News Flash: Dion won't topple us over Kyoto
At least that's what Environment Critic David McGuinty is saying.
Boy, Jack's going to have a field day with this one... the Liberals, just because it's inconvient for them, are once again refusing to stand up for Kyoto... that inconvient document they claim to love, went ahead and signed, but never bothered to actually do anything about.
That, for the record, is the real "Inconvient Truth" for the Liberals when it comes to Kyoto.
The NDP, the Tories, the Bloc, AND the Press are going to have a field day with him if he stays on this course!
Honestly, I have no idea how Dion is going to get out of this one. While not toppling us now may allow him to briefly get his head above water and get some air, the onslaught that will hit him in the aftermath of the Throne Speech will most likely send him right back under... maybe for good. Just think about it for a moment. He'll have zero credibility left on the Kyoto file, he'll have lost face, and his "leadership" will once again be called into question.
Furthermore, the Quebec caucus, that's been trying to undermine and replace him, will have been thwarted... their best hope via an election having been avoided. There's no way they're going to remain silent, they're going to keep right on in their efforts to replace Dion.
You thought the Jamie Carroll affair was messy? Just stay tuned!
OTTAWA - Liberals won't bring down the Harper government over next week's throne speech, even if it effectively abandons the Kyoto climate-change pact, the party's environment critic says.I'm guessing that Mr. Dion is maybe a little terrified of these numbers.
"The Liberal Party of Canada isn't going to be goaded into the boxing ring with Stephen Harper," David McGuinty said Friday. "We're not that gullible or foolish."
Boy, Jack's going to have a field day with this one... the Liberals, just because it's inconvient for them, are once again refusing to stand up for Kyoto... that inconvient document they claim to love, went ahead and signed, but never bothered to actually do anything about.
That, for the record, is the real "Inconvient Truth" for the Liberals when it comes to Kyoto.
The NDP, the Tories, the Bloc, AND the Press are going to have a field day with him if he stays on this course!
Honestly, I have no idea how Dion is going to get out of this one. While not toppling us now may allow him to briefly get his head above water and get some air, the onslaught that will hit him in the aftermath of the Throne Speech will most likely send him right back under... maybe for good. Just think about it for a moment. He'll have zero credibility left on the Kyoto file, he'll have lost face, and his "leadership" will once again be called into question.
Furthermore, the Quebec caucus, that's been trying to undermine and replace him, will have been thwarted... their best hope via an election having been avoided. There's no way they're going to remain silent, they're going to keep right on in their efforts to replace Dion.
You thought the Jamie Carroll affair was messy? Just stay tuned!
Labels: Dion, Not a Leader
At Sat Oct 13, 12:52:00 a.m. EDT,
Livingsword said…
As a follower of Jesus I would like us to take much better care of God’s creation, Kyoto is not the way to do it (it is a bad plan), but I sure would like us push our “church culture” aside and start taking the Bible seriously, this means we must be better stewards with creation just like with finances, we should not waste money or creation.
Since when is caring for God’s creation not conservative?
At Sat Oct 13, 12:59:00 a.m. EDT,
Eric said…
The issue is that Kyoto-followers have turned the environment into something of a religious movement, livingsword. While protecting God's creations is without a doubt important, it is important not to get caught up in it and turn the environmental movement into an idol.
Which people have done. Worshiping 'mother Earth' etc...
The Conservatives are taking, in my opinion, concrete steps to improve the environment, but most of the solutions require decades of work, not months or years.
In any case, if the Liberals fail to defeat the Throne Speech if it includes a line about how unacheiveable Kyoto is.. well.. it would kill any possibility Dion has of running on an environmental policy minded campaign.
At Sat Oct 13, 09:54:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Right on, on all counts there "LivingSword"
At Sat Oct 13, 12:16:00 p.m. EDT,
Livingsword said…
I fully understand your concern about “Earth worship” etc, and of course would say that is sin.
Yet it is also sin to not follow the directives (commands) given by God in regards to our responsibilities with His creation, our environment, the Church should dominate this issue so much that nobody else can get “purchase” with it. Instead many Christians if not the vast majority speak derogatorily of those who love trees and animals not as worship but just in appreciation of God’s creation. We should be using His creation a “giant sign” pointing at the Creator.
This form of reaction seems similar to the Protestant (which I am) reaction to the Virgin Mary. We understand that Roman Catholics go over the Biblical line with her so our reaction often seems to be to almost ignore her, yet she is declared to be blessed among women.
I invite you to my blogs on Monday the 15th as it is “blog action day” across the bloggosphere and the theme is “the environment”.
Christian Conservative;
It would be great to have join “blog action day” and “show the flag” for this topic…
…respectfully…and appreciatively…
At Sat Oct 13, 11:58:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Now how does that old saying go?? Oh yeah, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Be very wary of idea of Christianity owning the environmental issue.
Tommy Douglas got caught on the eugenics issue of his day and wound up looking like he supported Hitler. How many mainline Christian churches owned the poverty issue only to wind up looking like Stalin.
Our Christian message is a timeless one and when we try to become timely or relevant we wind up looking more foolish than the secular society that espouses the same thing. The churches that embraced Y2K with dire predictions of end times etc lost their witness by showing themselves to be false prophets. AGW is another such issue. When the catastrophic doesn't happen the church that so boldly prophesied the imminent danger will lose its prophetic authority.
