Get ready for "All Fear, All the Time"
The Liberals, in a desperate bid to change the channel and cling to their current seat totals, are prepping to "Go Negative" right out of the gate when the writ is dropped on Sunday.
In today's Globe & Mail, Liberal MP Denis Coderre was quoted saying, "Canadians … will always have a thought in the back of their mind, which is, ‘Imagine if this were a majority Conservative government'," and the Liberal party's national campaign co-chairman, Senator David Smith, said: “A lot of people will be thinking that to themselves. But I'm not saying it.”
In what's likely just a precursor to the upcoming Liberal "Fear and Smear" campaign, Guelph Liberal candidate Frank Valeriote revved up the tired old themes we've heard over and over again from his morally (and financially) bankrupt Liberal Party.
In several debates last week, he brought up the age old themes of lies, smear, and fear, hoping to scare voters into supporting him, rather than providing them with concrete reasons for hope in his candidacy. Many of his statements of attack were made in a very angry manner, revealing what appeared to be an inner hatred of his political opponents... certainly not what I'd consider a "hopeful" perspective, to be sure.
There was also a very ironic, if not hypocritical, statement made by Mr. Valeriote during the debates, on the subject of "hope". During one of the debates, each of the candidates was asked who they would support for President in the US election, if they could vote. Mr. Valeriote said without reservation that he would support Obama, but when he elaborated on why, he said something to the effect of, "Because he is running on a platform of hope." Meanwhile, in his smearing attacks on his main rival, he offers no vision or "hope" for the people of Guelph... only fear and hatred. Truly sad, and hypocritical, to be sure.
I'm reviewing the video, and am hoping to have a compilation of all his negative attacks put together sometime this weekend.
At Sat Sep 06, 02:20:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
In today's Globe & Mail, Liberal MP Denis Coderre was quoted saying, "Canadians … will always have a thought in the back of their mind, which is, ‘Imagine if this were a majority Conservative government',"
Damned straight Denny, that thought has been in my constantly over the last couple of years, and this year, G-d willing, it will come true.
At Sat Sep 06, 02:23:00 p.m. EDT,
wilson said…
"Canadians … will always have a thought in the back of their mind, which is, ‘Imagine if this were a majority Conservative government',"
LOL. Dion and Duceppe are so freaked out, they have given PMSH a gift.
Time to answer the question.
PMSH has 35 days to tell Canadians what a Harper majority will look like.
Dummies, that why you do the scary stuff at the END of a campaign, so the opponent can't answer, just react.
"Because he is running on a platform of hope."
I liked the Republican reply:
'Hope is not a strategy.'
At Sat Sep 06, 02:29:00 p.m. EDT,
Babylonian777 said…
I think it will be fair to say............this may be the ugliest and most messy campaign in Canadian history. Not sure how one guages that, but in my opion at least, it will be.
lol, should be fun!
some things I want to hear from the Camels mouth himself (Harper)........."Left+Wing+Radical+Hidden+Agenda"
Too bad we DON'T KNOW who from the Quebec party received the Adscam cash, but it would be nice right about know who it was, that would really put the liberal party to sleep for good.
At Sat Sep 06, 06:44:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Keep reminding people that there is a very real possibility of a liberal minority,
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