The world gets a wake up call
Okay, so I've been somewhat remiss in posting lately, so here goes... a summary of what's going on.
And I start by asking "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Could it be that the world is waking up to how Islam views the world? I think most on the left are getting a genuine wake up call... "NOTE TO LEFT: Islam does NOT support freedom of speech. You have now been warned."
Ravi Zacharias had a really good answer to a question regarding Islam's spread throughout the world. He was asked, "Mr. Zacharias, how do you think that Islam will be able to survive in the secularism of the West?" His answer was this; "Your question shows that you don't understand the first thing about Islam... it is not 'How will Islam survive in the West?'... the question we should be asking is 'How will the West survive Islam?'"
I remember hearing a story about some multi-faith conference held somewhere in Europe. (yes, I know, you ask where's the proof... sorry) In an attepmt to display the unity of faiths, a preist and imam got together for a photo op, where in a gesture of good faith, the imam gave the preist a copy of the Quran. The preist gladly accepted with smiles, and then proceeded to hand a copy of the Bible to the imam. He refused to accept it... because as a Muslim, why would he take another faith's holy book? No, their goal is to CONVERT us, by any means.
As a Christian, I too want to convert you, but NOT "by any means". I have no fear of reasoned discussion... but that's another story!
And I start by asking "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Could it be that the world is waking up to how Islam views the world? I think most on the left are getting a genuine wake up call... "NOTE TO LEFT: Islam does NOT support freedom of speech. You have now been warned."
Ravi Zacharias had a really good answer to a question regarding Islam's spread throughout the world. He was asked, "Mr. Zacharias, how do you think that Islam will be able to survive in the secularism of the West?" His answer was this; "Your question shows that you don't understand the first thing about Islam... it is not 'How will Islam survive in the West?'... the question we should be asking is 'How will the West survive Islam?'"
I remember hearing a story about some multi-faith conference held somewhere in Europe. (yes, I know, you ask where's the proof... sorry) In an attepmt to display the unity of faiths, a preist and imam got together for a photo op, where in a gesture of good faith, the imam gave the preist a copy of the Quran. The preist gladly accepted with smiles, and then proceeded to hand a copy of the Bible to the imam. He refused to accept it... because as a Muslim, why would he take another faith's holy book? No, their goal is to CONVERT us, by any means.
As a Christian, I too want to convert you, but NOT "by any means". I have no fear of reasoned discussion... but that's another story!
At Sat Feb 04, 12:20:00 p.m. EST,
OMMAG said…
Satirical comment is the right of free people.
Religion, politics, business, societal groups of any description have no protection and in fact deserve none.
The nature of the Islamist response tells us all we need to know about their committment to freedom.
Our free society owes these people nothing and yet they wish to impose their will on us.
I resist.
At Sat Feb 04, 12:51:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
What is truly scary about this uproar is the images on the news of school children (they must have been under 12 years old) burning flags and demonstrating against the cartoons. If this is not an example of wide spread propaganda (read as brainwashing) I don't know what is. Islam is supposed to translate as "peace" but I think they have tipped their hand and shown the world that the goal of Islam is anything but peace starting with the destruction of historical artifacts in Afganistan to 9/11 to the almost daily suicide bombings in Iraq, Afganistan, Israel etc. Islam does not stand for peace but for conquest. Tolerance has become a catch phrase in the west but can we continue to "tolerate" this kind of behaviour? We need to say enough is enough. This is wrong.
At Sat Feb 04, 02:22:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"Islam is supposed to translate as "peace" but I think they have tipped their hand and shown the world that the goal of Islam is anything but peace"
Maybe they have a 1984 view of peace (ie. "war is peace"). :)
"NOTE TO LEFT: Islam does NOT support freedom of speech. You have now been warned."
As one who is generally thought of as pretty "left," I am not pro-Islam as many other leftists are. Then again, I am fairly anti-religion in general (keeping in mind that as one who identifies as a Christian, I do not consider Christianity to be a religion).
At Sun Feb 05, 12:46:00 a.m. EST,
John said…
So Muslims want to conquer us, why is this a shocker? What do you think initiated the first crusades? The Muslim conquest of Spain. To not believe in Islam is an affront to Islam. It have been this way for over a thousand years. Why should they change?
At Sun Feb 05, 01:40:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
It is said that there is power in knowledge, that being true, it must also be said that denying knowledge is power for those who deny it.
How can a person, who has become knowledgable by having unfettered access to imformation in various forms of media, reason with a person who, for all intent and purposes raised in an information coccoon or is conditioned to live in such?
One has to reason in the most simplistic manner.
WARNING: I'm getting theological here.
The decision has to be made between on whether Christ is Who He says He is or Mohammed is Who He says He is.
Assume that God and Allah are the one and the same. Now Christ is God in human form, came to earth for a reason. Suffered a horrible death, rose three days later, for...well...everybody to have everlasting life, if one choses to believe.
So we have God going through the pain and suffering, but some 700 years later a new prophet shows up with a new way of attaining salvation. Hmmm...somehow I do not think that God would say, "You know what? I don't think my pain and suffering was enough, even though I cried out "It is finished". I better send another messenger just in case."
I don't think God second guesses Himself.
Getting back to the knowledge thing, Christians are allowed to read the Holy Scriptures, study them, even debate what is being said and what they mean, don't need a clergyman to read over one's shouder, because even a person of the cloth gets an insight from the average joe. But to the average muslim, are they allowed to read the Quran and interprete it as they see it and make decisions on what they have read in the same manner as a Christian is allowed? Chances are...not. And that is the crux of the problem, denying knowledge. may give some insights.
In the battle against international Islamic terrorism with possible domestic ramifications, the line in the sand will have to be drawn with the statement "This is our land, This is our heritage, we will not succumb."
At Fri Oct 06, 06:57:00 p.m. EDT,
Enza Ferreri said…
Europe and the West could not have existed without Christianity. Christianity and Greek civilization are the roots of the West. Any other religion would have produced an entirely different culture.
On this site Yellow Red Blue you can find an outline of some incompatibilies in principle between Islam and the West.
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