On the Convention Floor
Winnipeg is a blast... Protesters showed up, only a couple dozen. Blogging from a friend's Blackberry, so keeping it short. Met Dr Roy, Atheist Conservative, PomoChristian, and a couple others. Met Marlene Jennings too, she's here.
More later, time to vote on Policy.
More later, time to vote on Policy.
Labels: CPC
At Sat Nov 15, 03:08:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Hey, I saw them too. There's always some anti-poverty (read anarchist) group protesting something. By the way, we're up in the "media" section.
At Sat Nov 15, 03:55:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Now that the Conservative Party convention has passed the “protection of women” resolution, how can our socially leftist Prime Minister, presume that genuine small-c conservatives will vote for him when he blatantly supports, and even ostensibly promotes, feticide?
With our liberal Prime Minister Harper as our leader, innocent, babies will continue to be butchered by the uncivilized savages who execute feticide merely because new babies may be a life-style altering nuisance.
How can any self-defined civilized, conservative politician criticize and rebuke history's mass murders like Hitler, Mugabe and Al Qaeda and then adopt a policy that promotes the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent
What kind of un-civilized leader did legitimate small c- fiscal and social conservatives elect to lead us? Principled fiscal/social conservatives, rather than those who simply want to enhance the ambitions of a PM who sells his soul for a title, will indubitably remain at home next election day.
At Sat Nov 15, 04:54:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I'm probably just showing my ignorance here...
but I thought Marlene Jennings was a Liberal.
Just curious
At Sun Nov 16, 05:20:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Very good MW... you get another cookie. ;-)
I guess she's the Liberal who drew the short straw and got the assignment to spy on us.
At Mon Nov 17, 10:41:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I wasn't going for a cookie.
I was just wondering how she got in the door if she was a Liberal.
P.S. Sorry for your loss
At Mon Nov 17, 11:13:00 a.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Thanks MW. And we let her in, gave her ID credentials, just like the media or other bloggers.
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