And we're off... again
A General Federal Election has been called by the Governor General for October 14, 2008.
The by-election in Guelph is now null and void, and Guelphites will be going to the polls along with the rest of the country on October 14.
At Sun Sep 07, 09:49:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
So Lloyd Robertson just referred to Dion's press conference as his "most impressive performance so far" - huh?
So this is how it is going to be, huh, reporters and newscasters defining Dion for the Canadian voter. I guess when you have the media lobbing you soft ball questions and providing narrative about what a great leader you are and how impressive you are they are hoping that they can brainwash Canadians into thinking that what they just saw was not the real thing.
Fasten your seatbelts kids, it's going to be a long, dirty campaign.
At Sun Sep 07, 03:31:00 p.m. EDT,
femaleCONvoter said…
In rural southwestern Ontario, I will be voting Conservative again. Canada deserves a leader that can be counted on to make the right decisions for this country. Harper has proven to Canadian voters that his government was the right choice last time and will be this time.
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