The Agenda Marches On
Yes, I'm referring to a "hidden agenda", but not a Tory one... an adoption agency for a Catholic Dioces in Boston was ordered to grant adoptions to same sex couples. They asked for a religious exepmtion, and were refused.
Therefore, rather than defy their Biblical principles, they have announced that they will be closing the doors of their agency. They have been in the business of helping troubled kids for over 100 years, but now have been forced to abandon their cause.
I've been saying for years that this is the agenda... the "normalization" of homosexuality, regardless of any religious defence. We've seen it here in Ontario's "Human Rights Tribunal" several times, and there's no sign of it stopping. I fully expect to spend time in jail in the next few decades, as I cannot accept homosexuality as "normal". I have no problem interacting daily with people who say they are gay... a former boss of mine was, as a matter of fact. But to deny my consience and accept as okay that which God has said is sin? That I cannot do, nor will I ever. (NOTE: God also says that adultery, lying and stealing is wrong... I equate all sins as equal)
All sin is abhorant to God, including my own! That's why His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, came to die on the cross of Calvary so long ago. He died that YOU might live, if you REPENT and BELIEVE ON HIM. (not "in" Him, but "on" Him) Do you want proof that He can save? ON THE THIRD DAY, HE ROSE AGAIN.
h/t to "Gay & Right" for the link. (I appreciate his posting this, and his view that this forced closure is wrong)
Therefore, rather than defy their Biblical principles, they have announced that they will be closing the doors of their agency. They have been in the business of helping troubled kids for over 100 years, but now have been forced to abandon their cause.
I've been saying for years that this is the agenda... the "normalization" of homosexuality, regardless of any religious defence. We've seen it here in Ontario's "Human Rights Tribunal" several times, and there's no sign of it stopping. I fully expect to spend time in jail in the next few decades, as I cannot accept homosexuality as "normal". I have no problem interacting daily with people who say they are gay... a former boss of mine was, as a matter of fact. But to deny my consience and accept as okay that which God has said is sin? That I cannot do, nor will I ever. (NOTE: God also says that adultery, lying and stealing is wrong... I equate all sins as equal)
All sin is abhorant to God, including my own! That's why His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, came to die on the cross of Calvary so long ago. He died that YOU might live, if you REPENT and BELIEVE ON HIM. (not "in" Him, but "on" Him) Do you want proof that He can save? ON THE THIRD DAY, HE ROSE AGAIN.
h/t to "Gay & Right" for the link. (I appreciate his posting this, and his view that this forced closure is wrong)
At Thu Mar 16, 12:23:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"I fully expect to spend time in jail in the next few decades, as I cannot accept homosexuality as "normal"."
Paranoid much? :D
At Thu Mar 16, 01:39:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
No Drew, not paranoid, just a realist. ;-)
jdave, you're right on the Catholic church... I agree with you that they are an affront to God. They have a BIG mess to clean up, and they need to atone for their sins. However, wouldn't you agree that they do run many good social programs? I view them as an social institution that claims God as their figurehead, but I would not link myself with them in terms of faith. My point here is that they were specifically targeted due to their decision to uphold Biblical doctrine.
As for "normalization", my point is that same-sex couples ALREADY have all the same rights and privilages that all other Canadians have. As the author in my linked article stated, same-sex couples could ALREADY adopt children in Boston, but THAT PARTICULAR group refused to grant an adoption to a same-sex couple. So they took them to court! THAT'S my problem with it... they had the opportunity to do what they wanted to do, but instead specifically chose to target the dioces to "put them in line".
The problem is that SOME (not all) in that community won't give up their fight until everyone, including people like me, are singing to their tune... which CAN'T happen, lest I reject some of the commandments of the Bible. I'm one of those people who believe that you can't pick and choose from the Good Book... it's all or nothing.
However, though I disagree with their lifestyle, and think it's sinful, I will always treat them like normal people. As I said before, sin is sin, and an adulterer living in sin is no different to me; nor is a drunkard, a theif, or someone nailed for speeding for that matter! (and I've had my share of tickets!)
At Thu Mar 16, 01:53:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"No Drew, not paranoid, just a realist."
I really don't think you have much to worry about. :)
At Thu Mar 16, 10:05:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
The scandal in the catholic church was not pedophilia but ephophilia. This is sex with post puberty teenagers. A full study showed 82 percent of the charges were for homosexual priest's who seduced teenage men over the age of 14. The study (the Jay report) showed that this abuse was the same for priest's as for clergy of all denominations and people of other professions.
