers by a point... 23% is my guess."

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to... the candidates for Mayor?

One thing I just LOVE about campaigns... the humour that some folks come up with online! Check out!

Here's their first entry into the political humour videos... looking forward to more!

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