Interesting (and funny) question
Civitatensis has posed an interesting question to the CBC and the left...
Easy... spell it with me now... H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y... ;-)
Canada’s political lefties and the CBC said to be so "scared" of Stockwell Day's religious beliefs. The same folks are now taking sides with the radical Shiite fundamentalists of "the Party of God" (Hezbollah).That's a good question Civitatensis! LOL!!! How does that work?
How does that work?
Easy... spell it with me now... H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y... ;-)
At Sun Jul 23, 12:11:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Ahhh, but Hezbollah is a fascist political organization while Stockwell Day's religion is his privately held practice - lefties and CBC'ers have all sorts of bad things to say about anything Christian, but a fascist political organization gets a free pass even if it is based upon a religion.
Lefties yearn for the kind of power over people that the fascists in charge of Islam have.
At Sun Jul 23, 10:46:00 a.m. EDT,
Robert said…
Scared? Nobody is scared of Stockwell's religion; we just don't want it foisted on the rest of us.
Last time I checked, nobody was 'siding' with Hezbollah. Everyone pretty much agrees that they're terrorists.
At Sun Jul 23, 11:01:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
To say people side with Hezbollah is obviously a canard. No such thing is happening. They may not side with Israel, but that's not to say that Hezbollah is welcome to sit and break bread with western liberals.
And I don't think people really have much of a problem with Day's religious beliefs, as much as him using it as a tool to get people on board with his political agenda, and then treat those with similar religious view preferably in the political world. That he did so is quite well documented by Preston Manning in his second book. (Obviously, with Manning saying these things, you can't scream about religious intolerance against Day in that case.)
At Sun Jul 23, 12:48:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Do people walk around with picket signs demending Hezbollah release it's prisoners? That Hezbollah stop firing rockets and killing innocent people? In fact do we ever see anyone protesting suicide bombings and terrorist activities (especially since similar groups are using the same tactics to kill Canadian soldiers right now)? No, we only ever see people protest ligitimate nation states who do everything in their power to abide by the rules of war and limit civilian casualties (ie Israel & the US).
You may be technically correct that few people carry 'Go Hezbollah!' signs, but when one viciously condemns everyone EXCEPT the terrorists you can't be suprised when the perception is that one is 'for' Hezbollah.
At Sun Jul 23, 02:55:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Must most of you partisans on the far right reduce EVERY SINGLE ISSUE to ridiculous extremes that impy or outright state untruths in order to attempt to make some kind of simplistic political statement.
Of course Hezbollah are idiots and terrorists. By critizing their foes (in addition to criticizing them) we are somehow their advocates.
What silly childish prattle.
Do you believe that people are so stupid and simple-minded as to believe this kind of garbage? Well, I guess some are judging by my occasional strolls through "Blogging Tory" land.
It's as stupid as the "they criticize Bush and thus hate America" line that is also frequently promulgated by your ilk.
Grow the f**k up.
At Sun Jul 23, 03:06:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Annon your right (sarcasim)
Yes CC grow up and start towing the liberal line.
You know if you don't think like the left in this country you are wrong.
That was all sarcasim CC.
At Sun Jul 23, 03:24:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
Brutal rationale. Of course nobody is picketing against Hezbollah; nobody is picketing against serial rape, either. It's one of those things you don't really have to grab a picket sign to be opposed to or show your attitude towards.
And the fact is, where exactly would one demonstrate against Hezbollah? I don't think they're exactly in the Yellow Pages. And do you really think they'd respond with, "Oh, well, if Canadian civilians are waving around picket signs, we'd clearly better stop."
No, we only ever see people protest ligitimate nation states who do everything in their power to abide by the rules of war and limit civilian casualties (ie Israel & the US).
Okay, please never post anything in a serious political discussion ever again, until you get a clue. The reason that people do protest Israel's actions or the US's actions is that they are legitimate nation-states with responsible governments. It makes zero sense to protest some shadow orgnization, as I outlined above.
