CBC: Conservatives Banned from Commenting
Michael Coren had a GREAT piece in the National Post today, on his "cancelled" appearence on CBC News Sunday this week. His title was "Blacklisted by the CBC". He reports that his scheduled panel apperance was canned at the very last minute, for no explained reason. For the record, I like Michael Coren, and I have called into his show on CFRB 1010 once or twice. He tells it like it is, and I wish I had the chance to listen to him more often.
Why is this continually allowed to happen? If you don't fall into line with the thinking of the powers that be at the CBC, and your voice simply won't be heard... to them, it doesn't even count. When was the last time you heard a truely conservative voice on the CBC, who wasn't there to be ridiculed? Granted, there are one or two... what's-his-names "Cross Country Checkup" comes to mind... and I'd call him more balanced, but not "conservative". They are indeed few and far between.
To quote Michael, quoting a CBC employee, "there are people here who simply hate you."
It's not just you they seem to hate Michael.
Why is this continually allowed to happen? If you don't fall into line with the thinking of the powers that be at the CBC, and your voice simply won't be heard... to them, it doesn't even count. When was the last time you heard a truely conservative voice on the CBC, who wasn't there to be ridiculed? Granted, there are one or two... what's-his-names "Cross Country Checkup" comes to mind... and I'd call him more balanced, but not "conservative". They are indeed few and far between.
To quote Michael, quoting a CBC employee, "there are people here who simply hate you."
It's not just you they seem to hate Michael.
At Wed May 10, 10:18:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
Wow...was I ever wrong.
I was convinced the paranoia and persecution complex wouldn't start until the Conservatives lost at the polls, but I was terribly wrong about that.
Frankly, I don't know why they'd want Michael Coren's views on the budget in the first place. The man is not an economist, last I looked (and economically, the man is not really all that concservative in POV) and I would think he'd be better utilised on some other issue in a panel discussion.
I guess I'm still trying to see how Michael Coren would be "blacklisted" from the CBC when it was them who first asked him to appear and then politely and graciously decided against it. Blacklisting usually brings up other images in my mind.
At Wed May 10, 10:31:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Don't forget, he mentions that it's not the first time it's happened to him.
But don't you agree that the VAST MAJORITY of the commentary on the CBC is very leftist?
At Wed May 10, 11:15:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Blake, do you enjoy having your head stuffed in that hot dark place? Time to get it out and breath some fresh air. CBC has been so left ward biased for so many years I cannot recall how long and I am 62.
At Wed May 10, 11:17:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"But don't you agree that the VAST MAJORITY of the commentary on the CBC is very leftist?"
So, you're asking me to indulge in a logical fallacy? By whose definition is a "VAST MAJORITY" constituted? By what definition are we to categorize "very leftist"? Keep in mind, I've read people like Gor'ky, Chernyshevsky, Lenin, etc. so "very leftist" doesn' exactly ring true comparing the CBC to those.
At Wed May 10, 11:24:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"Blake, do you enjoy having your head stuffed in that hot dark place?"
No, but my wife does. Or did you mean another hot dark place? ;)
"CBC has been so left ward biased for so many years I cannot recall how long and I am 62."
I'm not saying there's not a leftward slant to the CBC. I am saying that the cry of "conspiracy" here in this case seems to not hold up. Would YOU want to hear Michael Coren giving his opinion on the budget in a panel of economic thinkers? No? Me neither. The man is not, as I said, an economist to my knowledge. Surely there are dozens of conservative economists who actually know what they're talking about who could have gotten on the air; I'm sure somebody at the C.D. Howe Institute or the Fraser Institute would have fared far better than Mr. Coren.
And, since you virtually begged me to mention this with your post, maybe it's the fact that you're 62 that you have such a difficult time thinking coherently any more.
By the way, Andrew, who actually did appear on that panel? Was there in fact a knowledgable conservative on it, or did you bother looking?
At Wed May 10, 11:37:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
No, I did not, I'm at work, so I just posted his article.
