ANOTHER delay in Iffy's "Just Visiting Express" tour
Oh man, this tour has GOT to be cursed... according to Ottawa Citizen reporter Matthew Pearson, the OPP have closed the 401 near Brockville, due to truck fire... the Just Visiting Express is facing yet ANOTHER delay.
I've got to admit, following the #lpcx feed is turning out to be MOST entertaining... take this photo, for example, from good old Stephen Taylor... oh how the metaphors write themselves...

I've got to admit, following the #lpcx feed is turning out to be MOST entertaining... take this photo, for example, from good old Stephen Taylor... oh how the metaphors write themselves...

Labels: iffy, irony, Just Visiting Express, Liberals
At Wed Jul 14, 11:57:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Try to stay on topic Anonymous, if you have news tips, e-mail them to cc[at]christianconservative[dot]ca... but yes, I saw that already.
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