Treating MP's with R-E-S-P-E-C-T
LOL! Steve Janke has a pretty funny (sarcastic) post about electoral reform. How dare those Conservatives treat other MP's with respect!
I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.
At Thu May 25, 10:17:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Not going to post on that issue jDave... I support a degree of deregulation in many industries, but what these INDIVIDUALS did was wrong... they took advantage of people and profited by it, plain and simple.
Should the nursing home industry be monitored? You bet it should!
At Thu May 25, 10:27:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Just so things are clear jDave, the REASON I support deregulation is because I've worked in Healthcare... and I see the MASSIVE burocracy that occurs within it. Institutions become top-heavy, and siphon funds away from where it counts, at the patient level.
With deregulation of these retirement homes, (I'm NOT talking about private hospitals, just so we're clear, I DON'T support that) companies are more profit driven, which I'm okay with, SO LONG AS PROFITS ARE NOT BEING MADE AT THE EXPENCE OF RESIDENTS!!! (significant savings can be derived by streamlining the organizational model)
Therefore, to ensure that patients aren't suffering, as with what happened with these brothers, there ought to be a solid monitoring system, which clearly failed here. I agree with you wholeheartedly on those points.
Did I clear things up, or stir up a new hornets nest? ;-)
At Thu May 25, 10:54:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Too bad HArper muzzles his own MPs. They are trained seals.
At Thu May 25, 11:02:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Actually, I work with/for seniors every day. ;-)
We disagree with how the system works, nothing more jDave.
Am I mad at what happened to these people? You bet I am. Do I want to ensure it doesn't happen again? You bet I do.
I attack stateist parties (ie Liberals and NDP) because I believe that people should be helping people, and not relying on the government for everything. I believe that children ought to care for their elders, not stick them in a home and expect the government to take care of them. I believe in the "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" thing, and it ticks me off that other people don't.
I said I wasn't going to touch that issue because you were right... I WAS UNINFORMED about it. Now you want me to post on a position on which I'm uninformed? Which would you prefer man?
Do you want me to say the words jDave? Sure... THE MIKE HARRIS GOVERNMENT CHANGED THE SYSTEM. Things would have worked fine IF THESE INDIVIDUALS HAD ANY MORALS WHATSOEVER.
Am I happy that changing the monitoring system allowed this to happen? No, absolutely not. Is hindsight 20/20? Yep, it is. Do I think monitoring should now be beefed back up? Due to bottom feeders like these brothers, yes, I do.
jDave, you really don't know me. You take one statement so far out of context that I have to post clarifications, etc, to get things straight.
You have NO IDEA how much I care about seniors. I work in Long Term Care, and I've volunteered in homes off and on for well over a decade.
Over this time, I've seen problems within the system, and I happen to think that a lot of the problems we see come down to political philosophy. A stateist party, such as the Liberals or NDP, I think (remember, this is my OPINION, take it or leave it) fosters these sorts of issues, as people rely on the institution rather than putting in any kind of effort themselves. I think if we start cutting out some of the fat middle (I'm NOT talking about cutting frontline support or funding, which is part of what happened) we can perhaps start to address some of these long standing issues.
I have to look in more than a mirror jDave, I have to look my Lord in the face when I see Him. I remember that each and every day, trust me. In the meantime, I have to look my fellow man in the eye, and I want to make sure that his/her life is better because of what I've done.
You may not agree with how I think things should be done, but if you think I don't want to protect those who can't fend for themselves, then you've never figured out who I am.
At Thu May 25, 12:20:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
"When you thought you'd caught the Liberals, it merited a front page post"
Did you not see my BOLD FONT title update? If you looked on the BloggingTories, it was there for all to see. I was wrong, and admitted it.
"When are you going to make a front page post about how the Harris government royally screwed seniors?"
Just so you know, I and several million other people in Ontario voted for him, because he implemented much needed changes. Did all of them work out for the best? Most certainly not... and that's already been admitted.
Sorry to see that you're still bitter about the Harris years.
And I care about seniors NO MATTER WHO IS IN POWER.
