Liberals are good at one thing
If there's one thing the Liberals are really good at, it's getting out their lies.
Today, I heard one of my wife's uncles spouting off Liberal propoganda about Stephen Harper. Not facts, not real information about the man, but the same old tired Liberal propoganda about how he, and our Party, "Only care about the rich".
So, I told him my little story of the two Prime Ministers...
On the one hand, you have Prime Minister Stephen Harper, where all those in attendance were regular people who have day jobs, are trying to make ends meet, and who simply want their government to give them a fair shake.
Then, you have the contrast of former Prime Minister Paul Martin, and a get-together I managed to crash during the last election. Who were in attendance at his little shin-dig? All the local lawyers, the well-to-doers, the kids of the well-heeled, the folks with the nice snazzy cars, big homes with two people, etc... the local money, the connected folks, the "culture of entitlement". It wasn't the average Joe Canadian, but the people who have been at the controls of power for generations here in Canada, who have risen there and remain there by standing on the backs of the average Canadian. By stealing their tax dollars and using them for their own purposes. Who have continually lied to the populace, by telling them that "the other guys" will destroy their lives... by means of their ugly mistruths and reprehensible repression, keeping the masses downtrodden, lest they rise up and overthrow their political masters.
And THAT's why the Liberals so desperately hate Stephen Harper... he is the symbol of their greatest fear. He is an average Canadian, from an average background, who has managed to rise up and throw off the shackles of the elite, and has somehow risen to the highest office of the land... and then seeking to use that power to in some small way, in any way possible, make life better for the rest of his fellow average Canadians.
No more lies... no more fear... this is one Canadian who's had enough.
Today, I heard one of my wife's uncles spouting off Liberal propoganda about Stephen Harper. Not facts, not real information about the man, but the same old tired Liberal propoganda about how he, and our Party, "Only care about the rich".
So, I told him my little story of the two Prime Ministers...
On the one hand, you have Prime Minister Stephen Harper, where all those in attendance were regular people who have day jobs, are trying to make ends meet, and who simply want their government to give them a fair shake.
Then, you have the contrast of former Prime Minister Paul Martin, and a get-together I managed to crash during the last election. Who were in attendance at his little shin-dig? All the local lawyers, the well-to-doers, the kids of the well-heeled, the folks with the nice snazzy cars, big homes with two people, etc... the local money, the connected folks, the "culture of entitlement". It wasn't the average Joe Canadian, but the people who have been at the controls of power for generations here in Canada, who have risen there and remain there by standing on the backs of the average Canadian. By stealing their tax dollars and using them for their own purposes. Who have continually lied to the populace, by telling them that "the other guys" will destroy their lives... by means of their ugly mistruths and reprehensible repression, keeping the masses downtrodden, lest they rise up and overthrow their political masters.
And THAT's why the Liberals so desperately hate Stephen Harper... he is the symbol of their greatest fear. He is an average Canadian, from an average background, who has managed to rise up and throw off the shackles of the elite, and has somehow risen to the highest office of the land... and then seeking to use that power to in some small way, in any way possible, make life better for the rest of his fellow average Canadians.
No more lies... no more fear... this is one Canadian who's had enough.
At Mon Oct 08, 09:28:00 p.m. EDT,
bluetech said…
So politics are discussed at the Thanksgiving table?That's they way it should be.
Please tell us the rest of the did the uncles respond?
At Tue Oct 09, 12:16:00 a.m. EDT,
Dirk said…
Speaking of mistruths, how about the Stephen Harper as average Canadian myth. How may Canadians do you know are ex-academics and ex-lobbyists?
At Tue Oct 09, 01:33:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I gotta agree Dirk. There is nothing average about our Prime Minister.
He actually went out and earned what he has. How average is that?
At Tue Oct 09, 03:09:00 a.m. EDT,
Eric said…
Stephen Harper has humble beginnings, which is what matters to me.
He has accomplished a lot in his life, but he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth like some.
At Tue Oct 09, 09:04:00 a.m. EDT,
Dirk said…
This humble beginnings thing is a load of crap. At the end of the day, it means precious little. Look at the leadership of any major party in Canada and you'll see a cross section of people from "humble beginnings" and others with more wealthy lineage.
Do you think Stephane Dion was brought up with a silver spoon in his mouth?
At Tue Oct 09, 09:39:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
You are so naive I almost feel sorry for you.
I grew up near Harper in Toronto - not humble beginnings at all. In fact, Harper's mother was able to stay home with 4 kids when other mothers had to go out and work.
Harper never worked a hard day's work in his life.
You know - having parents that have money is an accident of birth and no one should be held responsible for that - you don't choose your parents and if they are rich it doesn't mean a person is not a good person.
I can't believe how pathetically narrow minded you are and you claim to be a Christian - being judgmental and intolerant is not Christ's way - you are a hypocrite in every way when it comes to your christianity.
At Tue Oct 09, 11:11:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Anon@9:39, I'm for honesty and integrety, not for lies and mistruths... I'm sorry to hear that you think those are unChristian qualities.
As for "holding people responsible for who their parents are", I've never said I did... I hold people responsible for what they do with the tools/background they've been given.
As for Mr. Harper's mom staying home, SO WHAT? Until recent years, that was a totally normal thing... my folks made that choice when I was young. They chose not to have that second car, to rent instead of buying a home, to live with a 19" instead of a 52" TV, etc. It comes down to choices. I also find it interesting that you hurl that accusation at Mr. Harper's mother, then turn around and accuse me of making such accuations about Liberals.
