CTV's Tom Clark ZINGS Ignatieff
Okay, best line of the day goes to CTV's Tom Clark, and I hope he's right...
CTV Anchor: "What did you make of that Press conference Tom? What did you make of what Mr. Ignatieff had to say?"
Tom Clark: "I think that Michael Ignatieff took a big stick and he drew a line in the sand... and then he took that stick and erased parts of the line big enough that you could drive a Prime Ministerial limousine through Dan... I... ah, there's not gonna be an election outta this."
At Mon Jun 15, 03:23:00 p.m. EDT,
DavidK said…
I pray to God that someone is able to get that on youtube!
At Mon Jun 15, 03:28:00 p.m. EDT,
KURSK said…
There seems to be a common thread on the Lib blogs about the ball being in Harper's court.
Surely they jest, when mr.double secret probation backs up another 10 steps from his fifth line drawn in the sand.
How many Libs will have the flu come Friday?
At Mon Jun 15, 03:49:00 p.m. EDT,
Anne in sw ON said…
Ignatieff followed US President Theodore Roosevelt's advice to "Speak softly and carry a big stick." That stick sure came in handy this morning.
I've often wondered why we 'draw a line in the sand" when we want to emphasize how resolute we are. Why not some kind of material e.g. stone that would reflect our determination.
At Mon Jun 15, 03:58:00 p.m. EDT,
caz said…
The only one on probation is Iggy himself. He huffed and puffed and ended up doing absolutely nothing today except cut HIS options down to a bare minimum.What a joke. I don't want an election but I'd love to see this empty suit deal with a campaign. He's certainly cornered himself. He's no match for Harper... he thinks he is but there's nothing there folks
At Mon Jun 15, 04:17:00 p.m. EDT,
Reid said…
I think that the leak to Le Devoir forced Iggy to be wishy washy today. I believe he intended to say he wasn't going to bring down the Conservative government, as reported, but because of the leak he changed tack at the last minute to try and make it look like he had some backbone.
At Mon Jun 15, 04:30:00 p.m. EDT,
Ted Betts said…
"Tom Clark: "I think that Michael Ignatieff took a big stick and he drew a line in the sand... and then he took that stick and erased parts of the line big enough that you could drive a Prime Ministerial limousine through Dan... I... ah, there's not gonna be an election outta this."
"The only one on probation is Iggy himself. He huffed and puffed and ended up doing absolutely nothing today except cut HIS options down to a bare minimum."
Sounds to me like someone who doesn't like this government but is trying to serve Canadians by avoiding an election, even if it means swallowing some issues, but that there are certain minimums the Prime Minister must answer to.
Harper today repeated what Baird said to Torontians recently.
At Mon Jun 15, 04:43:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
give your head a shake Ted and stop making excuses for your leader.
Ignatieff's proving to be Mr. Dion's English long-lost brother.
At Mon Jun 15, 04:47:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Anon, do you mean "English long-lost brother" as in his having spent years and years in England? ;-)
LOL... the plays on words are so endless...
At Mon Jun 15, 04:48:00 p.m. EDT,
wilson said…
Oh Ted,
Iffy walks down that hill, again,
and somehow that means he is 'saving Canadians'.
If he would stop making threats,
he wouldn't have to keep looking like Dion in a tuxedo.
Iffy brings all this drama onto himself.
An experienced REAL leader, after having killed the coalition of losers,
would have contributed ideas to steering Canada thru this recession, knowing he would share in the credit later.
Instead, he kept the coalition idea alive,
and he said 'no ideas from me for Harper to steal, Harper gets to wear this recession'.
An experienced REAL leader would have set his sights on the next budget to bring down the govt, and would take this time to straightened out the mess the LPC is in.
Your guy is a goof.
At Mon Jun 15, 05:14:00 p.m. EDT,
KURSK said…
Ted, do you want to expound on your last sentence?
At Mon Jun 15, 07:34:00 p.m. EDT,
MrEd said…
LMAO...well, at least if he lived in Britan and later the states they have both got good trading ties to Canada and one would think he'd have learned at least a little about us in his 34 years traveling anywhere but Canada
At Mon Jun 15, 07:57:00 p.m. EDT,
Jen said…
The msm are annoyed with ignatieff for not helping them(media) out for all the tireless work the media put themselves through and for looking like dam fools.
It is nobody fault but the media's, that's right, these people fuel the fire til it exploded in their faces instead of they doing their jobs properly and not partake in the idea that they are the ones to decide who is to run the country.
At Mon Jun 15, 09:33:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
The headline should be revised:
"Ignatieff demands Conservatives fix Liberal EI mess now"
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