PM Harper - The "Evangelical"
The "Red Star" has an article today about Stephen Harper. The headline says, "Stephen Harper just can't quit his inner-Evangelical", which will grab peoples attention, but then the article, in actual fact, is really good! It starts out like this...
They've said the same things that I've been saying about PM Harper all along... he's a "moderate" evangelical. For non-evangelicals out there, trust me on that one, he's just a moderate... I heard him say "Oh my g**" on the Rick Mercer Report... and that's really revealing to me on where he actually stands. (to my friends who read this, namely BK and DC, I know what you're thinking already... some phrases I can ignore, but not THAT one, or someone saying "J.C.") As a Christian, things like lying, stealing, etc, are "anathema" to him. (Blake, care to define? Did I use that right? ;-) )
I REALLY respect PM Harper, and I look forward to seeing him change this nation. To those on the left, RELAX, he's not going to try and make Ottawa the "Vatican" for evangelical church. He's just a regular guy who wants to make a difference. He's not in it for the glory or the power in and of itself, but he got into this to obtain the power to make a difference.
And IF he gets the chance to pass his current agenda, I REALLY believe that next time around, there's a REALLY good chance that our NEXT election result could be a Conservative majority... but I say that's a good FOUR YEARS away. (that oughta stir the pot a little...)
Stephen Harper, our newest Prime Minister, is an evangelical Christian. Over the course of the election campaign, certain media outlets, Liberal Party supporters, and members of Canada's intelligentsia have suggested that that makes him different from the rest of us ... us being "average Canadians."So, of course, I'm thinking, "Here we go, the scare mongering continues..." But then, it ends like this... "
The implications of these findings are staggering: it could mean that for the first time in decades Canadians might have a Prime Minister who doesn't lie to them.Amm, I think I can live with press like that!
Skeptical? I understand. It may be easy for evangelicals, but for the rest of us ... it's hard to believe in miracles.
They've said the same things that I've been saying about PM Harper all along... he's a "moderate" evangelical. For non-evangelicals out there, trust me on that one, he's just a moderate... I heard him say "Oh my g**" on the Rick Mercer Report... and that's really revealing to me on where he actually stands. (to my friends who read this, namely BK and DC, I know what you're thinking already... some phrases I can ignore, but not THAT one, or someone saying "J.C.") As a Christian, things like lying, stealing, etc, are "anathema" to him. (Blake, care to define? Did I use that right? ;-) )
I REALLY respect PM Harper, and I look forward to seeing him change this nation. To those on the left, RELAX, he's not going to try and make Ottawa the "Vatican" for evangelical church. He's just a regular guy who wants to make a difference. He's not in it for the glory or the power in and of itself, but he got into this to obtain the power to make a difference.
And IF he gets the chance to pass his current agenda, I REALLY believe that next time around, there's a REALLY good chance that our NEXT election result could be a Conservative majority... but I say that's a good FOUR YEARS away. (that oughta stir the pot a little...)
At Sat Feb 04, 03:08:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"To those on the left, RELAX, he's not going to try and make Ottawa the "Vatican" for evangelical church."
If this indeed proves to be the case then I'll be at least okay with the election results. :)
At Sun Feb 05, 12:49:00 a.m. EST,
John said…
I'm hoping he turns into another visionary like Tommy Douglas (he was a baptist).
At Sun Feb 05, 06:59:00 a.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
anathema basically means "accursed".
I have no major problem with the expression "oh my god", I'm more concered about the intent. Most languages have that expression that just comes up unthinkingly. "Ah, mon dieu," is just natural when I'm speaking French, and I never say it in English because to me, it does seem to violate the idea that we're not supposed to take the Lord's name in vain, that is, as something common or unimportant. Not that using a generic category like "god" violates that precept, of course, in a technical sense, but I still don't like doing it. Yet in French, or Russian, "Akh, Bozhi!" it just is very natural to me.
I think Harper is the closest thing to an evangelical that the voting public will stand: a guy who may (or may not) attend church regularly but who doesn't draw attention to himself in his religious actions or his beliefs. I frankly don't know what his religious beliefs are and I frankly don't care, either. Mostly because I'm not a huge Stephen Harper fan, and never have been, and even if I were, I'm more interested in a guy who can govern who has little religious faith than a guy who can't who waves a bible around all the time (see file under "Day, Stockwell".)
At Sun Feb 05, 09:25:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Harper's church:
At Mon Feb 06, 12:23:00 a.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
I like Harper, but the sod was lucky enough to be born a Presbyterian, and he jumps over to...the CM&A? That's even less forgiveable than Andrew's applause of a Ben Affleck movie.
At Mon Feb 06, 09:48:00 a.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
Apologies for the above...I was wrong. Andrew actually wasn't applauding a Ben Affleck movie. My bad.
Stephen Harper still has some serious questions, though, about jumping from the PCC to the CM&A.
At Tue Feb 07, 04:44:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Harper hubris, or Does Harper have a tin ear?
The conventional wisdom now seems to be that Stephen Harper is a political genius, of the same ilk as Napoleon, or Churchill, or – pick your favourite. But what if Harper’s cabinet-making is not a politically astute move by at all, but simply a sign that he has a political tin ear?
After all, sometimes the past is predicator of the future: in 2004 he misread the electorate with some of his comments about the Liberals – especially Martin – and his premature triumph speeches about the West taking over. And in Parliament he has sounded a bit screechy and overly self-righteous. Then there are those stories about him being a one-man-band, who does not need a mentor because, one observer says he said, he never met anyone as smart as he is ....
So, perhaps this was just Harper being Harper, and marching to his own discordant band?
If so, wait until the second Act: gonna be a lot of fun for Libs and NDP, and a lot of buyer’s remorse by many voters in Ontario ....
And meanwhile, the Bloc will crouch in the wings, nursing its wounds, and waiting for the right time to take Harper down – when he is under a cloud of intolerance or stupidity, but before he cements himself into Quebec as Mulroney Junior. Best get rid of him soon, before he becomes a real threat to the Bloc ...
So wait for the right moment, and the ganging up by the three parties who each have good reasons for taking him out of his new digs at Sussex, and who – between them – hold the balance of power.
After all, Harper arranged a mob-lynching of Martin with all three parties deciding to put in the knife on that particular Ides of May. Having shown the way, I wonder if Harper fears that this time the other three parties will cooperate to bring him down?
Better than even chance, I think; and probably before summer ends, too.....
Maybe Harper should let those renovations take place at Sussex Drive before he moves in: might save him having to move twice, eh?
At Fri Aug 01, 09:20:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Harper is a mind-controlled slave. Get over it.
He makes back-room deals with Bush and Calderon to sell out Canada. The latest version of that treason is the SPP (the Security and Prosperity Partnership) It spells the end of U.S., Mexico and Canada by turning those nations into regions, and by forming a government body to rule those 3 nations. Ever heard of the European Union? The Soviet Union? Same sh*t. Just on this side of the globe.
To see you people think Harper is a normal guy just trying to make things good in Canada... *puke*
At Fri Aug 01, 09:22:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
What? Cn't leave comments without your dictatorial approval. Lemme guess... if it isn't pro-Harper its trash.
How dare you consider yourself Christian.
At Fri Aug 01, 09:57:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Anon, most folks would agree that I've got a pretty good record of publishing comments... I just have to have the approval on because I've gained a "stalker" over the last few months, who keeps posting stuff I don't want on my blog.
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