And secondly, both Israel and the US have done plenty as of late to contravene international law and the rules of warfare (whether those actions are justified or not). Bulldozing civilians' homes to the ground when a family member commits a terrorist act is contrary to international law, yet Israel does it anyway (and for justifiable reasons, I'd argue). And when you break international law, it's understandable that you'd get criticism about those actions. If you're willing to do that, you'd better be willing to stand up and be accountable for it. "Whining about it" does not exactly scream "accountability" to me.
You may be technically correct that few people carry 'Go Hezbollah!' signs, but when one viciously condemns everyone EXCEPT the terrorists you can't be suprised when the perception is that one is 'for' Hezbollah.
And if one fails to carry, "Stop Serial Rape Of The Elderly" signs, is one therefore "for" the serial rape of the Elderly? Give your head a shake.
At Sun Jul 23, 03:29:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"Annon your right (sarcasim)
Yes CC grow up and start towing the liberal line.
You know if you don't think like the left in this country you are wrong.
That was all sarcasim CC."
ROFLMFAO - five spelling mistakes in four sentence-paragraphs. Epic!
Here's a basic hint to doing political discourse: know how to write before you begin. Then, once you've mastered that difficult skill, learn what the **** you're talking about, and then try again.
At Sun Jul 23, 04:26:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
CC...did you appoint blake to be 'controller' of you blog sight? spelling errors allowed, no analogies without blakes approval,watch out comes blake to rebuke any differring thought and gee we all didn't take lessons in sarcasm 101...but blake knows it ALL!
blkae..tihs si a qeutsoin for CC...yuo dno't hvae to rsepnod...
At Sun Jul 23, 04:44:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
No Anonymous, Blake is not a controller of my blog "SITE". ;-)
Although, he just posted comment number THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE!
Humm, 333... so Blake, I guess it's official... you really are half EVIL! ;-)
At Sun Jul 23, 05:22:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"CC...did you appoint blake to be 'controller' of you blog sight? spelling errors allowed, no analogies without blakes approval,watch out comes blake to rebuke any differring thought and gee we all didn't take lessons in sarcasm 101...but blake knows it ALL!
blkae..tihs si a qeutsoin for CC...yuo dno't hvae to rsepnod..."
You know, I was hoping for an improvement from you in your posting, and I guess I wasn't disappointed - after a fashion. You increased your number of spelling errors from a mere 5 to a whopping 9. That's almost a 100% improvement in the mere space of 1 hr 2 min - I'm impressed, for one.
And trust me, dude - you have nothing to teach me in the discipline of sarcasm. First of all, you're not very good at it and I can't really learn from you even if I wanted to, and secondly, I am fairly good in my delivery of it. Andrew can vouch for me in that one.
So I'll offer you a free lesson from the BorisD school of internet posting: sarcasm is only effective when it carries some ironic observation delivered in a witty manner. What you refer to as "sarcasm" I prefer to dub "huge waste of time and effort on both the part of the reader and the writer."
And this is the second post in a row you whine and moan about the supposed superiority in attitude of the "left" (I personally am a moderate conservative); did you ever stop to think that that's because you post like a drooling halfwit and people understandably tell you to start posting more intelligently? Criminy.
"Humm, 333... so Blake, I guess it's official... you really are half EVIL! ;-)"
Not a chance. I don't do anything halfway. ;)
At Sun Jul 23, 06:33:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
"Not a chance. I don't do anything halfway. ;)"
Agreed, Blake's the real deal. :D
As one who the right would label as liberal (although I've never voted for the Liberal party and generally don't like labels), I don't side with either side in this battle. I side only with the innocents being killed by both sides. So much for the theory, then, that the (at least labeled) left sides with the terrorists.
At Sun Jul 23, 07:39:00 p.m. EDT,
wayward son said…
I sometimes wonder if most of the problems in the world stem from people on two different sides refusing to consider what the other side is arguing and instead just making up arguments which they believe the other side is arguing.
Hence you end up with a pro-Israel side versus a pro-Hezbollah side or pro-Hamas or pro-terroist
That is ridiculous and completely untrue. While I am sure that there are some anti-Israel people this country I imagine that they are few and far between. A more accurate description of the two sides might be:
One side believes that Israel is using “measured” force versus the other side believes that Israel is using “disproportionate” force.
