Amm, it's a cartoon folks...

Someone publishes a bunch of cartoons, and you threaten and injure people, and torch buildings in response... seems a reasonable response to me... NOT! I don't know, what do you all think... do you think their INTENT was JUST to injure them? Not likely.
So, then let's call it like it is... a MURDEROUS MOB on a RAMPAGE. Sure, it was lead by extremists, to be sure, and I know you can't paint all of Islam with that same brush, but we're talking THOUSANDS of people. We're talking about rioting in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and large protests in Germany, Denmark, France, London, and HALIFAX, for crying out loud! Now, you want to tell me that these are just extremists? Right... 200 Muslim extremists live in Nova Scotia. And in London, there were signs calling for the execution of the cartoonists! Front page of the National Post... that one's going in the scrapbook.
Back to what's going on in the Mid-East. Let's not forget, as another blogger pointed out, that the attacks on these embassies is, according to international law, an act of WAR.
Hey Europe... could Bush and Blair have been right that terrorists within the Muslim world pose a 'clear and present danger'? (I love that Clancy flick...) Well, anyway, hope you have fun dealing with your new found mess.
And do us all a favour? Try not to let this turn into World War III, if you wouldn't mind? Thanks.
UPDATE: This is getting out of hand folks... 50,000 at one rally? Give them guns, and you've got a couple of battalions right there...
At Sun Feb 05, 03:03:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"Hey Europe... could Bush and Blair have been right?"
Right about what?
At Sun Feb 05, 03:19:00 p.m. EST,
Shawn Abigail said…
Well yes, but does Denmark have anything to fight with and do Lebanon and Syria have anything worth taking over?
At Mon Feb 06, 12:19:00 a.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
First off, your taste in movies sucks. "Clear and Present Danger" was an uber-PC'd version of the Clancy novel, where the Arabic/Native American alliance disappears in favour of some German fascist knockoff. Plus, Ben Affleck? Dude!
I for one applaud the mobs for torching buildings, simply because fire is one of the elements of really successful humour. And, to quote Buffy, "Fire: pretty." So, good for them. Until I see Ontarians wantonly causing damage and uncontrollable blazes, I will pour many props upon these people for having the guts to set massive fires off in full public view.
That doesn't mean they shouldn't be rounded up, beaten, and set on fire themselves. I'm just saying I enjoyed watching things burn, and applaud those who gave me those few moments of joy.
At Mon Feb 06, 09:43:00 a.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Blake, my taste in movies does NOT suck, you're knowledge of them sucks... cause you're thinking of "The Sum of All Fears", NOT "Clear and Present Danger"... try Harrison Ford, not Ben Affleck, dude. ;-)
At Mon Feb 06, 09:46:00 a.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…'re so right.
I suck.
That's not easy for me to say, either...
At Tue Feb 07, 08:46:00 a.m. EST,
Whetam Gnauckweirst said…
My thoughts are embodied in my own cartoon.
At Tue Feb 07, 10:53:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Good take, Matt. :D
At Tue Sep 13, 04:07:00 p.m. EDT,
Anon1152 said…
CC: I want to thank you, (and Steve Jobs et al for giving me the quick and easy ability to scroll down) for saying that Blake was wrong about his movies. I had started (or started to get started) to find proof for my belief that Ford was Jack Ryan in Clear and Present Danger. You (and Steve Jobs et al) helped me avoid such a[not so arduous yet potentially time consuming] task.
Blake: Thank you for admitting that you "suck". But I disagree. You were wrong about an easily verifiable fact--an error you quickly acknowledged. This puts you into the "awesome" category in my books.* Though I hope you double checked.
*I reserve the right to, upon reviewing more information, decide that you do in fact suck. Please don't be offended. I have more info on myself than anyone else, and quite regularly come to the conclusion that I suck...
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