Planning to see "Borat"?
Read THIS first.
Good old Hollywood, making comedy for us at the expense of the poor of the world. Nice, eh?
Good old Hollywood, making comedy for us at the expense of the poor of the world. Nice, eh?
I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.
At Tue Nov 14, 11:40:00 a.m. EST,
Road Hammer said…
Looks like someone went to the Michael Moore school of filmmaking.
At Tue Nov 14, 03:19:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
And I'm sure none of us are wearing anything made in the third world like Nike shoes, eh? Exploiting the poor is something everyone is involved in.
At Tue Nov 14, 03:32:00 p.m. EST,
Ryan Schmitz said…
I really don't want to defend Cohen at all, but there is a lot of history with the gypsy in Romania. A great majority of this segment of the population are out to make a buck in any way possible and I think that this is their new angle.
They are very poor people, but the decisions they continue to make, generation after generation cause th bulk of the problems they face.
At Wed Nov 15, 11:16:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I saw Borat on the weekend. I knew it would be crude and push the envelope.
Around the "running of the Jews" I saw the first person get up and leave in disgust. After the 10 minute long naked rumble between Borat and his 400lb collegue, I wanted to do the same.
However, one of the most disturbing scenes for me was when Borat checked out a southern evangelical church service, where he fawned speaking in tongues, to the cheers of the accolites. Some Christians look more like brainwashed cult followers, then seekers of The Way. Yikes!
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