One Final Tory TV Ad?
The party has just released what may be the final commercial for the campaign. I hope they air this one EXCLUSIVELY AND NON-STOP until the last moment, IT'S A FANTASTIC COMMERCIAL!!! Positive, energetic, truly showing our vision for the future... it's called MOVING CANADA FORWARD.
At Fri Jan 20, 11:56:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Only three more days and I'm still undecided on who to vote for if I decide to vote. All I know for sure is that I (along with pretty much all of my friends, or so I've been finding) could never vote for the Conservative party as a) we just don't trust Harper (no matter what he says we're all positive he's hiding a different agenda than what he claims), and b) we couldn't vote for a party that has conservative ethics in general anyway (particularly conservative sexual ethics).
The results should be interesting regardless of who wins though.
At Fri Jan 20, 12:27:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
If the alternative to the Conservative party is to be taxed to death, or stolen from, then Conservative it is.
Voting for any other party at this point is effectively giving the Liberals a green light to continue scamming Canadians, to continue lying to their faces, and to continue with their arrogant self-righteous misuse of Canadian's money and trust.
Contrary to Paul Martin's rhetoric, "essentially" and "fundamentally" Stephen Harper WILL NOT destroy Canada. Why can't Ontarians see Martin for the snake he truly is?
At Fri Jan 20, 01:57:00 p.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
Not a good ad. Not memorable. They should have gone negative on the Liberals to close out the campaign.
I'm very worried about the results next week. VERY worried. I will be voting Conservative, and I just don't get how Ontarians could even consider voting for a party as overtly corrupt and inept as the Liberals.
At Fri Jan 20, 03:31:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"I just don't get how Ontarians could even consider voting for a party as overtly corrupt and inept as the Liberals."
Because they are the only ones who have a chance at keeping the Conservatives from winning right now, and there are enough of us who don't want to see the Conservatives in power. That's probably the only reason though. :)
At Fri Jan 20, 04:31:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
But Drew, the only people thinking your way are people in TO. By voting Liberal in TO, it's not stopping the Tories, because we have little chance of any seats there. "Strategic voting" was invented by the Liberals, and it only ever helps them... it won't stop the "super scary right-wing evil" Conservatives, but it will stop the NDP. Beleive it or not, I respect the NDP, they have some noble goals, just wrong ideas on how to get there. I REALLY think that having the NDP in Opposition would be a really good thing, but the Liberals are using fear to manipulate the people, and the people WON'T get what they really want as a result. TO needs to wake up.
I'll go out on a limb and say this... if you vote Liberal just to try and stop the Tories, then you're just like the rest of the Liberal Party of Canada... willing to betray your own principles and be a sell out.
At Fri Jan 20, 05:01:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Drew it speaks volumes about your sense of ethics & morality that you are willing to support a party that you seem to admit is "corrupt & inept"!
You "just don't trust Harper", what do you base that on? Anything more substantial than the scribblings that come out of the Toronto Star?
Even though I quite liberal in my social views, (I happen to support SSM & am (gasp)an atheist), I have never considered voting Liberal due to their corruption & use of tax dollars to buy votes. I've met many other people that are consistent supporters of the Conservatives that have similar social views. In fact, this last week I met a staffer from the Hill, with two Gay unclesp; she of course is voting Conservative, but so are her uncles.
At any rate I think your thoughts on Stephen Harper are completely inaccurate, and that you likely not gone to any length to better inform yourself instead preferring to maintain the viewpoint of what is fashionable in your circle of friends.
At Fri Jan 20, 05:04:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I do apologize for my spelling errors Drew, should know my limitations in multitasking by now! :-)
Reviewing, that's what the "Preview" button is for!
