Dion explains the recent polls to his caucus

Labels: Carbon Tax, Dion, Liberals, Polls
I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.
Labels: Carbon Tax, Dion, Liberals, Polls
At Wed Sep 03, 10:46:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I find your mocking Dion's accent offensive. Real Christian of you.
At Wed Sep 03, 11:18:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
EXCUSE ME?" "Mocking his accent?" Because I used the word "dis" instead of "this"? Come on, that's EXACTLY how he'd say it... no mocking dude, just going for authenticity.
If you want to hear a mocking of his accent, try listening to Rick Mercer, or ANY of the other political commentators... what I wrote was NOTHING.
And some people wonder why I'm starting ot moderate dumb comments... people are getting WAY too nasty around here.
At Wed Sep 03, 11:40:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
First off you weren't at the meeting and didn't hear him say anything. Secondly, I don't know you but I do know from this blog that you are originally from England. If I or anyone else made fun of your English accent (if you have one) that would be just as offensive.
At Wed Sep 03, 12:00:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
You have done it now , You "offended" some thin skinned left winger. Get ready for the OHRC to kick down you internet door.
At Wed Sep 03, 12:26:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
I WISH I still had the accent... and we make fun of my Dad's all the time.
At Wed Sep 03, 12:38:00 p.m. EDT,
Bert said…
First off you weren't at the meeting and didn't hear him say anything.
Hey Anonymous ?. Stephane Dion's accent is a matter of public record. We ALL know he would say it that way.
At Wed Sep 03, 12:39:00 p.m. EDT,
wilson said…
What's with all these crybaby Liberals?
Harper has mastered the French language, because of our large French population.
Dion, in a country that is predominately English speaking (and he wants to run the country) sends out his supports to whine about the meanies mocking his very very very poor grasp of the English language.
Not a Leader.
At Wed Sep 03, 12:39:00 p.m. EDT,
wilson said…
What's with all these crybaby Liberals?
Harper has mastered the French language, because of our large French population.
Dion, in a country that is predominately English speaking (and he wants to run the country) sends out his supports to whine about the meanies mocking his very very very poor grasp of the English language.
Not a Leader.
At Wed Sep 03, 01:20:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Dear anonymous, Dion wants to STEAL money from everyone in this Canada of ours, he can't tell you, me or anyone else how much of a difference it will make to the enviroment, now is that because Russia and China haven't told him how much "carbon credit" they will give him per billion tax-payer dollars hmmm What a silly solution to an IMAGINARY problem, really simple just tax everything that moves, an oldtimer told me once that the people would be in real trouble if the goverment ever figured out how to tax people for breathing. That day is here if we are stupid enough to vote for little green Steffi, and his accent,franglish is funny. Too bad he isn't. He is a disrespectiful little elitest who has no respect for working people.
Cheers Bubba the hard working Boilermaker
At Wed Sep 03, 02:32:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Chretien has an accent. Dion can't speak english. He is badly educated and frankly needs to go back to school and learn some grammar. An example of his inability to speak english is his statement when running for the leadership that a carbon tax was a bad idea. Now he says it is a good idea. Unless he is a liar he thinks bad=good
In June he says Not a comma will be changed in the Green Shift plan. Today he changes the whole thing. Either he didn't understand what he said in June or he broke his promise to the Canadian people.
Please put this doofus out of his misery. He has taken 4 years to come up with an envioronmental policy and in 2 months he guts it.
At Wed Sep 03, 04:32:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
You can get rid of an accent if you work at it. Thing is once people get a working knowledge of a language they tend to stop working on inproving their accent.
I have a friend who has lived in japan for 10 years, he speaks just like a native, and he owes it all to hard, hard work.
Dief's accent in French was terrible and he was mocked for it. Dion's same thing. Dief should have worked harder, Dion can still work harder.
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