Liberals secretly prepping to force an election
While Liberal Leader Micheal "Iffy" Ignatieff swears up and down that "Canadians don't want an election", the Liberals are quietly trying to line up a campaign plane... hoping that Canadians won't notice that THEY actually want to force an election in the very near future.
Because we all remember what happened the last time Iffy said he was going to force an election.
UPDATE: Quote from Dr. Roy, when I asked him if we were going to the polls in the Fall... Roy - "don't think so, but anything is possible. libs still broke they will have to get a cessna."
Because we all remember what happened the last time Iffy said he was going to force an election.
UPDATE: Quote from Dr. Roy, when I asked him if we were going to the polls in the Fall... Roy - "don't think so, but anything is possible. libs still broke they will have to get a cessna."
At Sat Apr 10, 10:43:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
The Liberals should not be allowed to force an election until all debts are repaid. If I was in charge, I'd make them repay the $40 million they stole or lose official party status.
I can dream can't I?
At Sat Apr 10, 11:56:00 a.m. EDT,
West Coast Teddi said…
I agree ... all leadership debts for all candidates and parties must be paid first before any funds can be used for any election campaign, both national and at riding level. If a party can't pay off their debts then they sit out the election!
At Sat Apr 10, 12:56:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
This should be interesting. I can't wait to see the costing of their platform, and whether the National Daycare Program makes the cut or not.
At Sat Apr 10, 01:50:00 p.m. EDT,
Joe said…
As I keep reminding people, the liberals can not force an election. If they work in co-operation with the NDP and the Bloc an election may result but on their own they are last weeks news. Fellow Conservatives the Liberals are not in power and have not been in power for some time. They are not in the driver's seat and can only get what is given them. Should every thing go according to this looming election scenario it will be a one way ticket for Iffy to go back to guest lecture at Harvard where he will soon be joined by fellow guest lecturer Oblamebush.
At Sat Apr 10, 02:11:00 p.m. EDT,
The_Iceman said…
I think there are elements with in the Liberal Party who are pushing for an election (like Bob Rae) to serve their own self interests, but I highly doubt we will see a Federal Election in 2010.
At Sat Apr 10, 02:50:00 p.m. EDT,
Kevin H, Guelph said…
Stumbled on your blog - thought it might be interesting - now I just feel sorry I did.
This isn't a Christian Conservative site, but an anti-Liberal one. (how often are you posting on Liberal party as compared to conservative platform?)
I find the tone whiny and antagonistic.
Feel free to delete this comment if you wish - I just would have rather seen a positive expression of faith rather than one that seeks to undermine anyone who doesn't perfectly align themselves with your viewpoint.
Don't think I'll be back soon...
ps. congratulations again - you got my back up enough to post a response
At Sat Apr 10, 05:43:00 p.m. EDT,
bertie said…
Bring on the election..But first have a full scale ADSCAM investigation and bring in some private,no BS investigators.Let them dig into every nook and cranny of every government department and give them a time frame of back to the Trudeau years to the end of the Martin-Chretien era.And scoops only to trusted newspaper reporters.No CBC or CTV wall to wall coverage.Only small local stations.Lets dig up all the dirt the Liberals have been hiding and then maybe we will get our money back.And they will start paying their debts.I am sure the Ndp would back that sort of investigation.
At Sat Apr 10, 07:17:00 p.m. EDT,
vanillaman said…
true the liberals are preparing for an election but so are the conservatives and all the other party's but can you blame them it is a minority government already more than 1 year in and most minority's fall within 2 years
At Sat Apr 10, 07:37:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Indeed vanillaman, but the Liberals are the ones who ultimately gets to "pull the trigger"... so if they're searching for a plane, it means they're ACTIVELY PLANNING to force an election.
At Sat Apr 10, 07:46:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Kevin H, Guelph, try reading more of my blog... there's lots of posts on all different items, just recently there's been a lot of anti-Liberal material to deal with.
Further to that, my ultimate goal is to see the Conservatives do better... I've found that I'm not so much a policy guy as I am a nuts and bolts campaigning guy. As such, I tend to focus on the differences between the two parties, and a lot on the weaknesses of our opposition.
I guess you could say that I've discovered that I care more about comparison and contrasts, and am pretty good at repackaging them for public consumption. (you've never seen me going on the local campaign level) Plus most of my readers are fellow "partisans", and these sorts of things are what we banter back and forth about. (you should see some of the joking banter that goes back and forth with my few Liberal "friends") That's just the group I've collected in terms of readership over the years, and sorry if it's not your cup of tea.
Policy is just not something I get all worked up about. I care about it, I just know the guys I'm rooting for typically craft policy that I like. As such, I leave that with them, and deal more with the nuts and bolts of the "horse race" campaigning.
At Sun Apr 11, 03:37:00 p.m. EDT,
Anon1152 said…
"Indeed vanillaman, but the Liberals are the ones who ultimately gets to "pull the trigger"... so if they're searching for a plane, it means they're ACTIVELY PLANNING to force an election."
I'd say it means they are actively preparing to fight an election. And they'd be irresponsible, or at least, very un-boy-scout-like, if they were not trying to be prepared.
I tend to agree with Joe. The liberals cannot on their own force an election. I think the people most in control of that are still the Conservatives. They called the last election (after passing a law giving us fixed election dates, supposedly). And they would be ultimately responsible if another election were called.
Actually, maybe I'm not agreeing with Joe. Maybe we're both agreeing with a certain Party leader's comments about Paul Martin's minority government. To save you the suspense, these words were spoken by Stephen Harper on 3 October 2004 on CTV's "Question Period".
Well, our party can't defeat the government. The government can only be defeated by a combination of parties. The constitutional responsibility of the government is to come to Parliament and demonstrate that it can command a majority in the House of Commons. We have a minority. It's up to the government to consult, to get allies for its program, and to show the Canadian people that it can take the House of Commons through the cycle, through a throne speech, some legislation, a budget and supply. That's its constitutional obligation.
The first obligation is the obligation of the government. If it wants to be the government, to make the compromises necessary to have a majority in the House of Commons. That's its obligation. I can tell you that Mr. Duceppe and Mr. Layton, I am very convinced from my conversations with them, and I can say the same thing for myself, we have no desire to see an election. None whatsoever. You have those three parties which represent a majority in the House of Commons, who want this Parliament to work. The only doubt is whether the Liberals want this Parliament to work. If the Liberals think they can walk in and make Parliament not work because they refuse to cooperate or consult, they're in for a rude awakening. So I would urge them to get over the fact the don't have a majority, which they believe is their God given right, and get on with making Parliament effective.
I hope those quotes are long enough to avoid the "taken out of context" defense. If you want, I could send you the transcript (which I obtained from the library).
At Mon Apr 12, 01:47:00 a.m. EDT,
maryT said…
Kevin: This blog is non partisan and gives equal coverage to both sides of a story, you know, like the cbc and ctv do.
At Mon Apr 12, 01:06:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
It's only prudent to plan for an election - you never know when someone might break his fixed-date elections law again...
At Mon Apr 12, 03:10:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Let's try that one again, with a dose of reality this time Anon@1:06...
"It's only prudent to plan for an election - you never know when the Liberals might ground the business of Parliament to a halt again, forcing the Prime Minister to go to the GG for a fresh mandate..."
At Mon Apr 12, 03:10:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Let's try that one again, with a dose of reality this time Anon@1:06...
"It's only prudent to plan for an election - you never know when the Liberals might ground the business of Parliament to a halt again, forcing the Prime Minister to go to the GG for a fresh mandate..."
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