At Fri Jan 20, 06:50:00 p.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
I guess Drew and I just have different values in governance. I'm a big picture thinker, and my priorities are: 1) regressive taxes, 2) alternative fuels, 3) honesty and reliability in government, 4) US relations, 5) defense hardware upgrades. Harper scores higher on all 5 of these areas than all the other parties combined. I might not see the point in reraising the issue of SSM, but that in the grand scheme of things, it's not very bloody well important compared to the big issues.
To support a party that is overtly corrupt, who has, in effect, blood on its hands from all the servicemen and servicewomen who died on those Sea Kings they refused to replace over SSM seems trite. I guess negiglent manslaughter would be a reason to depose a government, but I guess not.
At Fri Jan 20, 08:03:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Oh, Canada -- you're not really going to elect a Conservative majority on Monday, are you? That's a joke, right? I know you have a great sense of humor, and certainly a well-developed sense of irony, but this is no longer funny. Maybe it's a new form of Canadian irony -- reverse irony! OK, now I get it. First, you have the courage to stand against the war in Iraq -- and then you elect a prime minister who's for it. You declare gay people have equal rights -- and then you elect a man who says they don't. You give your native peoples their own autonomy and their own territory -- and then you vote for a man who wants to cut aid to these poorest of your citizens. Wow, that is intense! Only Canadians could pull off a hat trick of humor like that. My hat's off to you.
Far be it from me, as an American, to suggest what you should do. You already have too many Americans telling you what to do. Well, actually, you've got just one American who keeps telling you to roll over and fetch and sit. I hope you don't feel this appeal of mine is too intrusive but I just couldn't sit by, as your friend, and say nothing. Yes, I agree, the Liberals have some 'splainin' to do. And yes, one party in power for more than a decade gets a little... long. But you have a parliamentary system (I'll bet you didn't know that -- see, that's why you need Americans telling you things!). There are ways at the polls to have your voices heard other than throwing the baby out with the bath water.
These are no ordinary times, and as you go to the polls on Monday, you do so while a man running the nation to the south of you is hoping you can lend him a hand by picking Stephen Harper because he's a man who shares his world view. Do you want to help George Bush by turning Canada into his latest conquest? Is that how you want millions of us down here to see you from now on? The next notch in the cowboy belt? C'mon, where's your Canadian pride? I mean, if you're going to reduce Canada to a cheap download of Bush & Co., then at least don't surrender so easily. Can't you wait until he threatens to bomb Regina? Make him work for it, for Pete's sake.
But seriously, I know you're not going to elect a guy who should really be running for governor of Utah. Whew! I knew it! You almost had me there. Very funny. Don't do that again. God, I love you, you crazy cold wonderful neighbors to my north. Don't ever change.
Michael Moore
At Fri Jan 20, 08:39:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Hey preacher...looks like the lib bloggers have a new pastime...
At Fri Jan 20, 10:31:00 p.m. EST,
Shawn Abigail said…
For those who think that Stephen Harper is a scary right wing fundamentalist, please understand this... Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party have been a bit of a disappointment to big "C" Conservatives and many devout Christians. We had hoped for a leader who would come out strongly in favour of some of the issues we feel the most strongly about. What we are getting is a man/party that has a much more moderate platform than we would have liked. And from what we can see, Harper will follow through with his promises. A moderate conservative government may be good from a fiscal conservative point of view, but some social conservatives are feeling sold out. You have nothing to fear from Harper.
At Sat Jan 21, 01:28:00 a.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
I can't tell whether "Michael Moore" was being serious or not, but just assuming he was, I'll respond:
You know nothing about Canadian politics. Our current Liberal government is hopelessly inept, and hopelessly corrupt. They don't keep election promises, and they use federal coffers for their personal benefit. They believe they are "entitled to their entitlements", to quote Mr. Dingwall.
They are guilty of killing men and women through sheer negligence. They are arrogant. They do not govern, they pass decisions onto the Supreme Court. They don't care a whit about real issuse, like tax relief and alternative fuel advancement.
To tell you the truth, I'd rather live under Stephen Harper than G.W. Bush, but I'd rather live under Bush than Paul Martin.
