Iran following in Hitler's footsteps
THIS is unbelieveable.
This is shocking, sickening, revolting, disgusting, disturbing, insane, immoral, infuriating... I'm so bent out of shape over it that I can't think of any more words to use. Feel free to contribute more words... (but please keep it to a "PG" rating, you never know who's watching)
There's a Biblical rule that applies here, that has proven itself over and over again throughout history... if you ever go up against the people of Israel, you're screwed. Ahmadinejad, back down. The Most High God, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, made a promise to Abraham regarding his desendants...
Take heed, lest you and your nation perish.
This is shocking, sickening, revolting, disgusting, disturbing, insane, immoral, infuriating... I'm so bent out of shape over it that I can't think of any more words to use. Feel free to contribute more words... (but please keep it to a "PG" rating, you never know who's watching)
There's a Biblical rule that applies here, that has proven itself over and over again throughout history... if you ever go up against the people of Israel, you're screwed. Ahmadinejad, back down. The Most High God, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, made a promise to Abraham regarding his desendants...
Genesis 12:3 - "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."Adolf Hitler tried... and died. The Six Day war? It only lasted six days, with Israel winning. One tiny nation, one people, and no one, NO ONE, has been able to, or will ever be able to, wipe them out.
Take heed, lest you and your nation perish.
At Fri May 19, 11:36:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"There's a Biblical rule that applies here, that has proven itself over and over again throughout history... if you ever go up against the people of Israel, you're screwed."
Um, what?
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.
At Fri May 19, 11:43:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
And um, where are they now? ;-)
I'm thinking along the lines of Daniel 12... their fall predicted prior to most of them appearing on the world stage.
Raised up for a purpose, then cast down once their purpose was done and their sins "complete". Who was it (I honestly forget) where God delayed their downfall because "their sins were not yet full"? (or some words to that effect)
At Fri May 19, 11:54:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Funny how comparisions to Hitler are so freely leveled at George Bush. But when Iran does something so reminiscent of the Nazi regime; silence.
At Fri May 19, 12:21:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Right on Ryan! Well lefties? Anyone want to comment? MSM? (other than the National Post)
CBC? NOTHING ON IRAN, but funny, they have a lead story on the UN calling on the US to close Gimto.
CTV? Nothing on Iran, but this is one of their TOP STORIES... I think you're point has just been proven there Ryan about the silence of the leftist MSM...
Toronto Star? NOPE, but the anti-US story is there also... funny that...
G&M? No Iran, but Gimto strikes again.
Funny... TorStar, CTV/G&M, and the CBC... all calling on Gimto to be closed, but silence on Iran... all three of the left leaning media groups... imagine that...
At Fri May 19, 12:47:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
you forgot to connect it to the media's efforts to have Stephen Harper killed
THEY DID! I missed that one! My next lead story!
Seriously, if this is indeed true, don't you find that alarming? I'm looking for more sources, but the National Post seems to be the only one at this point.
At Fri May 19, 01:21:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
How come no one in the media is making a big deal about the Liberal's refusal to debate, or contribute to the accountability act?
The Liberal's aren't rejecting it because they think it will be ineffective, they have constantly stated that it will be too stringent, bogging down the civil service. So, you say the FAA is full of loopholes, but the Liberals say its too strict. What then is the real motivation for the Liberals opposition to the FAA?
Could it be that the Liberals don't want to be hindered by news rules whne they regain the throne? Maybe you should look to the problems in your own house first.
At Fri May 19, 01:40:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Actually jdave, I do have my concerns about the FAA.
I personally think 5 years is too long for a ban on lobbying. I think 3 years is enough to meet the main objective... prevent people from working in the gov. just to enable them to go straight into lobbying. A cooling off period, of sorts.
I'm glad to see that the FAA is opening up the arms length agencies to auditing, to open up the close routes of funding that the Liberals opened up for themselves. I, as you, also have concerns about the Access to Information portions in the FAA, however, the government has said they presently have legislation under works to reform that as well, to broaden things up. Based on their 100 day proven track record of keeping their word, I'm willing to wait and see what is put on the table.
Other than that, I haven't examined the document enough to notice anything that troubles me. Is there something you've noticed (other than the things stated above) that you think I should be aware of? Please feel free to point me in the right direction!
At Fri May 19, 01:50:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
1000 year reign? I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy, let alone the party I philosophically align myself with.
Of course the Liberals will get in again, I won't like it, but I can't ignore the fact that they've run this country for most of its history. Canadians are far too easily manipulated and the Liberals are far too effective at manipulating them. They stole millions of tax payers dollars and laundered it back into their party and they still got re-eleceted!
I just hope that the current gov't can set a standard to strive for and establish some rules to hinder future corruption.
(corruption)The path to which the Liberals seem all to eager to stroll down.
Good luck with the dishes man, what a pain.
At Fri May 19, 06:23:00 p.m. EDT,
Zorpheous said…
Oh no, looks like the entire story at the National Post has gone down the memory hole, LOL I wonder why?
At Fri May 19, 09:51:00 p.m. EDT,
Somena Woman said…
Latest update from CP Wire out of OTTAWA on this story is as follows
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper was quick to condemn Iran on Friday for an anti-Semitic law that appears not to exist." -- OTTAWA (CP) - Alexander Panetta
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