Wrong answer, Mr. Martin
Many in Guelph have been wondering where Ms. Chamberlain has been during this election. She's missed I think THREE debates, and our local paper asked Mr. Paul Martin about it...
Mercury: "Brenda Chamberlain has been avoiding a number of the all-candidate debates. Is this part of a larger Liberal strategy?"
Martin: "No, not at all. Brenda's a tremendous member of Parliament, and she has dedicated herself to her riding. She works incredibly hard in Ottawa. She feels very strongly about the issues. But I gather that there have been some problems, from what I have read, in terms of security.
Brenda Chamberlain will take on anybody and she will debate anybody. I think she just really wants to make sure the rules are established fairly."
Mercury: "Do you worry her absence at those debates sends the wrong message to voters here?"
Martin: "No, I think what it really says is Brenda will debate anybody, anytime, as long as the rules are established and are fair. If you think about the leaders' debates, it took months and months to negotiate the format, just so the rules were fair. If you're going to have democratic debates, they've got to be done in a fair way."
Did you get that, high schools and University of Guelph? The Liberals think that you won't run the debates fairly. BRENDA and her team don't think that you can run an effective debate. THEY DON'T TRUST YOU.
I hear that fear has a certian scent... and this answer just reeks of it...
Mercury: "Brenda Chamberlain has been avoiding a number of the all-candidate debates. Is this part of a larger Liberal strategy?"
Martin: "No, not at all. Brenda's a tremendous member of Parliament, and she has dedicated herself to her riding. She works incredibly hard in Ottawa. She feels very strongly about the issues. But I gather that there have been some problems, from what I have read, in terms of security.
Brenda Chamberlain will take on anybody and she will debate anybody. I think she just really wants to make sure the rules are established fairly."
Mercury: "Do you worry her absence at those debates sends the wrong message to voters here?"
Martin: "No, I think what it really says is Brenda will debate anybody, anytime, as long as the rules are established and are fair. If you think about the leaders' debates, it took months and months to negotiate the format, just so the rules were fair. If you're going to have democratic debates, they've got to be done in a fair way."
Did you get that, high schools and University of Guelph? The Liberals think that you won't run the debates fairly. BRENDA and her team don't think that you can run an effective debate. THEY DON'T TRUST YOU.
I hear that fear has a certian scent... and this answer just reeks of it...
At Tue Jan 17, 03:08:00 p.m. EST,
Lemon said…
Prussian Princes never used to go stag hunting in October (because the peons got in the habit of rebelling at harvest with a few beers under their belt).
Not really relevant, but, like Hanovers, the Liberals are running scared, and blaming the peons.
Unbelievable, this guy is past the point of delusional.
At Tue Jan 17, 04:29:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Fair debates scare the heck out of Liberals.
Why wouldn't they, Liberals know if they open their mouths lies come out, there is nothing they can do to remedy this, it's Liberal evolution, the best liars survive the longest in the Liberal party.
Now they are almost all liars, unfortunately for them their prey have devised a new defense to their lies, we call them BLOGGERS and let me be first to say this election was driven by Bloggers going where the MSM was scared to tread.
God Bless you all at Blogging Tories.
At Tue Jan 17, 06:48:00 p.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
There are plenty of fair rules that Liberals break all the time. You know, about kickbacks and generally accepted accounting principles, etc., so I don't see why they're asking that everybody else follow fair rules.
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