Ignatieff and Kyoto
via Warren.
Here's a comment on Kyoto that Iggy made just around the corner from me...
Kyoto, as has always been my opinion, is more of a liability than a benefit to us, OR THE WORLD for that matter. I'll have to look for the link, but another blogger I read yesterday (UPDATE: it was Xavier R. Dubé) made some really good points that concur with my accusations that Kyoto is about wealth re-distribution, NOT actually reducing greenhouse gases.
A commenter replied to my "Rona shouldn't resign" post the other week that he supports the idea that we should be paying to assist third world nations reduce their greenhouse gases. But Xavier pointed out that most of those nations ALREADY HAVE VERY LOW EMISSIONS, so reducing further them takes little effort on their part. Those nations are then free to trade their extra emission credits to the polluters of the first world... AT A PRICE.
Our government is right, I think, to pull out of Kyoto altogether. We have NO PLAN, and the kind of nation that we have handicaps us RIGHT FROM THE GET GO! We are a HUGE nation, the second largest on earth... our present means of transportation kills our chances for emission reductions. Since the 1990's, the target date from which we're to reduce our emissions, we've significantly increased the number of vehicles on our roads. Also, we're a COLD WEATHER nation... we have to generate massive amounts of heat each winter, which again kills us. Sure, our industry could seek to reduce emissions, and I'm all for that... but a "made in Canada" solution could tackle that.
Thirdly, the Kyoto Protocol itself points out that there are huge amounts of emissions from NATURALLY OCCURING "SINKS", which are calculated out of each countries emissions totals so as to reflect an accurate total of man-made emissions. How much greenhouse gases is our planet naturally emitting? Can anyone point me to a good reference for this data? (Speaking of which, have you heard the any of the Kyoto supporters discuss that fact? I know I haven't, and I'd like to know that information, so if anyone knows, I'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction) What percentage of the total emissions is man-made? If it turns out to be a mere 10%, then WHAT GOOD WILL OUR TOKEN EMISSION REDUCTIONS DO? And if that's the case, other than providing employment to the environmental lobby, what's the point of Kyoto?
Iggy also pointed this out... "As a practical matter of politics, nobody knows what (Kyoto) is or what it commits us to." The details of how enforcement will work STILL AREN'T SET YET... what if they come back and say it will cost $10 million dollars for every percent that we're over our target by? WE'D BE SCREWED! Better to pull out NOW, when we KNOW we don't have a chance of meeting our targets, than remain and get nailed by yet to be determined punishments!
And I really (genuinely!) appreciate his honesty here... "We [the Liberal Party] think Kyoto has been an asset for us. It's actually been a huge political liability."
Kyoto itself is a liability Iggy, but not just politically for your party.
ps to commenters - this post is NOT meant to be "anti-Liberal" or "anti-Iggy", I'm just pointing out the comments that Iggy made that raised some more questions in my head. Just trying to raise some legit Kyoto questions, not trying to attack the Liberals... today... ;-)
UPDATE: Thanks for your help Xavier, I went looking for your post, but didn't have a clue who it was, and I'd likely have never found the article again.
Here's a comment on Kyoto that Iggy made just around the corner from me...
On the environment, he said the Liberal party should push environmental policies beyond the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions. Ignatieff said he supports the protocol but it has become a problem for Liberals.He's partly right on his last point... Kyoto IS a liability, but not for the same reasons you think Iggy. I've been saying that for a while now. With I partially agree with some of his conclusions, I disagree on his initial position.
"I think our party has got into a mess on the environment," he said. "As a practical matter of politics, nobody knows what (Kyoto) is or what it commits us to."
He said the Conservatives are having a field day with the record of protocol targets missed by the previous Liberal government.
"We [the Liberal Party] think Kyoto has been an asset for us. It's actually been a huge political liability."
Kyoto, as has always been my opinion, is more of a liability than a benefit to us, OR THE WORLD for that matter. I'll have to look for the link, but another blogger I read yesterday (UPDATE: it was Xavier R. Dubé) made some really good points that concur with my accusations that Kyoto is about wealth re-distribution, NOT actually reducing greenhouse gases.
A commenter replied to my "Rona shouldn't resign" post the other week that he supports the idea that we should be paying to assist third world nations reduce their greenhouse gases. But Xavier pointed out that most of those nations ALREADY HAVE VERY LOW EMISSIONS, so reducing further them takes little effort on their part. Those nations are then free to trade their extra emission credits to the polluters of the first world... AT A PRICE.
Our government is right, I think, to pull out of Kyoto altogether. We have NO PLAN, and the kind of nation that we have handicaps us RIGHT FROM THE GET GO! We are a HUGE nation, the second largest on earth... our present means of transportation kills our chances for emission reductions. Since the 1990's, the target date from which we're to reduce our emissions, we've significantly increased the number of vehicles on our roads. Also, we're a COLD WEATHER nation... we have to generate massive amounts of heat each winter, which again kills us. Sure, our industry could seek to reduce emissions, and I'm all for that... but a "made in Canada" solution could tackle that.
Thirdly, the Kyoto Protocol itself points out that there are huge amounts of emissions from NATURALLY OCCURING "SINKS", which are calculated out of each countries emissions totals so as to reflect an accurate total of man-made emissions. How much greenhouse gases is our planet naturally emitting? Can anyone point me to a good reference for this data? (Speaking of which, have you heard the any of the Kyoto supporters discuss that fact? I know I haven't, and I'd like to know that information, so if anyone knows, I'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction) What percentage of the total emissions is man-made? If it turns out to be a mere 10%, then WHAT GOOD WILL OUR TOKEN EMISSION REDUCTIONS DO? And if that's the case, other than providing employment to the environmental lobby, what's the point of Kyoto?
