Something good from "Zerb"?
Yes, I got two things from Antonia Zerbisias' blog today... one funny, and one that proves a point I've been trying to make for months. (interesting for all you right-wing gamers out there... when I hear "Zerb", I think "Zerg"...) First, she posted this pic from the Ontario Liberal website...
Her comment was "Let's just make this easy and come quietly with us Mr. McGuinty..." HILARIOUS, if you ask me.
Then, she makes this comment about Ben Chin running for the Liberals in an upcoming provincial by-election... "He's confident that he'll get the south-of-Gerrard and north-of-Danforth vote. It's us Volvo-driving, Shiraz-drinking socialists in the middle he wonders about." Uh-huh. "Socialists in the middle"??? RIIIIIIGHT... amm, Zerb, you're a lefty, so try to stay over there, okay? It would make things in Canada a whole lot easier if you all figured out where you actually are. Then we could have some reasonable dialouge, rather than trying to nail the Red Jello to the wall. Then maybe this country could figure things out and start moving ahead, rather than having this blob in the middle that doesn't even know what it thinks or believes in.
Rant over.

Then, she makes this comment about Ben Chin running for the Liberals in an upcoming provincial by-election... "He's confident that he'll get the south-of-Gerrard and north-of-Danforth vote. It's us Volvo-driving, Shiraz-drinking socialists in the middle he wonders about." Uh-huh. "Socialists in the middle"??? RIIIIIIGHT... amm, Zerb, you're a lefty, so try to stay over there, okay? It would make things in Canada a whole lot easier if you all figured out where you actually are. Then we could have some reasonable dialouge, rather than trying to nail the Red Jello to the wall. Then maybe this country could figure things out and start moving ahead, rather than having this blob in the middle that doesn't even know what it thinks or believes in.
Rant over.
At Thu Mar 16, 09:44:00 p.m. EST,
metasyntactic variable said…
I think she's speaking geographically between Danforth Ave. and Gerrard St., as well as socio-economically. She admits she's on the left by calling herself a socialist.
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