Liberal "Igg-plosion" Continues
And now joining the MSM pile on I mentioned earlier today, we have your normally pro-Liberal Jane Taber... "Ignatieff's 'abject ignorance' on lobbying draws fire".
Add to that the most recent set of polls, where both EKOS and Nanos note an upswing for the Tories, and a continuing slide for the Liberals... which, considering that the Conservatives had a pretty rotten month of April, ought to be causing plenty of worry amongst Liberals ranks.
It's been a full year since Iggy's coronation guys... and he's STILL polling in Dion territory. You've been swinging away at us, and we're still well ahead of you in the polls. Add to that the fact that the Canadian economy is well on it's way to recovery, and I'd say that you're quickly running out of options to take back power anytime soon.
Scratch that... getting back to power has been WAY off the table for you since 2005.
UPDATE: Spoke too soon... Nanos has released the full numbers, and it looks even BETTER for the Tories... 39.5%. With the current political situation, that would likely translate into a majority.
Add to that the most recent set of polls, where both EKOS and Nanos note an upswing for the Tories, and a continuing slide for the Liberals... which, considering that the Conservatives had a pretty rotten month of April, ought to be causing plenty of worry amongst Liberals ranks.
You can almost picture him saying "Whaa haaappened???"
(that one's for you "kiddo")
It's been a full year since Iggy's coronation guys... and he's STILL polling in Dion territory. You've been swinging away at us, and we're still well ahead of you in the polls. Add to that the fact that the Canadian economy is well on it's way to recovery, and I'd say that you're quickly running out of options to take back power anytime soon.
Scratch that... getting back to power has been WAY off the table for you since 2005.
UPDATE: Spoke too soon... Nanos has released the full numbers, and it looks even BETTER for the Tories... 39.5%. With the current political situation, that would likely translate into a majority.
At Thu May 06, 02:41:00 p.m. EDT,
Blame Crash said…
So the Pravda media of Canada have now realized that no matter how much they lie, insult and attempt to discombobulate Canadians, it isn’t working out as planned.
Well Poor Them!
The fact of the matter is that this carpet bagging quackademic is a perfect reflection of both the Liberals and the Toronto media and most common sensed Canadians are disgusted with both of these phonies.
At Thu May 06, 04:21:00 p.m. EDT,
Patrick Ross said…
I think the surprising gift bequeathed upon Canadians by the Frank Graves affair is that it better imparts on Canadians the effect that the question asked in a poll has on the results it produces.
For example, Nanos asks whcih party voters would consider voting for. I think the polling results from numerous polls over the last couple of years demonstrate that close to 40% of Canadians would consider voting for the Tories. Will they actually make that particualr decision? Harper will need to earn it first.
Which is as it should be.
At Thu May 06, 08:22:00 p.m. EDT,
Anon1152 said…
CC writes: "Nanos has released the full numbers, and it looks even BETTER for the Tories... 39.5%. With the current political situation, that would likely translate into a majority."
I have two comments [or should I call them
It may translate into a majority. But I'd like to see where those votes are coming from.
In 2004, Martin formed a minority with 36.73% of the popular vote, which yielded 135 seats.
In 2006, Harper formed a minority government with 36.27% of the popular vote, which resulted in 124 seats.
In other words, a 0.46% change in the popular vote (between the winning party in 2004 and the winning party in 2006) accounted for 11 seats (3.57% of the total number of seats). I hope my math is right here. I'm the first to admit that it may not be... but whatever the exact figures, the election results seem distorted (from the point of view of democracy, the one person/one vote principle, and so on).
Rather than saying it looks better for the Tories, I think it's more accurate to say it looks worse for the Liberals. The 39.5% figure is slightly lower than the previous survey. And Harper also dropped a couple of points on the "most trustworthy leader" question.
And the number of "undecided voters" has gone up significantly.
What do you make of the increasing number of undecided voters (25.7% for the survey question you mentioned).
At Thu May 06, 11:01:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
"Rather than saying it looks better for the Tories, I think it's more accurate to say it looks worse for the Liberals."
You're right, but since folks say I'm always so negative on the Libs, so I spun it as a positive for the Tories instead. ;-)
At Fri May 07, 01:27:00 a.m. EDT,
Anon1152 said…
You always struck me as a glass-half-full kinda guy :-)
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