PM Harper - "Quebec a nation, within a united Canada"
"Here! Here!" Even the Liberal stood to that statement.
The Prime Minister was forced to comment on the issue that is tearing the Liberals appart, since the Bloc Quebecois were planning to introduce a motion asking the Government to recognize Quebec as a nation.
He upstaged them by making a brilliant statement, which I was able to watch live. The Liberals rose to applaud the statement. In reply, Bill Graham affirmed the Liberals full agreement with Mr. Harper's statement... and the Conservatives also rose to applaud his comments.
Irony for you... the Bloc force the issue in Parliament, and Mr. Harper comes riding to the rescue of the divided Liberal Party... watch the leadership candidates all sign on to Mr. Harper's statement. Any of them who disagree with it will get roasted, and if they agree to it, they're giving credit to Mr. Harper.
Thank you very much Messr. Duceppe... you just dealt our Prime Minister a winning card for the next election!
The Prime Minister was forced to comment on the issue that is tearing the Liberals appart, since the Bloc Quebecois were planning to introduce a motion asking the Government to recognize Quebec as a nation.
He upstaged them by making a brilliant statement, which I was able to watch live. The Liberals rose to applaud the statement. In reply, Bill Graham affirmed the Liberals full agreement with Mr. Harper's statement... and the Conservatives also rose to applaud his comments.
Irony for you... the Bloc force the issue in Parliament, and Mr. Harper comes riding to the rescue of the divided Liberal Party... watch the leadership candidates all sign on to Mr. Harper's statement. Any of them who disagree with it will get roasted, and if they agree to it, they're giving credit to Mr. Harper.
Thank you very much Messr. Duceppe... you just dealt our Prime Minister a winning card for the next election!
At Wed Nov 22, 04:05:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
He stole it from Iggy.
At Wed Nov 22, 04:16:00 p.m. EST,
Jeff said…
it'll take alot more than that to give harper the support he needs in quebec to gain a majority.
At Wed Nov 22, 04:30:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I believe Ignatieff was the one who coined the "nation within a united Canada". Are you going to re-submit your post now to give him credit instead of Harper?
At Wed Nov 22, 04:37:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
If Ignatieff knows what he is doing at any time that's news. He is much more like Iggy Pop-appears to be on drugs with his off base comments. Proves he should have stayed in the US where such comments do not receive any attention
At Wed Nov 22, 04:42:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Harper expanded upon it with more clarity than anyone else has.
I was more commenting on how Harper upstaged the BQ with the statement, and now, instead of people saying they agree or disagree with Iggy, they will be saying that they agree with Harper... upstaging everyone.
Like I said, the irony is, at the Liberal convention, they will be lining themselves up with Harper on this one, just you wait and see. Since the other leadership candidates don't necessarily want to line up with Iggy, Harper's statement will give them an out... allowing them to "unify" the party on the issue, but the credit will end up going to Harper.
At Wed Nov 22, 04:44:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Besides... who do you think will make the 6:00 news tonight? Iggy or Harper? ;-)
At Wed Nov 22, 04:45:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
It reminds of the Clarity Act. Preston Manning and the Reform Party wote the Clarity Act and now it is supposed to be one of the shining moments of the Chretien government and Dion. Funny how things work out.
At Wed Nov 22, 04:54:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Indeed, wasn't it actually Stephen Harper who formulated the ideas for the Clarity Act while with the Reform party, before he went to the NCC?
At Wed Nov 22, 05:04:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
The Clarity Act was indeed based upon the ideas of one man known today as The Right Honourable Stephen Joseph Harper.
At Wed Nov 22, 05:22:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
As a former Reform support I can tell you this issue has made me so upset I'll be sitting on my hands next election, even if it means the Liberals win.
At Wed Nov 22, 07:21:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Time for Alberta to check out! The hell with this C--P!!!
At Wed Nov 22, 07:42:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
This was a bad idea. It plays to the separatist (i.e. isolationist) segment of Quebec. It is elitist, arrogant and pandering to a community that feels they are some how "more equal" than the rest of Canada. Harper is vote buying to the detriment of the rest of Canada and it lowers my opinion of the man.
At Wed Nov 22, 08:15:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Not so jgriffin316... the BQ had the motion on the order paper to introduce into the House of Commons... he was backed into a corner on the issue. I think he did, by far, the best job with the cards dealt to him...
