Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Dion "goes negative" before the writ drops?

So much for his claims that he plans to run a clean and postive campaign...

Mr. Dion has continually promised that he will run a clean campaign in any upcoming election. Then, as soon as the cameras are rolling, off he goes on a tirade about "Mr. Harper and his neo-conservative vision for Canada".

Neo-Conservative. Hidden Agenda. George W. Bush. Right-wing ideology. Mean spirited policy. Get used to these words. These are the words that will be coming out of the mouths of Liberals from coast to coast over the course of the next election, whenever it may occur. These words are invoked for one reason, and one reason only... to provoke fear. To stoke the primal emotion of fear in the heart of the average Canadian. To provide nice neat little soundbytes for the media to broadcast, so that many average Canadians, many who will make their electoral decision based on the soundbytes the media provides them, will mark and X on their ballot not based on truth, but based on fear.

Fear is a difficult thing to combat. It's raw, primal, and oh so easy to enflame.

Fear is a weapon that a Party who has nothing of value to say will turn to when the cupboard of ideas is bear.

The Liberal Party of Canada is bereft of ideas, directionless in vision, and unwilling to do the deep soul searching that is necessary for them to find their way. In years past, the Liberal Party has provided great vision and ideas for Canada, but right now, they have nothing to offer. They're offering pie-in-the-sky ideals of a "Green and Prosperous Canada", with nothing to put on the table as to how we'll get there with them at the helm.

I'm sick of the continual tactics of fear that the Liberal Party chooses to employ. Therefore, I'd like to propose a challenge to the Liberal Party of Canada. I'm going to be sending a letter to the editor of all the local and major media outlets, and to the Liberal Party of Canada, and to the Ontario wing of the Party, with this challenge...
For the last few elections, the Liberal Party has continually played the "FEAR" card in regards to the Conservative Party of Canada. Rather than in a real and honest way discuss ideas and policy, they repeatedly resort to the tired old tactic of invoking fear in the hearts of Canadians, so that many people vote not for the vision offered by the Liberal Party, but against what the Conservatives "may" do if elected.

To a large degree, Canadians didn't believe them in 2006, when they allowed Mr. Harper to form a government. Now that we may be headed into another election, which the Liberals may trigger in an attempt to regain power, I'm curious to see if the temptation to resort to fear will be too much to resist.

Mr. Dion, the new Liberal leader, has continually said that he is a better kind of politician; he has said that he intends to run a clean and positive campaign, and will not resort to negative tactics.

In respect to that commitment, and in respect to past Liberal election tactics, I have a simple and straightforward question for Mr. Dion... will he commit to not using deceptive and fear invoking words like, "Neo-conservative", "far right-wing ideology", "George W. Bush", and "Scary Hidden Agenda"? By using words of this nature, he would be seeking to invoke the primal emotion of fear in the hearts of Canadians... perhaps the darkest, most sinister and negative kind of campaigning there is.

Mr. Dion, will you commit to Canadians that in any forthcoming election, you will spend your time discussing ideas and policy, and will not "go negative" by resorting to fear-mongering about Mr. Harper and his Conservatives?
There's my gauntlet... let's see if anyone will pick it up.

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  • At Mon Oct 08, 11:04:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Are you joking? With idiots like Garth Turner advising Dion that will be their entire't waste your breath.

  • At Mon Oct 08, 11:32:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger Dirk said…

    Sometimes legitimate criticism is negative.

    You can't deny that Harper and the CPC have an image problem. You basically admit it by expressing a fear of a negative campaign. The only reason this kind of negative campaign can work is because Harper and the CPC still haven't convinced people they're not going to change the country in ways most of us won't like. I have to admit that I'm not convinced.

  • At Tue Oct 09, 12:07:00 a.m. EDT, Blogger Dirk said…

    One example of why I'm not enthused about the prospect of a CPC majority: witness what's happened to our foreign policy since Mr. Harper took office.

    - In multiple speeches held in other countries, or in local speeches with foreign dignitaries in the audience, Mr. Harper attacked the Liberal party. This is not statesmanship. It's embarrassing.

