Iffy's musings on cancelling F-35 widely panned
Of course, if he'd been here at all over the last three decades, he'd more likely been aware that we ("we", as in "The Canadians") have already been down this road once before...
Jet deal could see Grits crash and burn
Fighter purchase part of Canada's obligation to allies
Remember the Sea Kings
F-35 fighters are the price of sovereignty
Today's rumour is that the last time it happened, it was also Peter Donolo's fault. Which begs an important question for Mr. Ignatieff... sir, why does one of your closest advisors hate the members of our Armed Forces so much that he refuses to EVER allow them to have the equipment they need?
Jet deal could see Grits crash and burn
Fighter purchase part of Canada's obligation to allies
Remember the Sea Kings
F-35 fighters are the price of sovereignty
Today's rumour is that the last time it happened, it was also Peter Donolo's fault. Which begs an important question for Mr. Ignatieff... sir, why does one of your closest advisors hate the members of our Armed Forces so much that he refuses to EVER allow them to have the equipment they need?
At Sat Jul 17, 10:44:00 a.m. EDT,
Kit said…
Donolo needs to receive far more scrutiny for his decisions, actions and influence on the Liberal mind. If he is willing to sell out his country's ability to defend its sovereignty for a two percent gain in the polls... he will sell anything for power.
This scum needs to be purged.
At Sat Jul 17, 11:22:00 a.m. EDT,
Oxford County Liberals said…
Right, and you're conveniently ignoring the columnists who question this decision - ie Jeffery Simpson in the Globe and Jim Travers in the Star to name a couple.
Further to that - A 16 billion $ sole source contract? Buying fighter jets with a sole engine on it - and claiming the single engine will never malfunction and crash while flying over the Arctic, as Peter MacKay so obtusely claimed?
There's EVERY reason to question this decision... good on Iggy for doing so.
At Sat Jul 17, 11:24:00 a.m. EDT,
Oxford County Liberals said…
Kit: There is nothing unpatriotic about questioning whether we overpaid for this, and worse, bought the wrong piece of equipment. I realize Conservative like to demagogue on this issue, but you're a fool for suggesting Donolo or the Liberals or anyone else questioning the wiseness of this decision is "unpatriotic" or "scum"
At Sat Jul 17, 11:25:00 a.m. EDT,
Jo said…
Purge Donolo?!? Why? He and Mr Ziffy are doing their best to give Canada a majority Conservative government!
At Sat Jul 17, 11:46:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Certainly a good try there Scott, but are you advocating that Count Iffy would open up the bidding process to his Mother Russia's planes? Since of course they're pretty much the only other suitable product on the market.
Secondly, my view on this goes something like this... there's already been an EXTENSIVE process undertaken, in part by us, along with the US Air Force, to get "the best plane" for all NATO nations. I figure if the US Air Force is comfortable with a single engine design, it's not going to be a big deal.
It just looks to me like your guy is trying to armchair quarterback this thing, meanwhile the Harper Government has the DND to advise him on this one. Yea, my money is on the Feds, not your Arrogant Minded Professor.
It's the Sea King fiasco all over again dude, and it's your Liberal Party once again attacking the military. May be a vote getter for your anti-war left, but it's the wrong move for our soverign nation, to ensure that we remain a soverign nation.
At Sat Jul 17, 11:54:00 a.m. EDT,
rozensblag said…
Scott, much has changed in the last 35 years since F/18 was designed. There is just no room for second engine with all the new systems crammed into F/35.
At Sat Jul 17, 12:15:00 p.m. EDT,
wilson said…
Iffy will flip flop on this issue, once his magical bus tour gets to Quebec.
The Bloc figures 1/2 of the $12Billion in spin off contracts should go to Quebec.
Iffy will appease.
Iffy once said that Canadians were 'herbivorean boy scouts'.
I guess he has changed his mind, again.
Must be hard for Iffy to do 180 on the military, just to suck up to the Dippers, eh.
At Sat Jul 17, 12:40:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
We will spend twice as much on the CBC over the same time period.
$16 billion over 20 years for aircraft or $32 billion over 20 years for biased news and other CBC garbage.
At Sat Jul 17, 01:34:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Tribe's concerns about a single engine plane falling from the sky must arise from his experiences watching Sea Kings dropping into the ocean after the Liberals canceled the Conservatives order for replacements.
At Sat Jul 17, 02:18:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Purchasing 5th generation fighter jets is not in the same league as purchasing 10 thousand computers for the bureaucracy. As I understand, Canada was one of several allied countries that formed a consortium to select and purchase this jet and the competitive process has been ongoing for years. Indeed, it was Chretien who initiated Canada's contribution to the whole process. Of course, Liberals won't let logic in the way when it comes to slamming any decision taken by the Conservatives.
Louise M.
At Sun Jul 18, 07:25:00 p.m. EDT,
Fred from BC said…
Powell lucas said…
Mr. Tribe's concerns about a single engine plane falling from the sky must arise from his experiences watching Sea Kings dropping into the ocean after the Liberals canceled the Conservatives order for replacements.
That's a minor concern at best, since many more things can fail to bring the aircraft down than just the engine...the fuel system, the electronics, the hydraulics, etc.
As for Scott Tribe, he is best ignored. Anyone so cowardly as to ban dissenting opinions from his own blog isn't worth debating when he ventures out troll someone else's...
At Tue Jul 20, 11:02:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
You know, considering that all I hear from Tory supporters is how irrelevant Ignatieff is, it's curious how you all seem to spend every waking moment slamming the guy.
Instead of slamming Ignatieff incessantly like crazed Republicans after Obama, why not brag about the great things the Conservatives have done so far...oh wait..nevermind.
At Thu Jul 22, 10:16:00 p.m. EDT,
Fred from BC said…
Anonymous said...
You know, considering that all I hear from Tory supporters is how irrelevant Ignatieff is, it's curious how you all seem to spend every waking moment slamming the guy.
Well, it's kinda hard to ignore him when he's out there making all these stupid statements all the time. Does he ever go more than two days without someone in the Liberal Party having to apologize or 'explain' his words?
Instead of slamming Ignatieff incessantly like crazed Republicans after Obama, why not brag about the great things the Conservatives have done so far...oh wait..nevermind.
Here you go:
(you're welcome...)
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