I'm more referring to the day to day reporting I hear on the radio, and it is almost ALWAYS decidedly left leaning. Just going on my own personal, several years worth of experience, and agreeing with Michael that there does seem to be a snub of many right-leaning commentators. (or a lack within the ranks of the CBC staff/writers)
At Wed May 10, 11:41:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
In all seriousness, I listen to the CBC alot of the time just to keep an ear on what the left is saying these days... I kid you not.
Most of the time, I find out what the current Liberal platforms/policies are via the CBC... whatever they're complaining about, it's likely a reflection of what the Liberals and the NDP are saying.
Take Andy Barry for example... based on much of his commentary, I'm sure he voted Liberal or NDP... if he voted at all.
At Wed May 10, 04:03:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Islamic Org.'s have had it oput for Coren for awhile now, below is a link to the story of David Frum and David Harris being sued by Sheema Khan from CAIR, but when CAIR was exposed for having members limked to Hamas and funding terrorism in the Mid east, Khan quickly dropped the suit and left CAIR-Can .
Khan lied to the Government to get Charity status for CAIR-Can and is a Whahabi Muslim like the Saudis, CAIR demanded Sharia-law for females in Canada and has never once actually denounced the Muslims doing the killing.
CAIR only claims that the Quran forbids the killing of innocent civilians, but they don't tell us that Muhammed declared all unbelievers as the enemies of Allah and Islam.
The CBC and TVO blindly accept the tripe from Khan and CAIR , even Chretien and Martin have blood on their hands now that CAIR has members linked to Hamas and defended many detained bogus refugees with terror links.
Khan should be arrested for treason and CAIR shut down or at least lose the Charity Status for a tax-deduction.
If Khan wants to finance murdering children on buses in Israel, let her pay for it out of the Saudis war-chest .
At Wed May 10, 05:07:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
^^ So, the CBC is an Islamic organization, now?
At Wed May 10, 10:34:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I remember once when the CBC was so hard up for a political panelist they had mary walsh of codco fame on, so the argument about Michael Coren's credentials as an economist or is he qualified to comment on the budget is codswallop. I believe most Canadians would rather see the hundreds of millions spent on the CBC go to the homeless, or daycare, or potholes, windmills, anything but the caviar socialists who are bunkered in at the CBC. I intend to write every MP until Michael Coren is either hired as a permanent CBC panelist right after an on-air apology or the corpse is gutted by budget cuts.
At Wed May 10, 10:57:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
I have no objections to the CBC being privatized. I have objections to Michael Coren being a permanent panelist.
And what is it with some conservatives and their total hate-ons for civil servants? "the caviar socialists who are bunkered in at the CBC" - dude, come on, these are people who have to feed their families just the same way you do. I have no problem with people advocating smaller government, but please keep in mind that just because Joe applies for a posted job and gets it, it doesn't mean that he a) doesn't pay taxes the same way you do, b) is the cause of the problem, c) isn't a good worker.
At Thu May 11, 11:04:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
I'm still scratching my head over the title of this post. How exactly does having the CBC renege on its own invitation to appear on one of its shows constitute being "banned from commenting"? Last I looked, Mr. Coren can still comment on his TV show, or his columns, or in a book, or in any other way that seems right to him...
At Thu May 11, 11:49:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
It was the best acronym I could come up with in short order for "CBC". ;-)
It was mainly entitled that because, as he said, some of the powers that be there "hate him". It's also been my observation that right-leaning commenters are few and far between. (at least during the shows that I listen to)
At Tue May 16, 03:30:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Last night Shelia Copps was on a News panel dealing with the CANCON
rules for the new Satellite and Digital transmission era.
Copps has the nerve to repeat her Liberal Spin that "The Public owns the airwaves" .
What a crock, the CRTC is slowly phasing out the Free-through-the-air Radio and TV signals , this I read on the CRTC website and it's all presented as "Consumer driven".
The plan is to make all entertainment controlled and taxed , every signal or package of signals for home theatres or car radios will have the GST added to the monthly cost.
DTV and HDTV tuners will be mandatory on new TV by 2008 , and analog signals will be through Cable/Dish ,and THAT"S where the DAC/ADC converter box is needed.
18 Months ago I told someone this was coming, and now we see the CRTC will allow Cable companies to drop the free AM/FM transmission to free up bandwidth to meet the need of the "Consumer driven" demands.
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