Churches for the love of Christ please stick to your knitting. Do your part to proclaim the Gospel and let the nutbars collect the lumps when their warnings all come to naught.
At Sun Oct 14, 01:31:00 a.m. EDT,
Livingsword said…
Hi Joe;
Are you saying the Church should sin by not following the commandments of God laid down for us in Genesis about proper stewardship of His creation? Does that support our “prophetic authority”?
Part of how we show our love to other people is by caring for their living conditions; is it loving to poison the water and the air?
I think Satan would be very satisfied to have us stick to our “knitting”. Our sharing of the Gospel is seriously undermined when we show that we do not take God seriously in how he wants us to live, part of that is with Godly stewardship of everything in creation, it is certainly not everything but it is still important.
At Sun Oct 14, 11:03:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Hi livingsword.
I don't think we should abandon any of God's instructions I simply see the environmental movement as a distraction that will ultimately lead to ineffective witnessing. Now what was it that Jesus said about abandoning the ways of God to cling to the traditions of man? What did Paul say about our foolish message compared the the wisdom of this world? You say Satan would love us to stick to our knitting I say Satan would love for us to stop preaching the Gospel and try to "take ownership" of trendy issues. I back my position with Scripture and history. How about you?
At Sun Oct 14, 10:06:00 p.m. EDT,
Livingsword said…
Hi Joe;
I appreciate your point of view, I really do, but I don’t think of the environment as a trendy issue, it is an issue raised by God in Geneses chapter 1 and in ensuing sections. I am elucidating these issues from Scripture on both of my blogs on Monday’s “blog action day” and invite your comments there, I have a large amount of non-Jesus followers (hundreds a week by my estimation) that visit my blogs so it is a great place for you to show your love of Jesus which I can see you have.
I believe “Church culture” has abandoned Scripture so that it does not seem to be overreacting to the world just as you say. Rather like it initially did with AIDS, another lost opportunity for showing the love of God. Yes we are in the world but are not to be of the world, yet we are to show the love of Jesus to them.
When I say we should own this issue I simply mean that Scripture says we should be good citizens etc, we are Christ’s ambassadors, and it is clear we should display great care for God’s environment, therefore it is Christlike to show we are obedient to God. At this point I believe we are sinning.
Please understand my position is derived from Scripture not the culture of the world around us or from “church culture”.
Please note I said in my last comment that this issue certainly is not everything, but it is still important.
At Mon Oct 15, 12:24:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I wish God's richest blessing on you and your outreach. If you are indeed having an impact as you say you are then continue on. I'm probably a bit older than you and have lived through a good number of urgent causes that have captured the Christian mind. I have also studied church history and discovered that though the church may encounter huge growth at the beginning within a few years the bloom is off the rose and the church fades into obscurity. In a certain small town of 1000 people there are at least 8 churches I know of. The United Church and the Catholic Church were the two big churches attracting about half the people in town. The Anglican and Lutheran churches had a devout following even though they didn't expand. One little church was evangelical in outlook and insisted that the pastors there preach the Gospel three times a week. Over time the Anglican and Lutheran faded as their population aged and eventually died. The United Church decided it was going the human rights route and began ordaining homosexuals. The Catholic Church had trouble attracting a priest but the little evangelical church kept preaching the Gospel. It didn't take time to slander any of the other churches it just preached the Gospel. One day someone in that little evangelical church noticed that the church was growing. A plan was drawn up and the building was expanded. More people showed up and a laugh was share when the last board member of the United Church joined that little evangelical church. A further laugh was heard when the church welcomed an entire other church including its pastor into the congregation. The little church isn't so little anymore having become the biggest church in the town but through it all it has remained true to its calling and preaches the Gospel three times a week.
You see I don't think it really matters how many people a church attracts. What matters is the faithfulness of the Church in what it preaches and stands for.
God Bless
At Mon Oct 15, 12:47:00 p.m. EDT,
Livingsword said…
Hi Joe…brother;
I am 43 years old, but I am guessing the key is I was an atheist till I was about 28. I did not grow up inside the Church; I have a very good understanding of what it is like on the other side, and how to communicate with them.
I am very hard core Bible and Jesus plus chair evangelism for a large Church in the Vancouver area, I am thankful to God to have been part of His “action” on many occasions.
So I do have a heart for the lost, and for the Church. The Gospel is at the core of everything I do.
I am not saying we should pander to the culture around us (I want to be transformed by Christ not the culture, I want to be conformed to His likeness), I am saying strictly from Scripture that we have sinned in that we have created a non-Biblical “church culture” that has a propensity towards a “slash and burn” mentality. It is not Biblical to cut down all the trees, kill all the animals, and pollute all the water and the air. Genesis 1-3 makes it clear we have responsibilities towards these things. Why do so many good Godly people think it is “more Christian” to drive an SUV and not care about creation? Just so we can say the left are a bunch of loonies? Just so we can say we will not be carried away by our culture?
Although it is very true that the environment is not the central focus of our mission it does not mean it is of NO value or importance. I believe the larger issue with this subject within the Church is that we are being conformed by “church culture” not Jesus and His Word.
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