"Not a red cent to Hamas"
All I have to say is this... WAY TO GO PETER!!!
It's about time that Canada said "NO" to terrorists. Funding Fatah was bad enough, and I'll bet my bottom dollar that if the Liberals were still in power, they'd be funding Hamas as if nothing had ever happened.
Now, to those who may think my attitude "unChristian", I'm glad that Mackay has said that the government is looking to funnel funds directly to humanitarian works, but won't give a dime to a known terrorist organization... you know, people who like to spend their money looking for ways to kill as many Israelis as possible.
For the record, I support and pray for the peace of Israel. I believe the Jews are the chosen people of God, and that Genesis 12:1-3 still apply:
Now, don't get me wrong... Israel today is not a perfect nation. They still have some changing of heart to do themselves. However, when the LORD God Almighty says He's got your back...
NOTE: Some may ask why, if "God has got their back", what that whole Holocost thing was all about... He never said it would be all roses for His people... but look at where Hitler is today... God kept his promise indeed.
It's about time that Canada said "NO" to terrorists. Funding Fatah was bad enough, and I'll bet my bottom dollar that if the Liberals were still in power, they'd be funding Hamas as if nothing had ever happened.
Now, to those who may think my attitude "unChristian", I'm glad that Mackay has said that the government is looking to funnel funds directly to humanitarian works, but won't give a dime to a known terrorist organization... you know, people who like to spend their money looking for ways to kill as many Israelis as possible.
For the record, I support and pray for the peace of Israel. I believe the Jews are the chosen people of God, and that Genesis 12:1-3 still apply:
"Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you; And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."Hamas, so long as you curse the nation of Israel, you and your people shall remain in poverty. God has spoken it; so shall it be.
Now, don't get me wrong... Israel today is not a perfect nation. They still have some changing of heart to do themselves. However, when the LORD God Almighty says He's got your back...
NOTE: Some may ask why, if "God has got their back", what that whole Holocost thing was all about... He never said it would be all roses for His people... but look at where Hitler is today... God kept his promise indeed.
At Thu Mar 30, 09:04:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
The NDP will want to debate this move in Parliament. Svend Robinson has already come out and said that we need to continue supporting the Palastinian gov't financially.
Bravo PM Harper
Remember when no one cared what Canada thought, remember when no one looked to or expected any leadership out of Canada? Now we're the first country in a soon to be long list to withdrawal support for the new Hamas led gov't.
Canada wants a greater voice on the world stage?
This is the way to do it!
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