If you're joking, please ignore. ;)
At Sat Jan 21, 08:29:00 a.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Shawn A's right on there Drew... many of us on the "extreme" side of the Conservative Party know that our issues have been pushed aside by the "progressives", and won't be part of any Conservative government agenda. In fact, I know of several who have essentially left the party as a result, and some may even be supporting the CHP as a protest... which may give this riding back to the Liberals, but we'll see.
Mr. Harper's only agenda is to clean up government and deal with the major issues contained in the platform. If it's not in the platform, and it's a contraversial issue, you can be sure that it WON'T be coming forward in the House. Stephen Harper is a strategic and cerebral thinker, and he's not going to let things fester which could shake the party, or Canada.
And don't forget... a LARGE percentage of Mr. Martin's party feels the same way as we do on the issue of abortion... he's just better a lying to you about it!
At Sat Jan 21, 09:22:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Wow, lots of responses. Not sure where to start. :)
I guess I see it as coming down to having to decide between the lesser of various evils. I've seen what a conservative government can be like a little too recently by just looking south and I don't want to see that in Canada, so right off the bat the Conservative party has lost my vote, if I choose to vote. Please note that I haven't said that I'm voting Liberal, but if I did it would only be for strategic reasons, to keeping the Conservatives out.
As far as Harper's lack of being as conservative as some Conservatives might like, he still seems a little too conservative for me to trust him as a leader. Regardless of what people say, I just can't get myself to trust the man. And regardless of how progressive the Conservative party may have gotten, it's still too conservative for my liking.
"a LARGE percentage of Mr. Martin's party feels the same way as we do on the issue of abortion... he's just better a lying to you about it!"
Perhaps, but I wouldn't expect them to try to get rid of it, whereas I would expect the Conservative party to try at some point. The same goes for SSM and many other issues that I consider important. Remember, I grew up extremely conservative, I know what the agenda is. :)
To be honest, I don't want to see the Liberal party in power as they currently stand either, but I want to see the Conservative party in power even less. If it were a race between the Liberals and almost any other party there'd be no question of who to vote for, but since it's the Conservatives I have to decide whether to vote strategically or not as there's no way I want to see the Conservative party in power anytime soon (although there's a chance they will be regardless of my desires, but I'll worry about that on Tuesday). :)
At Sat Jan 21, 09:38:00 a.m. EST,
Sheila said…
I think there's an important point that is being left out.
If you think that by supporting the Liberals you will be stopping the Conservatives and therefore preserving Canada from the Conservative agenda, think again. What you will really be doing is hastening Canada's demise.
I know that sounds harsh, but I don't think people in the GTA realize how much of an ultimatum this election really is for people in both Quebec and in Alberta. If we vote Liberal again, after the Liberals have consistently given Alberta and Quebec the finger, than we in Ontario are essentially giving Alberta and Quebec the finger. I think people in those provinces genuinely want to stay in Canada--but they won't stay if we continue in the Liberal fold.
I don't want Canada to break up, but Alberta has ABSOLUTELY no reason to stay other than historic ties. I wouldn't blame them if they go. But we need them; they don't need us.
If you don't really like the Liberals, but you're voting for them just to keep Harper out, remember that in keeping Harper out, you may very likely be pushing Alberta and Quebec out as well.
And if you think that's fear-mongering, go read some of the newspapers from those provinces. That's what Paul Martin has brought us to. It's just really, really sad.
At Sat Jan 21, 11:14:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I don't know if that's the case or not, Sheila, and if it is it is.
I'm beginning to think more and more, though, that I need to stop thinking about this whole election, and I'll be glad when it's over. Politics has been a big distraction from my spiritual life, as I suspect the Powers intend it to be for all of us, so I may not vote at all (still undecided). Either way, may the party the Lord chooses to win do so and we'll see where God leads us all from there.
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