The Cabinet
Here's some of the postings, live as it happens...
11:20 - GG approves list of Cabinet members... 28 to be announced
11:21 - Here we go!
Robert Nicholson - House Leader/Democratic Reform (a surprise)
DAVID EMERSON - the surprise House floor crossing this morning... audio cut out, has some sort of Foreign portfolio, and the 2010 Games portfolio
11:24 - NO!!! Connection went down!!!
11:26 - Okay, audio from CBC Radio One... better than nothing... likely missed a few things.
11:29 - Have CPAC back... just missed the name of the guy just sworn in.
11:30 - Marjorie LaBreton... longtime Tory Senator.
11:32 - MONTE GETS IN!!! Monte Solberg, Minister of Immigration.
11:34 - Chuck Strahl, Agriculture
11:35 - Gary Lunn, Nat. Resources
11:39 - Peter Mackay - Foreign Affairs and ACOA, not Dep. PM. (I think bad move)
11:42 - Loyla Herne (spelling?) - Fisheries.
11:44 - Stocky Boy! - Public Safety
11:48 - Carol Skelton - National Revenue and Western something... who is she? Wow, high profile post, I don't know her name.
11:49 - Vic Taves, Justice
11:51 - Rona got Enviornment
11:54 - WOO HOO!!! MIKE CHONG MAKES CABINET!!! Privy Council Pres., Minister of Governmental Affairs, and Sport. He's a local guy, in the riding next door! We have a local rep! Forget Brenda... all my questions are going right to Mike!!!
11:57 - Diane Finley - Human Resources and Social Services
12:00 - Gordon O'Conner, missed his post
12:03 - Bev Oda - missed her post too, talking to my boss
12:05 - Jim Prentice - Indian/Northern Affairs
12:08 - John Baird - He got the Treasury Board President post - former Ontario Cabinet Minister
12:10 - Maxime Bernier (spelling?) - Industry
12:13 - Lawrence Canon - Transport, Infrastructure
12:15 - Tony Clement, Minister of Health... there's gonna be a stink about that, to be sure! I thought he did a GREAT job in that post in Ontario, but the nursing unions are gonna cry about him!
12:18 - WOW... Jim Flaherty, MINISTER OF FINANCE... there may be an even BIGGER outcry about this one! People are going to start crying that we're going to have Mike Harris style cuts... just you wait and see. I personally think it's GREAT!!! No better way to give the nod to Ontario than to give two of the biggest portfolios to two of the biggest names
12: 20 - Josee Verner - International Co-operation, Francophone affairs. No surprise that she made Cabinet, she was part of the shadow cabinet before, as a non-MP member.
12:23 - Mike Fortier, Public Works and Gov. Services... Scott Brison's old gig
And that appears to be it. Let the games begin!!!
11:20 - GG approves list of Cabinet members... 28 to be announced
11:21 - Here we go!
Robert Nicholson - House Leader/Democratic Reform (a surprise)
DAVID EMERSON - the surprise House floor crossing this morning... audio cut out, has some sort of Foreign portfolio, and the 2010 Games portfolio
11:24 - NO!!! Connection went down!!!
11:26 - Okay, audio from CBC Radio One... better than nothing... likely missed a few things.
11:29 - Have CPAC back... just missed the name of the guy just sworn in.
11:30 - Marjorie LaBreton... longtime Tory Senator.
11:32 - MONTE GETS IN!!! Monte Solberg, Minister of Immigration.
11:34 - Chuck Strahl, Agriculture
11:35 - Gary Lunn, Nat. Resources
11:39 - Peter Mackay - Foreign Affairs and ACOA, not Dep. PM. (I think bad move)
11:42 - Loyla Herne (spelling?) - Fisheries.
11:44 - Stocky Boy! - Public Safety
11:48 - Carol Skelton - National Revenue and Western something... who is she? Wow, high profile post, I don't know her name.
11:49 - Vic Taves, Justice
11:51 - Rona got Enviornment
11:54 - WOO HOO!!! MIKE CHONG MAKES CABINET!!! Privy Council Pres., Minister of Governmental Affairs, and Sport. He's a local guy, in the riding next door! We have a local rep! Forget Brenda... all my questions are going right to Mike!!!
11:57 - Diane Finley - Human Resources and Social Services
12:00 - Gordon O'Conner, missed his post
12:03 - Bev Oda - missed her post too, talking to my boss
12:05 - Jim Prentice - Indian/Northern Affairs
12:08 - John Baird - He got the Treasury Board President post - former Ontario Cabinet Minister
12:10 - Maxime Bernier (spelling?) - Industry
12:13 - Lawrence Canon - Transport, Infrastructure
12:15 - Tony Clement, Minister of Health... there's gonna be a stink about that, to be sure! I thought he did a GREAT job in that post in Ontario, but the nursing unions are gonna cry about him!
12:18 - WOW... Jim Flaherty, MINISTER OF FINANCE... there may be an even BIGGER outcry about this one! People are going to start crying that we're going to have Mike Harris style cuts... just you wait and see. I personally think it's GREAT!!! No better way to give the nod to Ontario than to give two of the biggest portfolios to two of the biggest names
12: 20 - Josee Verner - International Co-operation, Francophone affairs. No surprise that she made Cabinet, she was part of the shadow cabinet before, as a non-MP member.
12:23 - Mike Fortier, Public Works and Gov. Services... Scott Brison's old gig
And that appears to be it. Let the games begin!!!
At Mon Feb 06, 02:31:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Carol Skeleton is from Sask. Kate at SDA refers to her often. She called me in the fall re: a health issue. I live in I was impressed. She looked very nervous, and thrilled today. I welcome Tony Clement. I work in the health field, and would like to see some 'common sense' in this field. (couldn't resist) The Emerson thing is ruffling a few feathers, even on the conservative side(in my house)I see the similarities to Belinda, but I think the differences are more important: timing and purpose. Media are squiming with delight, but Deborah Gray on CPAC said Prime Minister Harper is very deliberate in his plans.VF
At Mon Feb 06, 11:47:00 p.m. EST,
Shawn Cuthill said…
Prescott, can you explain what the deal is with Fortier?
At Tue Feb 07, 04:26:00 a.m. EST,
Shawn Abigail said…
Foutier is from Montreal, so it gives that area some representation in Cabinet. It reaches out to Quebec, saying Harper really wants to include Quebec. And the temporary Senate thing allows Harper to be true to his elected Senate principles. Seems pretty straight-forward.
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