Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Today's YouTube Winner... the Green Party

The Green Party (or at least one of their candidates) has released a whole slew of videos on YouTube, using the "PC vs. Mac" theme. I've taken a peek at a couple of them, and they're pretty good! Instead of taking on any one party, the characters they've used are "Grey vs. Green", where Grey is a composite of all the other parties combined. Pretty smart! By using the character "Grey", not only can they poke at the platforms of all the other parties, but they also make a statement about the tiredness of old mainstream parties. Brilliant!

Here's a couple of them... and here's the link to their YouTube channel.

Green vs. Grey on Energy

Green vs. Grey on Promises

Green vs. Grey on Education

They've also relased an official campaign launch video, which looks pretty slick, and if I was undecided, might actually make me want to check them out a bit.


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