Iggy also pointed this out... "As a practical matter of politics, nobody knows what (Kyoto) is or what it commits us to." The details of how enforcement will work STILL AREN'T SET YET... what if they come back and say it will cost $10 million dollars for every percent that we're over our target by? WE'D BE SCREWED! Better to pull out NOW, when we KNOW we don't have a chance of meeting our targets, than remain and get nailed by yet to be determined punishments!
And I really (genuinely!) appreciate his honesty here... "We [the Liberal Party] think Kyoto has been an asset for us. It's actually been a huge political liability."
Kyoto itself is a liability Iggy, but not just politically for your party.
ps to commenters - this post is NOT meant to be "anti-Liberal" or "anti-Iggy", I'm just pointing out the comments that Iggy made that raised some more questions in my head. Just trying to raise some legit Kyoto questions, not trying to attack the Liberals... today... ;-)
UPDATE: Thanks for your help Xavier, I went looking for your post, but didn't have a clue who it was, and I'd likely have never found the article again.
At Fri May 26, 02:29:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
This is better, Andrew. Much better, and I say that while still disagreeing with some of your points.
Your lead point should have been this: "We are a HUGE nation, the second largest on earth... our present means of transportation kills our chances for emission reductions. Since the 1990's, the target date from which we're to reduce our emissions, we've significantly increased the number of vehicles on our roads. Also, we're a COLD WEATHER nation... we have to generate massive amounts of heat each winter, which again kills us."
That's a good point, and by far your best one.
Economists have long agreed that pollution credits is the most efficient way to go, and I'm inclined to agree. I like that part of the plan. Yes, poorer nations may sell their credits to richer ones, but that still creates the most efficiency worldwide.
I'll leave off at that, because I'm not an expert on environmental/climate change issues by any stretch of the imagination. I'll consult with a few people who are and might get informed better that way. But that paragraph I highlighted above is what I've been begging for (except for the superfluous ALLCAPS, which I don't like): actual policy discussion. The best I've seen here in a while.
At Fri May 26, 03:12:00 p.m. EDT,
Ted Betts said…
The Conservatives have been complaining that Kyoto is not an attainable plan for almost a decade now. As conservative columnist Andrew Coyne said, “where’s their plan?” They’ve been talking about a “made in Canada” solution for years. So why do they need another second to tell us about their "made in Canada" plan.
So where's the Conservative plan?
At Fri May 26, 03:54:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
"..So where's the Conservative plan?"
Rona "Too-Hot-For-Kyoto" Ambrose is on it.
At Fri May 26, 04:12:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Point taken Cerb... I myself haven't seen one yet.
However, I've been asking for a while for more evidence that shows that "global warming" is not just a regular cycle of our planet, as opposed to a man-made problem. Remember, they were worried about "global cooling" not 30 years ago.
As as I posted, I'm still waiting for the data on naturally occuring emissions, to contrast them with man-made emissions.
Now, one point that I will give climate change proponents is that there has been massive de-forestation in the last few decades... THAT is something that should be corrected, and would also assist in CO2 reductions. However, I've not heard any Kyoto proponents mention that... of course, dealing with the root cause is the better course of action, but I'm still a skeptic of the whole thing, though I'm NOT suggesting we do NOTHING.
At Fri May 26, 04:24:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
if the only plan they have is to stop paying for bogus "credits" (our tax money) then thats a good start
At Fri May 26, 04:53:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
If you haven't head Kyoto proponents talking about deforestation, it is probabl a sign of who you are talking to...
Boring and technical, but work is being done to address it.
At Fri May 26, 04:59:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
The ratio is about 150 billion tons versus 7 billion anthropogenic per annum. The important point is that the world balances at around 150 b tons, but accumulates most of the anthropogenic.
At Fri May 26, 06:04:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
According to the FAQ at http://www.junkscience.com/Greenhouse/, humans emit about 3.4% of the total greenhouse gases.
At Fri May 26, 08:33:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
If you haven't head Kyoto proponents talking about deforestation, it is probabl a sign of who you are talking to...
Actually, I'm referring to what I've heard over the years via the MSM.
See? I'm not always railing against the MSM... I do actually listen to them... from time to time... ;-)
At Fri May 26, 08:50:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"Jeez, this weed turns me into a friggin' hippy...."
I dunno, jdave, I've never done weed in my life and I thought that was well-put. And I'm hardly a hippy. ;)
At Sat May 27, 12:08:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian Conservative and all,
CC, you said in your "Ignatieff and Kyoto" post:
"I'll have to look for the link, but another blogger I read yesterday (I think it was yesterday) made some really good points that concur with my accusations that Kyoto is about wealth re-distribution, NOT actually reducing greenhouse gases. (...) But that other blogger (I'm looking for the post) pointed out that most of those nations ALREADY HAVE VERY LOW EMISSIONS, so reducing further them takes little effort on their part. Those nations are then free to trade their extra emission credits to the polluters of the first world... AT A PRICE."
I believe you're talking about me. So I will waste no time putting an end to your dreaded, interminable quest and gracefully provide the link to my post for you.
You're talking about my "Rona, pull us out now, we've had enough" post.
Thanks for citing me. I'm kind of flattered that you did. I'll put a link to your post in my post.
Have a very nice day,
Xavier R. Dubé
At Sat May 27, 12:28:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
It was indeed you Xavier, just couldn't remember where I'd read it... thanks! Post updated accordingly.
At Sat May 27, 01:17:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
My pleasure. I too updated my post to include a reference to yours. We're lucky I accidentally stumbled on yours from the BloggingTories website...
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