Like good old Kirk in Star Trek II, turning a no-win situation into a winning strategy. Even CBC gave him cudos on it... and I quote... "The Liberals have been wrestling over the Quebec nation question for weeks now, unable to make a come up with a clear statement on the issue... it's taken the Conservative government just one day."
At Wed Nov 22, 08:29:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I don't base my opinion on the rantings at the CBC. Harper just caved to the separatists in order to buy a few votes. Giving one group of Canadians even perceived status or privileges over other Canadians is not right, not just and not Canadian.
At Wed Nov 22, 08:41:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
What exactly did he mean by "nation?" I'm not sure that this is a good thing. Personally I think that somebody needs to tell Quebec that they are no more special than the rest of Canada and that they need to get off their high horse. That or they need to hurry up and leave Canada and see just how well they do on their own.
At Wed Nov 22, 09:28:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Drew, Harper made a very clear distinction in his statement by stating that "The Quebecois constitute a nation within a united Canada"... specifically mentioning the PEOPLE in a socialical context, NOT a geographical context. He used their own statement and turned it against them. Brilliant, if you ask me.
At Wed Nov 22, 10:06:00 p.m. EST,
Liam O'Brien said…
It's not just the right thing for political strategy. It's the right thing for this country.
Quebec IS a nation. It's time for Canadians to realize that this isn't a threatening or dangeorus thing. The danger comes from refusing to respect that fact.... a fact believed in by the federalist premier of Quebec. Good for Mr. Harper. Thank you for a step towards a new and better and more mature federalism!
At Wed Nov 22, 10:15:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Again, what exactly does everyone mean here when they are using the word "nation" when referring to Quebec?
At Wed Nov 22, 10:23:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
What do you mean "Quebec IS a nation"? The most common definition of nation is a geopolitical, sovereign, territory with an independent government. Nations are given the right of self-determination and autonomy. How can Quebec be "nation" and remain within Canada, respecting its laws and federal government?
At Wed Nov 22, 10:41:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Drew, the definition of "nation" is the debate that has gripped and torn appart the Liberal Party for weeks now.
As for the definition of "nation" being debated here, Mr. Harper was referring clearly to the distinct CULTURAL/sociologial definition, and clearly ruled out a "soverign country" definition... basically, he took the Bloc's soverigntist motion, turned it around, and was able to acknowledge the distinct cultrual differences of the Quebeois, while advocating for a strong and united nation... Canada.
He waded into trecherous waters, and I think he'll come out a winner on this one.
I mean, come on... he's got both the Liberals and the NDP covering his back, and turned the motion of the seperatists against themselves, all in one short speech... not bad for a day at the office!
At Wed Nov 22, 11:22:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I dunno. By this almost meaningless definition Canada is filled with all sorts of different "nations." Mostly, though, I'm worried that this means we'll do even more pandering to Quebec than we already are. Personally I think what we need to do is stop giving in every time they whine and not give them any more special recognition or privileges than any other part of Canada. If they separate over that so be it. They won't make it on their own and will have to come crawling back to us because the US sure won't give in to their whining if they were to try to join with America when their economy fails.
At Sat Nov 25, 03:00:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"I don't base my opinion on the rantings at the CBC. Harper just caved to the separatists in order to buy a few votes."
If that's the case why is Duceppe and the Bloc sooooo pissed off at Harper right now?
"What do you mean "Quebec IS a nation"? The most common definition of nation is a geopolitical, sovereign, territory with an independent government."
No, that would be a nation-state. In french especially (I am told) the term nation does not necessarily indicate a politcal entity.
At Mon Nov 27, 11:54:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
If that's the case why is Duceppe and the Bloc sooooo pissed off at Harper right now?
Because Harper bought some votes. Because his plan to use this for short term gain failed. Because he didn't plan for it.
I'm not arguing the short term success of Harper's move. I just want to know what he is going to say when the Bloc or the PQ state that since even Ottawa thinks Quebecers are a nation that it is time for Quebec to take the next logical step and declare its' independence.
I also want to know why other groups, such as the Cree, Haida or Metis can not also lay claim to the title of 'Nation within Canada'.
finition of nation is a geopolitical, sovereign, territory with an independent government."
No, that would be a nation-state. In french especially (I am told) the term nation does not necessarily indicate a politcal entity.
I don't think I have ever heard "our great nation-state" in a speech before. In English, nation has been synonymous with state for many years. I'm not sure how this resolution will eliminate that meaning.
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