One side believes that Israel will win itself lasting peace through hawkish military responses versus the other side that believes that the hawkish response will only increase support for Hezbollah within the region.
One side believes that believes that the loss of life that Israel is inflicting right now on Lebanon will save more lives in Israel and Lebanon in the future. The other side that believes that this escalation of conflict is not only costing hundreds of lives right now, but will continue to enflame the hatred and cost many more lives in the future.
At Sun Jul 23, 10:14:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Maybe off topic, maybe not, but I like what Dan Bartlett said:
"I used to be heavily into politics until I realised that politics are more accurately a reflection of personality types and insecurities under the guise of some (useless) moral crusade to make the world a better place... Through it all I learnt that people would rather talk about the world on abstract discussion levels than ever change one real part of themselves."
At Mon Jul 24, 09:51:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I will Condemn Hezbollah WHEN it Invades and make a rubble half of Izrael cities..
Why do You think an armed Hezbolla is less legitimate then a Hundred Times over armed Izeael?
it is all Cockfight "MINE IS BIGGER THEN YOURS !!!"
Man with Guns = MORONS
At Mon Jul 24, 11:16:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Thanks for coming out Marta... though uninformed you are.
This whole mess started because Hezbollah CROSSED OVER INTO ISRAEL (invaded?), killed several soldiers, and kidnapped two more. Israel demanded their men back, and a few stuck Hezbollah targets. Hezbollah has since then launched nearly (or over) 1000 rockets into Israel, causing damage and loss of human life in dozens of Israeli cities. If the IDF weren't holding them back, you better believe that they'd be causing more destruction south of the border than they are.
I'm waiting for that condemnation of Hezbollah you promised, since the jist of your criteria has been met... but I'm not holding my breath.
Yea, you're right, this is a "Mine is bigger than yours" fight... Israel is saying "Mine is bigger than yours... SO QUIT TRYING TO PICK A FIGHT!"
Men with rockets explicitly modified to kill Jews = Hezbollah = Morons
At Mon Jul 24, 02:11:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
White flag... LOL, okay jDave, point taken...
The rockets have been modified so as to inflict maximum casualties, REGARDLESS of faith or ethnicity. However, the main target of Hezbollah, who are launching the rockets, is Jewish Israelis.
That being said, I did hear that one of the rockets killed a pair of Arab Israelis... thus proving that they don't ask what faith or group you belong to before they explode in your face...
At Mon Jul 24, 05:40:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Poor little uniformed Me...
go back a little .Hezbollah was created IN RESPONSE OF 20 years of jewish occupation of Lebanon and ousted them ....
If somebody / you/ comes in My house armed to teeth I MAY JUST CLOB you down from behind in an brutish "unconventional " manner ...that was how Hezbollah acted... every country has a right defend itself against intruders,..
I am old and all I can rememvber The jews notoriously occupied / annexed /all neighbouring countries trying to expand their land base..
The greed is just ingreaded in them ..god promised land all over ...what a stupid faith no better then any islam with the promised virgins /by the way God never promise anything For the woman??? not now .not afterlife ///
WAR IS TERROR ITSELF doesn't make any difference if you have a "regular' or "nonregular" army
Izrael is imposing TERROR on the undefended weaker states .
Oh you say Hezbollah is is shooting back??? with rakets?? OH MY .. what an injustice ..
You are maybe Conservative but not Christian Jesus would spit you in the eyes ..and throw the tables on you greedy spoiled brats of the world..
And say hello to Steve the Turtle his reign is OVER !!!
and this is the only "good' what may come out of this horror.
At Mon Jul 24, 06:41:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Wow... not much more I can add, or want to add, to that.
At Mon Jul 24, 08:13:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
You're getting better every day with your responses, Andrew. That's a good quip - well done.
I, however, choose sometimes to go for the "shred" instead of the mere kill, so I don't mind stepping up to the plate in this case.
Marta (giving your spelling around here, I'll assume your name is actually "Martha", check that, given your history of orthography, it might just as well be "Debbie"):
go back a little .Hezbollah was created IN RESPONSE OF 20 years of jewish occupation of Lebanon and ousted them ....
