Liberals perpetuate YWCA Lies
Surprise, surprise. This just in from posted on their website here.
Give it up guys. Most Canadians DON'T want a national "childcare" institution.
Of course, really it's just a plot to indoctrinate our children to be good little socialists, who will spend the rest of their lives voting Liberal or NDP... but I digress.

Of course, really it's just a plot to indoctrinate our children to be good little socialists, who will spend the rest of their lives voting Liberal or NDP... but I digress.
At Thu Mar 30, 11:42:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Anyone see a conflict of interest here?
The Liberals didn't actually create a childcare program, they just threw money at the provinces and told them to keep on doing what they were doing. One of the things they were doing was suplimentary funding groups like the YWCA's daycare program.
So the YWCA will directly benifit from the Liberal "plan" and maybe only indirectly from the Conservative. How was this survey implemented? What questions were asked?
How do the Liberals figure that after tax it only amounts to $8/wk?
At Thu Mar 30, 06:40:00 p.m. EST,
OMMAG said…
Well...they did FUND the so called report!
But I find it hard to believe that even the moonbat loyalists of the LPC buy into the idea that posting a debunked piece of propaganda on the party website is good idea.
Are there any LIberals left with any sense at all??
At Thu Mar 30, 08:52:00 p.m. EST,
Joanne (True Blue) said…
Is this some kind of sick joke? The Libs fund a report by the YWCA based on junk science in order to get the results they want, and the media picks it up without checking the facts, and then the Libs say, "Guess what? Canadians want what we paid the YWCA to say they wanted". Are people really swallowing this garbage???
At Thu Mar 30, 08:52:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Young Womens Christian Association and they really need to change Christian to Communist if they want to be honest about their name.
Same goes for the YMCA.
At Sat Apr 01, 09:31:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Don't confuse the YMCA with the YWCA. They are two different organizations with different goals and purposes. In fact most YWCA organizations have dropped the long form of their name and no longer support Christian principles. The YWCA of today is a women's advocacy group, pushing an agenda that they perceive are in the best interests of women.
BTW, the YWCA is currently in the middle of a multi-year research project on child-care services funded by Health Canada.
At Sun Apr 02, 09:24:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
They should remove the "C" from their names... they have no relation to the original mandates of these two organizations.
At Wed Apr 05, 07:59:00 a.m. EDT,
Joanne (True Blue) said…
They're about as Christian as those peacemakers who refused to thank their rescuers.
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