I posted earlier that it will be FOUR YEARS until the next election. You laugh?
With each passing day, it's looking more and more like the Tories will be able to stay in office for a good long while. The Liberal leadership... right now, it's like a hot potato... no one wants a Kim Campbell-like, crash and burn term, relegated to the Opposition benches. The people who typically want the post are people who want to be the Prime Minister one day. The person who takes the job right now will likely NEVER get to move into 24 Sussex, thus, no one wants it.
What the Liberal Party needs is someone who can rebuild the party, lose the next election graciously, and then hand over the reigns to someone who's been building support and momentum during these next five years, who can win BIG the next time around. (Look at me here... advising my opponents)
But that's the ONLY way the Liberal Party will be able to pull this off, at least, with any sucess, is to, as many have said, go out to the woodshed and deal with their problems. Not kicking and screaming, trying to resist and plotting to win back power sooner, but to just tuck tail and get it over with.
Any attempts to win back the reigns of power sooner, rather than later, will wind them up in a WEAK monority, IF THEY WIN AT ALL. By focusing their resources on winning, rather than renewing itself, they will have missed their golden opportunity, and will suffer for it. Canadians will be INCENSED if we end up having an election within two to three years, therefore, since they have the time, why not take advantage of it? WARNING TO ATHEISTS, BIBLICAL ANALOGY AHEAD:Some one who can steer the party well should take over, lead them like Moses through the wilderness, and then pass the mantle over to Joshua, who will lead them into victory. During the years of Moses, "Josh" could be working in the wings, helping to foster the renewal just beyond the shadow of the leader... all the while, the party membership can be talking in hushed tones about "The One" in the background, preparing for a coronation after the next election loss. They need a leader who can live with that One in his/her shadow, and not turn it into another battle.
Now, things could just blow up for PM Harper, and this could all be moot. However, I don't think he's going to slip up drasticly, if at all, therefore, the Liberals should plan on long-term rebuilding, and leave the country to us for a while.
Of course, I would MUCH RATHER that they DON'T listen to me... then come 2018, we can instead be chanting "TWELVE MORE YEARS! TWELVE MORE YEARS!" (Wow... I'd be 40 years old by then!)
With each passing day, it's looking more and more like the Tories will be able to stay in office for a good long while. The Liberal leadership... right now, it's like a hot potato... no one wants a Kim Campbell-like, crash and burn term, relegated to the Opposition benches. The people who typically want the post are people who want to be the Prime Minister one day. The person who takes the job right now will likely NEVER get to move into 24 Sussex, thus, no one wants it.
What the Liberal Party needs is someone who can rebuild the party, lose the next election graciously, and then hand over the reigns to someone who's been building support and momentum during these next five years, who can win BIG the next time around. (Look at me here... advising my opponents)
But that's the ONLY way the Liberal Party will be able to pull this off, at least, with any sucess, is to, as many have said, go out to the woodshed and deal with their problems. Not kicking and screaming, trying to resist and plotting to win back power sooner, but to just tuck tail and get it over with.
Any attempts to win back the reigns of power sooner, rather than later, will wind them up in a WEAK monority, IF THEY WIN AT ALL. By focusing their resources on winning, rather than renewing itself, they will have missed their golden opportunity, and will suffer for it. Canadians will be INCENSED if we end up having an election within two to three years, therefore, since they have the time, why not take advantage of it? WARNING TO ATHEISTS, BIBLICAL ANALOGY AHEAD:Some one who can steer the party well should take over, lead them like Moses through the wilderness, and then pass the mantle over to Joshua, who will lead them into victory. During the years of Moses, "Josh" could be working in the wings, helping to foster the renewal just beyond the shadow of the leader... all the while, the party membership can be talking in hushed tones about "The One" in the background, preparing for a coronation after the next election loss. They need a leader who can live with that One in his/her shadow, and not turn it into another battle.
Now, things could just blow up for PM Harper, and this could all be moot. However, I don't think he's going to slip up drasticly, if at all, therefore, the Liberals should plan on long-term rebuilding, and leave the country to us for a while.
Of course, I would MUCH RATHER that they DON'T listen to me... then come 2018, we can instead be chanting "TWELVE MORE YEARS! TWELVE MORE YEARS!" (Wow... I'd be 40 years old by then!)
At Sun Feb 05, 12:11:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
It's really saying something when the majority opinion of a country has been brainwashed into Liberal ideas and they STILL can't pull off an election because of their own incompetence!
At Sun Feb 05, 09:11:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Hopefully Harper has the integrity to pass the baton to Peter MacKay the way you're suggesting that the Liberals need to do
At Mon Feb 13, 02:13:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
well this is fun. Four years with a minority? I might have a heart attack. I would much pefer a Con majority as soon as possible. Seriously 4 years? Well at least the Liberals will stay out of politics for a while (If their smart).
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