Your list of how you view me? Flip the order, and drop everything after the comma of your last one (my first one)
My "indignation" was about how these slezebags appeared to support the Liberals... which, as I'm sure you must have figured out by now, was retracted.
I care about advancing the Conservative agenda BECAUSE I think it's in the best interest of Canada. NO OTHER REASON. If I felt the NDP platform was better for the country, I'd say so.
At Thu May 25, 12:23:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Dirk, corruption is corruption.
If/when the CPC gets complacent and that creeps in, I'll call them on it.
I don't see it yet, do you?
At Thu May 25, 12:25:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
And the reason that I "dropped it like a hot potato" was cause I was wrong, duh!
At Thu May 25, 12:47:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Liberal trolls CC, liberal trolls...
At Thu May 25, 12:57:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Not so anonymous... I don't mind having the debate, I just don't like getting continually jumped on for something that I've already taken back.
Guess I'll just have to get used to it, should I ever go any further in politics...
Dirk, "And what about seniors that don't have children or other relatives?" THAT'S where I see the state having more of a hand... taking care of those who can't (or don't have anyone else to) take care of them.
"(I) would like to see you attack bad government instead of government that doesn't line up with your ideological beliefs"
Sure thing. I just happen to agree with what the CPC has done so far more than I disagree with it.
Well, after all this, maybe I'll just stick to the Federal level... ;-)
At Thu May 25, 01:07:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
"you never answered the question. When are you going to take Mike Harris to task for hurting seniors the way you took the Liberals to task"
I didn't take the Liberals to task for "hurting seniors", nor can I post on Mike Harris "hurting seniors" because I don't know any seniors that were hurt by Mike Harris, other than this group we've been talking about... and my comment above already said that it was really unfortunate, but the responsiblity for the CRIMES STILL LIE WITH THE BROTHERS.
At Thu May 25, 01:11:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Wow, we're really off topic here. Please post comments regarding my previously retracted error to the correct post.
At Thu May 25, 01:17:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Cause I thought I saw "corruption", so I was gonna call them out for it... TURNED OUT I WAS WRONG!!! I thought I saw dirty money going to the Liberals, when in fact, it was going both ways.
To be honest, maybe both parties should return those donations to any class action suit filed to reclaim the money on behalf of those seniors... sound like a good idea to you?
If so, let's actually get together on something and ask them to do something about it, eh? I'm game for that... doing something productive rather than just slugging it out!
Anyone else in?
At Thu May 25, 01:37:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! But all I said was what I was saying yesterday!!! LOL
Okay, as long as we're clear as mud this time, that's all that matters.
As for the idea to try get some of that money back, are you game? Do you think it's a good idea? Do you think it has a chance? Do you think it will do any good? We're only talking about $8000 total, but it would at least be a token gesture, no?
Anywho, blogging is done for today, we're taking our entire system down for a few hours, and I've spent a couple days of lunches already today... and I wanna be a good steward!
At Thu May 25, 03:54:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"I just don't like getting continually jumped on for something that I've already taken back."
I understand why you wouldn't like that, but honestly Andrew, I think people like jdave34 (who is going to be inducted into the Blake Kennedy Internet Hall of Fame later this week) honestly have the best in mind for you. They see something worthwhile in you to hold you accountable, to call crap when they see it, and to give you the truth when you need it. And just making some retraction, while a good thing, is a short term solution. I think you really need to learn some good lessons from what went down here this week, and adjust your work accordingly. That's why jdave and dirk (and myself) are drilling this point home: learn the lesson. Change.
You're in much the same position I was a few years back, and I think with people like dirk and jdave around, I think your faith journey will go a lot better for you than it did for me.
I'll admit, the savage part of me enjoyed tremendously watching all this go down. The pwnage was off the scale, but I can relate very easily to why jdave is doing what he's doing; he's offering you good advice and true friendship, and I'm just glad that it was him who exploded and not me, because I think I'm too much of a softie to lay down the message that you need to hear, in my opinion.
At Thu May 25, 08:16:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"I know I'm hillarious...laughter is good medicine...try it!"
Good call! I've found myself doing absolute belly laughs after reading some of your comments around here.