Okay...then why do they still exist as an armed terrorist group, given that Israel withdrew entirely from Lebanon 6 years ago? And of course what you fail to discuss is why Israel intervened in Lebanon in the first place (the PLO was launching terrorist strikes in Israel from Lebanon from 1978-82). While Israel definitely did some pretty wicked things in that time, Hezbollah's current operations are explicitly against the Taif Agreement of 1989. Secondly, they continue to strike against Israel even though their current disputed land - the Shebaa farms - are under the governorship of Syria, not Lebanon, by UN mandate.
I am old and all I can rememvber The jews notoriously occupied / annexed /all neighbouring countries trying to expand their land base..
The greed is just ingreaded in them ..god promised land all over ...what a stupid faith no better then any islam with the promised virgins /by the way God never promise anything For the woman??? not now .not afterlife ///
Huh? Trying hard to follow that train of...well, not "thought", exactly. "Greed is just ingreaded (?) in them"?!? Where do you get this - Der Ewige Jude? I know it's hard to argue rationally when you're encumbered by total racist sentiments, but at least try to present something cogent. Not that I should be surprised; this kind of argumentation can only be provided by an indvidual who calls their mother and father "aunt" and "uncle" as well.
WAR IS TERROR ITSELF doesn't make any difference if you have a "regular' or "nonregular" army
Izrael is imposing TERROR on the undefended weaker states .
Oh you say Hezbollah is is shooting back??? with rakets?? OH MY .. what an injustice ..
So, "War is terror itself" - but evidently only when Israel (note the proper spelling, please - this is pretty basic stuff) does it. It appears to be perfectly acceptable to you that Hezbollah is firing rockets into civilian populations.
You know, not to totally hype others, but so far me, jdave and Drew are the only people to stand up and clearly condemn both sides. I can sympathize with Israel's position, because they are surrounded by much bigger populations dripping in oil money who just despise Israel's existance - but that doesn't excuse attacks on civilian positions. And yet, the Arabs - despite their stupidity and love of mayhem - aren't entirely unjustified in their sentiments, either.
But both sides are unjustified in their actions. No excuse-making, please; let's have some real accountability. And CC's shrugs at Israel's behaviour are even less infuriating than your total equivocation of terrorist tactics. Yes, I get the frustration to take a shot at the cheerleaders for either side, but if you're going to scream that "war is terror" don't just say that it's horrible for one side to engage in and not the other and just sort of shrug when Hezbollah does it. But then, given your total anti-Semitism, it doesn't exactly shock me that you would do that.
And say hello to Steve the Turtle his reign is OVER !!!
and this is the only "good' what may come out of this horror.
Huh?!? How does Stephen Harper connect to this, and "The Turtle"?!? Wow.
See folks, this is what happens when you don't take your medication exactly as the doctor orders it.
At Mon Jul 24, 10:20:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
No I never was MARTHA ...yes I am from Europe that is how I know war is not solving any problems just creates new ones.The house was blown off above my head ...I know what you cannot know I am experienced things what you didn't ...
I Know agression and occupation never works just cripples millions lives for decades....
I could use spellcheck if I want to.. But I don't care that much any more bad spelling is not a crime Killing innocents is a crime.
I have Jewish friends they can be good and bad just like any special groups...
I condemn all sides equally in this war .. it is pure insanity.
Especially when they hide behind "god told me so."
Coran or Bible all pack of lies for scare the people to do some dirty job what only serves the High on the Top . where the greed is main Motivation. yes it can be ingreaded .
If there is a god he would not be on either side..
I am glad you got the Turtle thing .. I don't know why he reminds me of a great big turtle with everything he does and how he does...
I can't get used to that guy.
At Mon Jul 24, 11:30:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
I could use spellcheck if I want to.. But I don't care that much any more bad spelling is not a crime Killing innocents is a crime.
Heterography is not a crime, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take the extra second to throw your post past a spellcheck. You're almost unreadable at times.
I have Jewish friends they can be good and bad just like any special groups...
