CPC Training Photos
Well, now it's okay to talk a little more about the CPC Training Conference this past weekend.
It was a total blast. Lots of good sessions, prep information, all to get ready for the next election... whenever that might be. And NO, for the record, no dates for the next election were discussed... because we really don't know. We just want to be ready when it does come... next week, next month, or next year.
And, LOTS of photo ops! Here are some of my favorites!
First Cabinet Minister I had the chance to meet was the Hon. Lawrence Canon, during breakfast on Friday.
Anyone recognize this guy?
Lots of people like to give this guy a hard time... I like him, and think Mr. Harper made a good choice putting him in Cabinet. He's done a lot of work cleaning up his department, and Canada will be much better off when he's done. He gave an insightful talk on his file.
This Irishman had a bit of a twinkle in his eye on Friday... either it was because St. Patrick's day was the next day, or because he's about to put forward a really good budget on Monday...
Another cool guy... people had him written off years ago, but he keep proving himself to be a really sharp one, ranked the most surprising performer in Harper's Cabinet.
I really like this guy... and I had to stop for a minute to admire his chair, as I work with people with his style of equipment every day.
Did you know that Rahim was the first ever Muslim named to Canada's Cabinet? Pretty styling guy too.
Peter Kent... I was really disappointed in his loss last time around. He's just been nominated in Thornhill... one of the beachheads we want to take in the GTA next time around! He would make an incredible face for the media in the next government, a face Canadians know and trust as a straight shooter. Go Kent Go!
And here's Jason Kenny, about 30 seconds before I busted him up in laughter!
He had taken a couple of joking shots a Stockwell in the previous session, accusing him of being culturally insensitive because he wasn't wearing any green on St. Patrick's Day. Then he made an offhand comment, pointing out a couple of people in the front row saying, "Well, I see a couple of orange ties here in the front row...", which got a laugh and a couple of replies of feigned anger from the audience. I was tempted to go to the mike during the Q&A part and make a crack, (being decended from the Protestent north) but I didn't get up the nerve. So I go up to him afterwards, shake his hand, and with a smile and an Irish twinkle in my eye say, "Pleasure to meet you sir, but I would like to demand an applogy for your afront to Protestents from the north here in the Party," to which he replied with a great big hoot and a laugh, and said, "Hey now!" Of course, I pointed out I was wearing green too, and we had a good laugh.
And I have to save the best for last... I love the almost defiant look on both of our faces! I let him know that I was 100% behind his decision to cross the floor, and he seemed genuinely greatful.
He had one of the best lines of the weekend too... when he took the mike during a session, he said, "I just want all of you to know that it feels really good to be with you all this weekened... I just wonder why it took me so long." That got a good round of applause!
More to come, stay tuned!
It was a total blast. Lots of good sessions, prep information, all to get ready for the next election... whenever that might be. And NO, for the record, no dates for the next election were discussed... because we really don't know. We just want to be ready when it does come... next week, next month, or next year.
And, LOTS of photo ops! Here are some of my favorites!
First Cabinet Minister I had the chance to meet was the Hon. Lawrence Canon, during breakfast on Friday.

Anyone recognize this guy?

Lots of people like to give this guy a hard time... I like him, and think Mr. Harper made a good choice putting him in Cabinet. He's done a lot of work cleaning up his department, and Canada will be much better off when he's done. He gave an insightful talk on his file.

This Irishman had a bit of a twinkle in his eye on Friday... either it was because St. Patrick's day was the next day, or because he's about to put forward a really good budget on Monday...

Another cool guy... people had him written off years ago, but he keep proving himself to be a really sharp one, ranked the most surprising performer in Harper's Cabinet.

I really like this guy... and I had to stop for a minute to admire his chair, as I work with people with his style of equipment every day.

Did you know that Rahim was the first ever Muslim named to Canada's Cabinet? Pretty styling guy too.

Peter Kent... I was really disappointed in his loss last time around. He's just been nominated in Thornhill... one of the beachheads we want to take in the GTA next time around! He would make an incredible face for the media in the next government, a face Canadians know and trust as a straight shooter. Go Kent Go!

And here's Jason Kenny, about 30 seconds before I busted him up in laughter!

And I have to save the best for last... I love the almost defiant look on both of our faces! I let him know that I was 100% behind his decision to cross the floor, and he seemed genuinely greatful.

More to come, stay tuned!
At Sun Mar 18, 08:52:00 p.m. EDT,
Joanne (True Blue) said…
Great photos. Looks like you were having the time of your life!
At Sun Mar 18, 09:40:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I'm with Joanne...."Great photos."
Thanks for posting them, along with your comments.
Rahim Jaffer is my MP. I've only seen him in the "silly parade" we have here in the summer....where, everyone dresses up..."silly". He was dressed up as a bona fide cowboy, but riding one of those stick horse things that kids ride when they're little. (or big and in a silly parade.) :-)
At Mon Mar 19, 12:32:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Everyone looks happy.. just as long as they are not too confident.
(real conservative)
At Mon Mar 19, 05:51:00 a.m. EDT,
Joanne (True Blue) said…
I wish Rahim was my MP. He is one good-looking guy.
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