About Me
- Name: Christian Conservative
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm a Born-Again Christian, redeemed by the shed blood of the risen and eternal Lord Jesus Christ. My wife and I are both active in our local church, where our life's focus is on giving all Glory to Jesus Christ, on missions, the preservation of Biblical truth, and the strengthening believers everywhere.
Blog Awards

September 7, 2008
January 7, 2007
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Previous Posts
- Senate Reform continues, despite Liberals attempts...
- The Wall Street Journal turns on Obama?
- Humour - "Philosophical Differences"
- CBC.ca - "Puffin Paradise"
- "ObamaCare" to include Abortion?
- Red-Green Show alive and well in Guelph
- Gazette: "It's time to end the $1.95 political sub...
- This one oughta throw you all for a loop
- The German criminal is where he belongs...
- Bye Bye Schreiber
The Waterloo Wellington Bloggers Association
At Sat Aug 29, 12:47:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Do all professors do the "who me shrug" or is it a personal tic caused by a soft academic life? These pics are so inspiring. I'm giddy with anticipation for the next lesson in "election if necessary but not necessarily an election". Cheers, Fern StAlbert
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