Partisan Politics Backfires on the Opposition
Uncommon Truths has a great post on the partisan games being played by the Opposition. So Prime Minister Stephen Harper one uped them... he postponed the creation of the Office of Appointments, until his next mandate.
Mr. Harper didn't "take his ball and go home" as the Opposition claims he did, he sent them a message... "Quit playing partisan political games, there's serious work to be done. And by the way... I plan to screw you during the next election with this partisan blunder of yours."
The NDP is trying to say "We said this candidate is unsuitable due to comments he made in a speech." All he did in that speech was to expose part of our recent crime problem which the MSM has shied away from... that part (not all) of Toronto's gun problem is tied to the Jamaican, NOT the entire black, community. Like it or not, many seem to think that it's a black problem... when in reality, it's not.
So he's being discriminated for stating the truth. Actually, he sounds like the kinda guy I'd like to have in a job like that.
Mr. Harper didn't "take his ball and go home" as the Opposition claims he did, he sent them a message... "Quit playing partisan political games, there's serious work to be done. And by the way... I plan to screw you during the next election with this partisan blunder of yours."
The NDP is trying to say "We said this candidate is unsuitable due to comments he made in a speech." All he did in that speech was to expose part of our recent crime problem which the MSM has shied away from... that part (not all) of Toronto's gun problem is tied to the Jamaican, NOT the entire black, community. Like it or not, many seem to think that it's a black problem... when in reality, it's not.
So he's being discriminated for stating the truth. Actually, he sounds like the kinda guy I'd like to have in a job like that.
At Wed May 17, 12:59:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant Jamaican criminals, not the Jamaican community as you stated.
Thanks for the benefit of the doubt, because what you said is indeed what I meant.
No one in the Jamacian community that I know personally is a part of the problem, so I indeed do not paint them all with the same brush. ;-)
Thanks for covering my butt.
At Wed May 17, 01:39:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Harper also said yesterday that he will now make appointments the existing way where it is totally the perogative of the Prime vetting through an independant non-partisan committee, no say by anybody BUT the Prime Minister...just the way the opposition likes it. Er Just the way the LIBERALS like it when THEY are in power.
Watch for the screaming and hollering from the opposition when he makes appointments that are not vetted.
Shoe - meet the other foot.
At Wed May 17, 02:00:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Darcy, you hit the nail on the head. I forget who said it yesterday, but "the Opposition is playing checkers while Mr. Harper is playing chess."
Watch for the screaming and hollering from the opposition when he makes appointments that are not vetted.
You're bang on. Now the Opposition will be screaming with every appointment, and he can say to them "I gave you a chance to have some input, and you said 'NO'". And then he'll use that in the next election to make them WANT to do things his way, via an Appointments Commission.
I make no appologies for my support and respect for our Prime Minister, The Right Honourable Stephen Joseph Harper... he's not only one step ahead of the Opposition, he's miles ahead of the pack.
At Wed May 17, 02:03:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
No jDave, you're right, it doesn't work that way here... for decades, the PM of the day could appoint any of his friends to almost any post in the country, soley at his discression.
He wanted to change that, but the Opposition said NO... so, he'll just appoint people HE trusts directly to the posts he so chooses.
And the Opposition just gave him their permission to do so.
At Wed May 17, 02:04:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
There's a good old saying... "You made your bed... now lie in it."
At Wed May 17, 02:59:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
"Blatant falsehood"??? Sorry jDave, I must have missed something there.
At Wed May 17, 03:33:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Because he agrees with you, he has "integrity", and I don't?
As for your accusation of "lying", I've never done any such thing... I'm just reporting it as I've been reading in the MSM and other blogs.
In fact, I try very hard not to violate those "Bibley-thingies" as you refer to them... but you forgot to caplitalize the "B" in "Bible".
At Wed May 17, 04:20:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
I stand corrected, according to CTV... it wasn't the commission itself they opposed, it was just the nominee. It appears they tried to take a partisan shot at Harper by blocking his nomminee, so he turned the tables on them... "If you wanna play partisan games, I can play too."
Perhaps he's just sending them a message, and setting the stage for the next round. They won't be so quick to pull that one again.
When it comes to politics, it's smart. When it comes to making Canada better, it's not... nor was the Oppositions move to block the appointment.
At Wed May 17, 04:29:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
I have two gripes with you. First of all, completely smacking around a guy who wasn't prepared to clash swords. Second of all, alude to people licking G.W. Bush's balls. The first is certainly forgivable, but the second one is completely disgusting and inappropriate. Which is kind of why I appreciate the fact that you wrote it.
So my gripes aren't very major, is what I guess I'm saying.
