How could this man be scary?
Look at this face... how could either of these men be scary? (just so there's no confusion, the guy on the right is me... the guy on the left is Stephen Harper)

Yea, I met Stephen Harper today. We stood there talking for a sec, and I mentioned to Mr. Stephen Harper that I was a "Blogging Tory". And he said, "Oh, you're a Blogging Tory? Which one are you?" I said "Christian Conservative". "Yea, I don't read them much, but my wife does... I'll mention you to her."
Gotta run... more later.

Yea, I met Stephen Harper today. We stood there talking for a sec, and I mentioned to Mr. Stephen Harper that I was a "Blogging Tory". And he said, "Oh, you're a Blogging Tory? Which one are you?" I said "Christian Conservative". "Yea, I don't read them much, but my wife does... I'll mention you to her."
Gotta run... more later.
At Sat Jan 21, 03:00:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
He's a conservative politician, hence he's scary. :)
At Sat Jan 21, 03:13:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Hey Preacher...I'm jealous! I forgot my camera last week in NB!VF
At Sat Jan 21, 05:00:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I'll tell you scary,,the liberal ran a candidate way back when ole chretian was biding to get his second term, the candidate was a fellow named joel groves sorry he doesn't deserve a MR. Well this guy was a ego maniac lawyer from Kamloops B.C. A good thing he didn't get elected in Kamloops, but no matter, don't worry poor groves your with the liberals now so bingo your now appointed to be a judge in Kamloop.
The scandals of the liberals have been going on for years, Thank You Mr Steve Harper I hope you can jail a few judges.
lest we forget
At Sat Jan 21, 05:07:00 p.m. EST,
Nicol DuMoulin said…
My wife and I saw Harper speak last week in TO. Great guy. Glad you got to meet him.
At Sat Jan 21, 05:20:00 p.m. EST,
Shawn Cuthill said…
I've known the guy on the right for a long time and it's scary that neither of us has gained any weight since highschool :)
At Sat Jan 21, 09:58:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Yea I've never met the guy on the left but he's definitely not scary.
Great that you met him. Allan.
At Sun Jan 22, 03:09:00 p.m. EST,
Luke Coughey said…
I missed the opportunity to meet Mr. Harper this weekend. However, I do have the pleasure of knowing the other character in the photo. I know how it feels to meet such a leader, as I had an opportunity to meet with Preston Manning and Deborah Grey when they were in Fredericton, NB several years ago.
At Sun Jan 22, 06:45:00 p.m. EST,
Sara said…
We'll meet him on the HILL!
At Tue Jan 24, 01:53:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I have yet to meet him. He'll be spending more time in the Ottawa area so there's a good chance.
Henry Bupner
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