I'm sorry to hear that you view my positions as being "unChristian". I hold these views because I feel that Conservative policies are in the best interest of the vast majority of Canadians, and that having a Conservative government will make more people's lives better. I can't even fathom what might be "unChristian" about that.
At Tue Oct 09, 11:37:00 a.m. EDT,
Dirk said…
Noone said that honesty and integrity are unChristian.
In your defence, I think that Anon@9:39 was too quick to get on the unChristian bandwagon, and was being unfair when tarring you with that brush. For that matter, most of the people that come here to rant about how unChristian you are haven't been able to back it up with anything meaningful. I hope you don't take it personally.
I think the reason you get these kinds of posts is because a good number of your posts make arguments that are less than honest. A good example is in this post's opening line:
"If there's one thing the Liberals are really good at, it's getting out their lies."
That's not an honest statement, and it frames Liberals as a group of dishonest politicians. (For partisans looking for an easy punch line, there you go.) In reality, there are plenty of good people in the Liberal party, just as there are in the CPC. By the same token, Harper and the CPC have been caught lying a number of times since they've been in government, like the Liberals before them.
Given the slanted and dishonest statements like the one I pointed out, it's no wonder people react.
At Tue Oct 09, 01:26:00 p.m. EDT,
KURSK said…
Dirk, can you please post examples of how the conservatives have 'lied' to Canadians?
At Tue Oct 09, 01:56:00 p.m. EDT,
Jim said…
One of the things I like best about Mr Harper is the fact that he has no ties to Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. How many Liberals can say that?
At Tue Oct 09, 02:01:00 p.m. EDT,
Dirk said…
False statements on action plan for official languages:
Income trusts (a broken promise is a lie)
Claiming to have delivered on health care pillar. Coyne has a decent piece on this:
Early denials and later backtracking about the Afghan prisoner story.
Flaherty's comments that the CPC government doesn't cut special deals. Meanwhile, the the leadup to the Quebec election featured a litany special exclusive spending announcements.
At Tue Oct 09, 02:02:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Very few Jim, very few.
At Tue Oct 09, 02:03:00 p.m. EDT,
Dirk said…
"One of the things I like best about Mr Harper is the fact that he has no ties to Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. How many Liberals can say that?"
I believe Stephane Dion can say that.
Mr. Harper may not be tied to Power Corp, but big oil is another matter.
At Tue Oct 09, 02:07:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
(tried to post to a blog that had lined your article)
Conservative is not a party of the rich in Canada. It is a party of people who want to be rich, but apparently don’t have the smarts or the work ethic to get there. Thus, they go into politics or become “pundits”, avoiding the hard work of building businesses and creating wealth, but paying lip service to the notion of a “strong and vigorous private sector” that they, unfortunately, know nothing about. It leads to people like Pierre Poilievre, he of little if any accomplishment in life, assuming a leadership position for his ability to enage in partisan taunts.
So instead they play politics and turn our public discourse into a lowest common denominator hyper-partisan shouting match, and carry this same approach outside our borders, where domestic politics usually stops. Like the hapless and horrific Rat Pack before them, except now we have an entire government of it…
It leads to good and accomplished people like John Tory being defeated by mediocrity, much like the smart, able and accomplished Paul Martin was defeated by a partisan hack.
It makes one sad.
At Tue Oct 09, 02:42:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
That's a pretty sad attack Dirk... so what if the guy worked for a year or two for Imperial Oil, way back in the 80's as a lowly clerk? Trying to tie him to "Big Oil" is totally unfair, because with his background, (his dad ran their IT systems back in the day) it's hardly fair to use that as an accusation. For goodness sake, half the people in Alberta are tied into "Big Oil" in that case!
I worked for Telus for a year... does that mean I'm in the pocket of the Telcos?
From the research I've done on the guy, and trust me, I've done plenty (every book that's out on him thus far, and dozens of articles from a variety of sources) I can say that I'm quite comfortable with him, and I haven't seen any shred of evidence that he's "in the pocket" of any interest group. He's got the fewest ties to anyone of ANY politician we've seen on the Canadian stage for generations.
Anyone who says otherwise, unless they can provide me with proof, is simply regurgetating the tripe fed to them by the left.
At Tue Oct 09, 03:41:00 p.m. EDT,
Dirk said…
"I haven't seen any shred of evidence that he's "in the pocket" of any interest group. He's got the fewest ties to anyone of ANY politician we've seen on the Canadian stage for generations."
Mr. Harper was the president of a huge lobby group before running for the CPC leadership -- that's a pretty big association.
As for the big oil comment, yeah, he worked for Imperial for a little while, but that's not what I'm referring to. The PMO has been big oil and oil sands-friendly since Mr. Harper became PM. One example of a connection: Dr. Barry Cooper, who spearheaded the Friends of Science -- an oil industry funded anti-Kyoto group -- is also a close friend and associate of Mr. Harper.
This next bit is pure conjecture, but this is a legitimate and important question.
Of the $1 million + Mr. Harper received in funding for his CA leadership bid in 2002, how much came from oil sands interests? There's a fair bit of conjecture here, but the donors lists haven't been revealed.
If we truly have nothing to fear, why wasn't this donor list made public? Surely, we, as a voting public have a right to know who's interested in giving large sums of money to Mr. Harper to be a national leader.
A sad attack is saying that most Liberals are associated with Power Corp.. Power Corp. has had strong ties with Trudeau, Chretien, and Martin, but also Mulroney, and a number of other prominent politicians -- from all major parties.
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