    - We're increasingly aligned with American foreign policy positions, where we once adopted more moderate stances. The best example of this is how we've changed from being an impartial broker in the middle east to pro-Israel. In the bombing of Lebanon, when the government was quick out of the gate to state that the Israeli response was measured.

    As a dyed in the wool conservative, these things may not bother you. But most Canadians are not that far right, so they have reason for concern.

  • At Tue Oct 09, 01:30:00 a.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    'You can't deny that Harper and the CPC have an image problem. You basically admit it by expressing a fear of a negative campaign.'

    I don't believe it is fear. It is more along the lines of hope. I hope the Liberals actually present policy instead of just attacking.

    I don't really think Mr. Harper has anything but that to fear from the Liberals.

    Who am I kidding? He runs rings around them on policy. Fearmongering is their best policy!!!

  • At Tue Oct 09, 02:19:00 a.m. EDT, Blogger Calgary Junkie said…

    Negative advertsing is a lot more effective in a two-party environement, such as in the U.S. But in our multi-party environment, there is a danger that the negative ads will push an uncommitted voter to a third party, in this case, the NDP.

  • At Tue Oct 09, 06:15:00 a.m. EDT, Blogger Eric said…


    In most of the speeches that you mention Harper was stating the FACT that our previous government dilly dallied on issues like global warming and our duties as per the Kyoto Accord.

    Hence it was important to point out that it was not Harper who waited 13 years before becoming serious about Kyoto. It was someone else.

    Passing the buck? Yes? Legitimate? Hell yes.

    Besides, as I recall, most of those speeches recalled the 'previous governments'. Not the Liberals by name.

  • At Tue Oct 09, 08:58:00 a.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    TangoJuliette sez:

    Dirk: If you're adyed in the wool Consservative, howcum you sound so Fiberal?

    SouthernOntarioan has it right. PMSH always referred to the "Government of Canada" in his speeches abroad. Typically Fiberal-centric thinking and all the dolts automatically assume that the ONLY goavernment of Canada is a Liberal Government. WRONG!!


    t.e.& o.e.

  • At Tue Oct 09, 10:02:00 a.m. EDT, Blogger Dirk said…

    Calling out the Liberals by name or as "our predecessors" makes no difference. It's not statesmanlike to make political hay when addressing an international audience.

  • At Tue Oct 09, 12:06:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger wilson said…

    Combat fear with optimism.
    Under the leadership of PMSH,2 years of governing have resulting in:
    a strong united Canada,
    a shrinking debt,
    with a 30 year high dollar and employment.
    A safer more prosperous and generous country to be proud of.

    Combat fearmongering with proof of Lib desperation.
    Liberals warned in 2006 about the Cons cutting social programs and running a deficit at the same time.
    The reverse has happened.

    Liberals used PMSHs statement about the Liberal dominated Senate as PROOF the Cons had a ''hidden agenda''.
    What transpired was the Liberal dominated Senate proved PMSH to be right.
    No 'hidden agenda' could ever be implimented by
    any party OTHER THAN THE LIBERALS themselves,
    with the backup Liberal dominated Senate.
    So, is it a Liberal 'hidden agenda' that is really to be feared?

    Libs are desperate to regain power.
    Like they did in 1993, history proves that they will promise and say ANYTHING that will get them there.

  • At Tue Oct 09, 12:46:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger Brian in Calgary said…

    It will be interesting to see if any of the Liberal ads source their information the way the 2006 CPC election ads did (and the way the 2006 LPC election ads didn't). People that put out ads that source their info do not ask the voters to take their word for the truth of the ads' contents, but they invite the viewers to check it out themselves.

  • At Tue Oct 09, 03:58:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger rob said…

    It's kind of rich to cheer on Conservative negativity and call out Liberal negativity.

  • At Wed Oct 10, 08:56:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Rumor has it that the LPC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Power Corp and John Rae has been appointed to the Dion watch. Of course the job is too much for one man so he is enlisting the aid of his brother Bob.

    BTW anyone know when Iggy goes back to school? (as full time teacher)


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