At Wed May 17, 05:00:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Partisan political games: When the opposition (voted for by more than 60% of the population) disagrees with Stephen Harper's nominee.
Sending a message: When harper cancels the entire commission because his nominee isn't approved.
At Wed May 17, 05:06:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
Sorry man. Didn't mean to make you all gripe-y.
To be fair, jdave, that's about as difficult to do as it is to make Andrew think the Liberals are a poor governing party. ;)
At Wed May 17, 05:17:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Partisan political games: When the opposition (voted for by more than 60% of the population) disagrees with Stephen Harper's nominee.
Sending a message: When harper cancels the entire commission because his nominee isn't approved.
Anonymous, whoever you are, I think you finally have figured out... welcome to the dark side.
First of all, completely smacking around a guy who wasn't prepared to clash swords.
Blake, I don't know if I'm supposed to thank you for defending me, or be insulted because you don't think I'm much of a scrapper.
Ever consider going into politics full time?
At Wed May 17, 05:22:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous, whoever you are, I think you finally have figured out... welcome to the dark side.
Stephen Harper is a control freak. He's already starting to show signs of self-destruction.
At Wed May 17, 06:25:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"Blake, I don't know if I'm supposed to thank you for defending me, or be insulted because you don't think I'm much of a scrapper."
Just respond your usual way, and state that I'm not worthy of receiving any respect. ;)
Seriously, note my language: you weren't prepared to do battle on this one. You wrote first, thought later. You're not the first one to make that mistake, and it's always good to get called out and beaten down when you do that. When it happens to me, I appreciate it. It's a good wake-up call for me.
You're more than up to write good stuff, Andrew and hold your point. It's just that - as discussed earlier - there seems to be a real willingness to go attack-dog on the other parties instead of being indepedently thoughtful. As for being a scrapper, you know what I've said. You've gotta be ruthless and a hell of a lot less vanilla. Frankly, I don't think that will happen as long as your current religious associations hold up, but come on over to and join in on the fun. Throw some hurt around. Learn the value of a good pwning.
At Wed May 17, 07:25:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
I read every word. Next time you're in Guelph, a beer's on me. Brilliant.
Same goes for Dirk Nowitzki, who also has been impressing me of late.
At Wed May 17, 07:46:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
As someone who has demonstated some expertise at knowing all about getting his balls licked, tell me jdave why is it whenever defenders of the grumpy old men that passes today for the grit front bench writes a letter to the editor in the MSM, you ball lickers always preface your comments by pleading that you are hetero. You should be proud of who you are... It's okay jdave for you to dream of licking the balls on George Bush.
At Wed May 17, 08:23:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
You're right, I certainly don't like the fact that these games are still going on. But I think that Mr. Harper has been backed into a corner or two by the Opposition, and is doing the best he can with what he has. Already, I've seen reports from various MP's of all political stripes that they've been in shock at how much the new Conservative government have consulted them on various issues. In fact, one of the defeated ex-NDP members (the one who got kicked out) was hired on to the staff of one of the Conservative ministers!
I was indeed sick and tired of "old style politics", and I think many things are STARTING to be changed. Staffers aren't out spending tons of cash on meals, they're more cautious with their expenditures. The Government is demanding that various departments be able to account for how our dollars are being spent, and I think we'll be seeing less waste moving forward. I think accountability is ALMOST here, and integrity coming back into fashion... making a promise, and then keeping it.
Take the 5 Priorities. (yes, CPC talking points, but hear me out) Right there, you have proof positive that Ottawa has changed. The Tories made certian promises, and has, or is in the process of, keeping them.
1) The Federal Accountability Act has been tabled. Some are worried about "Access to Information" issues, but from what I understand, they are being reviewed by another committee, and new legislation is coming down the pipes. I for one will be watching to ensure that indeed it does get tabled and passed... mainly because I know the Liberals will one day likely return to power, and I want to make sure that I have more access to information when that happens. ;-)
2) The GST has been cut by 1%, effective July 1, 2006 (pending the passing of the Budget)
3) Crime is being dealt with, with more money for officers, tougher enforcement of existing laws, and stronger sentencing
4) Parents will now have more options when considering Child Care with the $1200 a year per child
5) More money is going to the provinces for things such as Health Care. The process for dealing with wait times has begun, however, the Minister of Health has indicated that this may take longer to deal with than the other 5 Priorities.
In the past, Canadians were used to the idea that a party (mainly the Liberals) would make promises, and Canadians would vote for them knowing that they couldn't be trusted to keep them. The Conservatives, within their 100 days in office, have either dealt with or made significant progress towards ALL FIVE PRIORITIES. That already is a significant change in Canadian politics... a Government that actually keeps its word.
As for Integrity, doesn't that say something?
