About Me
- Name: Christian Conservative
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm a Born-Again Christian, redeemed by the shed blood of the risen and eternal Lord Jesus Christ. My wife and I are both active in our local church, where our life's focus is on giving all Glory to Jesus Christ, on missions, the preservation of Biblical truth, and the strengthening believers everywhere.
Blog Awards

September 7, 2008
January 7, 2007
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Previous Posts
- NOOOOO!!!! Monte Solberg to retire
- Hey Frank... "It's the economy, stu..."
- Frank gets his hands dirty in Guelph mudslinging
- Dion explains the recent polls to his caucus
- Is the "Green Shift"(TM) actually an internal Libe...
- Testing, testing 1-2-3
- Tories ad on CTV.ca
- Gustav passes
- Frank's Nomination Expenses - CORRECTION
- Frank's "Incorrect" Nomination Expenses
The Waterloo Wellington Bloggers Association
At Thu Sep 04, 05:42:00 p.m. EDT,
Reid said…
Dat's not fair. Do you tink it's izzy to raise money for advertising?
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