"jdave...I don't think it is your responsibilty to 'make an honest hack' out of CC."
Okay, let's deal with this again. Andrew has made repeated errors due to poor methodology and a poor approach to political discourse, by buying into a role as an attack dog, or whore (depending upon how negative you want to be in your POV on his role) for the CPCs interests as opposd to an independently thoughtful guy, which is what I believe the CPC (and the Blogging Tories in particular) are begging for. jdave has clearly boiled over in his frustration and is laying down the law, attempting to help Andrew to see that there's something better for him than this kind of posting. Frankly, he beat me to meltdown point by about 12 hours. Good for him.
Secondly, I laugh at the constant double-standards of yours dealing with YKOP - Your Kind Of People. You've hammered time and time again about the need for the federal Liberals to be accountable. But, strangely, it's wrong somehow for me to criticize the Church despite even flagrant sins. Apparently they don't need to be held accountable to any sort of standard(s). It's wrong for jdave to criticize Andrew for flagrant errors. Apparently he doesn't need to be held accountable in his writing. Would you asy the same thing if he were a Blogging Grit (if there is such a thing?) Why the double standard? Didn't you just see jdave go off about that, and take some sort of lesson from all that? Be honest, and be consistent in your values. I'd respect somebody who's solid and consistent and...well, honest more than a hack, times ten thousand.
The thing is, you're not helping your boys in blue any. If you want them to form a long-lasting majority government, you're going to have to keep them accountable and honest and governing properly. At this point, I don't think you can do that to any meaningful degree. I mean, your relationship to accountability is about the same as mine to Angie Harmon's genitals: distant admiration.
"He already was honest by admitting his mistake"
Yep...and we're trying to deal with the reasons as to why this happened and trying to give a wake-up call so such meltdowns don't happen again.
"without your intimidation."
Nice! We'd of course, fear your intimidation as a reprisal, except your posts are so consistently poorly thought out, you couldn't intimidate an ostrich.
At Thu May 25, 09:09:00 p.m. EDT,
Joanne (True Blue) said…
Looking forward to reading more of JDave's stuff on his own blog so we can all be educated.
At Thu May 25, 10:33:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
" laugh???good!!"
Not nearly as hard as the people who just read me tearing you apart, I'm sure.
"Flattered that you feel compelled to respond so thouroghly to each thought!!"
Unsurprisingly, it didn't take much time.
At Thu May 25, 10:36:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"Looking forward to reading more of JDave's stuff on his own blog so we can all be educated."
For some reason, I think he could produce something that doesn't rely almost exclusively on Toronto Sun editorials for support.
Or, if you're up to the challenge, you could actually go through jdave's stuff and try to successfully rebut what he's said. But for some reason you didn't choose to do that. I wonder why?
At Fri May 26, 09:54:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
This has got to be the most ridiculous comments thread I have ever read.
Believe it or not CC was on to something here but didn't follow through far enough. Boy was he ever shot down for his attempt!!!
At Fri May 26, 11:59:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"Believe it or not CC was on to something here but didn't follow through far enough. Boy was he ever shot down for his attempt!!!"
Boy, are the Blogging Tories (I'm assuming you are one, or at least favourably connected) ever making Conservative attempts at increasing governmental accountability look unlikely, seeing as they don't even like for themselves to be held accountable.
At Fri May 26, 01:28:00 p.m. EDT,
Joanne (True Blue) said…
"Or, if you're up to the challenge, you could actually go through jdave's stuff and try to successfully rebut what he's said. But for some reason you didn't choose to do that. I wonder why?"
Not much of any substance to rebut.
At Fri May 26, 02:08:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
"Not much of any substance to rebut."
Then you're either mildly retarded, or just don't like seeing things that disagree with YKOP. Fact is, jdave has some hugely important advice for Andrew, and why you're encouraging him to ignore it is beyond me. Just an absolute mystery.
It just makes me howl to no end seeing the mindless cheerleading without once evaluating the substance of what an "opponent" of Andrew has to say. Is this what the Conservative Party has to rely on for its base? Consider my membership non-renewed.
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