I truely think that Mr. Harper and the Conservative team are working towards "changing how business is done in Ottawa". This whole fiasco of the Appointments commissioner is disappointing, but I think that Mr. Harper did the best he could with what he was given. Did they torpedo his nominee because they really felt strongly that he was the wrong man for the job? Were their motives pure, or were they indeed playing political games? Perhaps we'll never know, because we weren't there listening into the conversations. But, Mr. Harper seems to think they were, so he'll instead ask the Canadian people what they think about it during the next election.
I would love to see non-partisan commissions and committees, but I get the impression that the Opposition parties are continuing with "business as usual". I've seen various olive branches put out by the new Government to the Opposition, but Bill and Jack (not so much Gilles) have been "talking tough" then whole time, not giving an inch. Of course, that's their job as Opposition, but it does take two to tango.
As a member of the Conservative Party, and a Blogging Tory, you bet I'm going to keep on holding their feet to the fire. I'm in regular contact with my own and other MP's, as I was before we had a Conservative government. And when something comes out in policy or legislation that I don't like, you better believe that I'm going to say something. However, at the present time, I like the general direction that things are going, sans the petty partisan stunts. However, I do have certain lines, that if crossed, will result in the tearing up of my membership card... but I don't talk openly about those issues, as I want to further the ideals of our Party, not cause public dissent... and to ensure that Canada stays on what I perceive as "the right track".
I think I've been fairly honest, and though I don't like the fact that there's been a delay, I think that it will only strengthen the resolve of all parties to make accountability to happen.
I like the idea of true and open dialouge... debate the real issues, rather than attacking each other. I'm open to that... just remember that I often post a quick statement to open the debate. Yes, it's often a definitive statement that gets people's backs up, but think of it as me staking my flag on one hill, you can take another, and maybe, through a reasoned debate of the issues, we can either arrive in the middle somewhere, we can convince the other to switch sides, or agree to disagree.
But, for the record... I still think Harper is doing a great job, all things considered.
At Wed May 17, 08:24:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
And I think I got ya beat in terms of volume of writting... time to rest the wrists...
At Wed May 17, 11:00:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"time to rest the wrists..."
Waxing the ole dolphin, much, there? Do I need to bring a box of Kleenex over when I get off work here? ;)
(See, that's the kind of commment you need to avoid if you want to get into politics. You walked headfirst right into that one.)
On a serious note, Andrew, I think most people are realistic enough about politics to know that a game must be played. What's really infuriating is when a Party or its supporters applaud or overlook the same behaviour from its own people that they would howl about when the other guys do it.
Ottawa hasn't changed. It can't be changed; it is what it is. The best case scenario is to get somebody in there who can do a slightly better job with the big issues of the day than the other guys. I think the most valueable role - as discussed elsewhere - that a Party's members can serve for a Party is stay active, stay informed, be loud when necessary, and keep the Party accountable to the grassroots.
At Wed May 17, 11:15:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
"Ottawa hasn't changed. It can't be changed; it is what it is. The best case scenario is to get somebody in there who can do a slightly better job with the big issues of the day than the other guys. I think the most valueable role - as discussed elsewhere - that a Party's members can serve for a Party is stay active, stay informed, be loud when necessary, and keep the Party accountable to the grassroots."
Wise words. Someone's been watching Angel. ;)
At Wed May 17, 11:56:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"Wise words. Someone's been watching Angel. ;)"
Perhaps a little too much. That might explain the other joke, too. ("Chucka-chucka"... ;) )
At Thu May 18, 12:12:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"thanx for the kind words...And I agree with you on Dirk. He reminds me of one of my all time fave players: Detlef Schrempf."
Hahahaha! That was my nickname on my basketball team in high school, due to some resemblances. I was also a power forward who could score from the perimeter, so that also kind of worked.
"Did you hear bout Nowitzki singing Hasselhoff tunes? JEEEEEZ...."
Oh, dear Lord, no. For those who need any more evidence about how evil Germany is, just look what it does to otherwise respectable people! Covering Hasselhoff?!? No!!!! Dirk Nowitzki covering Hasselhoff?!? Double no!!!
I don't know what's worse: actually doing that, or knowing that it will sell over there.
At Thu May 18, 06:58:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"how about Nowitzki singing Hasselhoff at the free throw line?"
He should get a fine for that so big that Mark Cuban himself would have to stand up and salute.
"Schrempf could shoot, pass, rebound, play inside, outside...I used to call him the swiss army knife...."
Yeah...other than a decent perimeter shot and good aggression on the glass (and half-decent passing) that wasn't me. I was the bruiser who set a nasty pick and would knock some guy on ass, get physical on the defensive end, and cause some hurt on the boards. That was me. More Laimbeer than Schrempf.
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