FINALLY, is all I can say. The Tories have introduced proposed changes to the Elections Act... which all parties, at this point, have agreed to support.
I just hope that they give scruitineers back the ability to challenge voters, and to make a request to the DRO that the voter provide ID.
I live in a University town. At my poll during the last election, I am SURE that some voter fraud occured, but I had nothing to go on to prove it. One university aged voter came up to the table, used a bill to prove his proof of address, and then said "Who's the local Liberal candidate? I don't know, I'm from Toronto." The DRO wisely responded "The candidate's name and party is on the ballot." (maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was standing right there, but who knows...)
"I'M FROM TORONTO"!?!?!?!?!? Then what the heck are you doing casting a ballot in MY riding? Why are you allowed to cast a ballot here, after you have just openly admitted that this is not your primary place of residence? Of course, he was allowed to vote... for the local Liberal, who eventually won the riding. There was nothing I could do to stop or challenge him. The poll I was at had a large number of University students, and had a much higher number of voters show up than the other polls I was monitoring... and had a significantly higher percentage of Liberal votes that all the other polls in the neighbourhood. Call me suspicious if you will, but something sure smelled funny that day...
I've said all along that I, as an election monitor, need the ability to ask that voters provide ID as proof of residence. Reason is that the MAJORITY of university voters still have their licenses and/or health cards registered to Mom and Dad's... mainly to get a break on car insurance. Well then, my dear student, you can't have it both ways! You are only eligiable, by law, to vote in your riding of PRIMARY RESIDENCE. So, is it back with Mom and Dad in Toronto, where your Liberal vote will make virtually no difference, or is it here in my town, where it will UNFAIRLY tip the balance in favour of the Liberal Party of Canada?
Forcing them to prove their place of residence would have a nice detering factor... get caught trying to vote in a riding that's not your primary residence, and you could get fined by Elections Canada... which would be a nice little reward for most activist students who try to unfairly usurp our democratic right to vote.
Basic premise of my post? STUDENTS SHOULD BE FORCED TO VOTE IN THEIR HOME RIDING, and should not be able to pick and choose where they cast their vote. Those who are of an activist mentality, of which there are MANY in this town, knowingly use that ability to "stop the regressive neo-cons!" as they put it... or, as I put it, unfairly tip the balance to a candidate that the majority of legitimate residents in this town didn't vote for.
Since none of the rest of us have that option of picking where we cast our ballot, nor should they. They can cast their vote for their home riding on any day after the writ has been dropped at the local Elections Canada office, or by mail, if need be.
I think each and every person in this country should make themselves aware of the issues and should vote... I would not ever want to be accused of trying to take away someone's right to vote. But changes need to be made, so here's hoping.