ROFLMFAO - "Some of my bset friends are Jews" - classic racist defense. Sorry, Marta, looks like anti-Semitism is just alive and well in Europe as it was in the 1940s. With you, specifically.
I condemn all sides equally in this war .. it is pure insanity.
Especially when they hide behind "god told me so."
Either you've had one hell of an attitude change in a short period of time, or you're backpeddling. A second ago you basically gave Hezbollah a free pass in its activities, blamed all the atrocities on Israel because of how greedy Jewish people are (!!!) and now you're saying there's no right side and wrong side. That's a total 180 from your last post.
Either somebody needs to give me major props for nailing your hide to the wall, or you should just admit that you don't know what you're talking about and shouldn't have posted in the first place. And let's not ignore you have yet to interact with the substantive comments I - or anybody else - made.
I am glad you got the Turtle thing .. I don't know why he reminds me of a great big turtle with everything he does and how he does...
I can't get used to that guy.
You probably relate to him like a turtle because that's how you spend most of your days: in your hollowed-out anti-Semitic shell of a mentality, shielded from reality in your mind in a dark little intellectual prison. So "turtle" is probably the best analogy you could tap for Stephen Harper.
At Mon Jul 24, 11:47:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
wow, i guess i missed what's been going down on this thread.
At Tue Jul 25, 12:11:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
No big loss, ryan.
At Tue Jul 25, 09:32:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
A turtle... yea, that is a good analogy for Mr. Harper...
Being slow, steady and methodical wins the race, rather than springing from one crisis to another without ever doing anything about any of them!
Yea, I remember that story from childhood... if I recall correctly, the tortise won...
And if I recall correctly, the "Turtle" won on January 23rd.
Funny how those old nursery rhymes fit into real life. ;-)
At Tue Jul 25, 10:58:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
"And if I recall correctly, the "Turtle" won on January 23rd.
Funny how those old nursery rhymes fit into real life."
If Marta's response is anything other than something along the lines of "touché" it will be the wrong response. :)
At Tue Jul 25, 06:12:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Yes . I LOATH to have a Turtle /with all the affection a turtle can muster / to lead our Country.. he is a natural disaster in my view .We will see how things fold out soon..
Kim Campbell was the one who boasted about the turtle who can win and what happened to her? And the conservatives??? /well you are all too young to remember .../
anyway I won't "touch "' your little circle any more ...
it was an accident I was reading this "Christian " fellow and saw him with his boss on the picture who doesn't mind slaughter people ....and giggle about it .Blindfolded religious people always flip me ..
goodbye.. marta
At Tue Jul 25, 06:48:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Wrong response, and fairly unintelligable at that, I'm not sure what Marta was getting at. Marta, I'm not religious, nor am I conservative or Conservative (though I'm not Liberal either), but Harper has not been the worst thing to happen to Canada (so far, anyway). Not the best, but definitely not the worst.
At Wed Jul 26, 12:05:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"Wrong response, and fairly unintelligable at that"
Bra-freakin'-vo. Awesome, Drew! This place is becoming the International House of Pwnage. Drew's got his game face on, Andrew's starting to bring out some heat and has been making me raise my eyebrows this past week, and all of it brought to bear in one thread on a Eurotrash anti-Semite. Awesome!
At Fri Jul 28, 11:59:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
blake...yuo r so arrogant...adn yuo atatkced teh worng 'anon'...
At Fri Jul 28, 01:41:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"blake...yuo r so arrogant...adn yuo atatkced teh worng 'anon'..."
"Arrogant"? Not guilty. Sorry.
Nice typing on the second accusation. You were this close to misspelling every word in that sentence. But on that accusation I plead "no contest" - not because I'm necessarily gulity, but because I'm not interested enough in defending myself.
Let's either get back on the topic or just ignore people who misspell so atrociously you have to assume it's intentional.
At Tue Aug 01, 06:49:00 p.m. EDT,
metasyntactic variable said… have nothing to teach me in the discipline of sarcasm." then why can't you understand that the second anonymous' comments were 'intentional'?
At Tue Aug 01, 11:19:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
What makes you think I didn't? ;)
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