Truth is never espoused in the mainstream media. The liberal media would never ever ever ever state the TRUTH that the scandal in the church was 82 percent homosexual abuse of teenage boys and not pedophilia, that this abuse was the same for all walks of life.
Thank goodness the radical militant homosexual movement would never try to influence teenage boys? They would be open to examining the truth and tolerant of factual studies? They would never use false data to further their views but be open minded to the possibility that same sex attraction might just might, possibly lead to emptyness and the never ending need to be loved. This need to be loved and accepted can only come from the arms of God who loves us in spite of our abnormalities, who loves us far beyond anything the world could give us and never leaves us with that empty feeling.
At Thu Mar 16, 10:18:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
if anyones interested
At Fri Mar 17, 08:08:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"Just a reminder, jdave34, the seperation of church and state is not meant to keep the church away from the laws of the land but to prevent the state from monopolizing the church (ie. state religion)."
Any wall of separation of Church and State has to work both ways. Those of us who are non-religious (and that includes us religionless Christians) are very afraid of religion having too much say over the affairs of the state as we know what happens when they do (Inquisition anyone? Witch burning anyone? I could go on).
Thankfully one day Christ will return and abolish all religion including the one that was made in His name. Hopefully soon. :)
At Fri Mar 17, 08:11:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I'll also say that I'd rather see a child adopted by a loving gay couple (and yes, they do exist) than a heterosexual evangelical (or pseudo-evangelical as I like to call them as there's next to no actual "good news" in their so-called Gospel) Christian couple.
At Fri Mar 17, 11:00:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I don't suppose that anyone remembers Svend Robbinson introducing legislation in the early 90's in order to outlaw preaching certain sections of the Bible? Anyone remember the Human Rights complaint in B.C. last year against the Knights of Columbus? There are a few other cases in between but I can't remember them right now. There will always be attacks against the church and its supporters by the homosexual community. They live contrary to the laws of God and in my experience will not tollerate opinions that are not their own. We as Christians must remain firm in our faith and understanding. We must not sin by employing the tactics used by the enemies of God, rather we must demonstrate, by our love and commitment to Christ, that our ways and beliefs must be protected.
< end sermon >
At Fri Mar 17, 11:37:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
How could you possibly think I'm defending the 82 percent homosexual abuse of post puberty boys?
It's absolutely disgusting.
Defendind child molesters?
Defending homosexual rape of post puberty boys? Pedophilia and Ephophilia are both evil and I agree far more than you could imagine that they should be dealt with appropriately.
Why is it that there is outrage for the 18 percent pedophiles (rightful outrage) and silence for the 82 percent homosexual rape of post puberty boys?
WHY is the FACT that the overwhelming vast majority of abuse was homosexual rape of boys ignored. If this truth is mentioned your a gay basher.
You said you would rather leave your son with a gay man than a priest,,, my point is simply that the abusive priests were gay men.( 3 out of hundred priests were abusers) This truth is ignored.
It has nothing to do with homosexuality? What? Keep on attacking gays and defending child molesters? What? 82 percent of the child molesters were homosexual abuse of teenage boys!!
The rape and destruction of young men by homosexual predators should be attacked NOT IGNORED.
It should be attacked in the catholic church and every other institution where it occurs.
I believe all homosexual men should be treated with respect and dignity but that doesn't mean sticking my head in the sand when 82 percent of the abuse cases was committed by homosexual rape of teenagers.
Do you know how many teachers abused children? All schools should be ashamed of themselves, get the teachers, their ALL evil, EVIL I tell ya get them all. Get the bus drivers, the doctors, the uncles, the fathers, get them all, yet completely ignore and defend the undeniable overwhelming homosexual abuse problem.
I know that not all homosexual men rape and attack teenage boys, but the ones who do should be dealt with. I do not brand all homosexuals as abusers, I'm simply stating the facts.
At Sun Mar 19, 07:40:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Does anyone remember when we were all being told that homosexuality was genetic and we should not condem people "because god created them that way" because they didn't have a choice? Man are those days long behind us.
Today virtually no one studying the psychology of homosexuality believes that genetics play much effect in its developement outside of genetic inheritance of personality traits. And all of the
Instead today we are told to respect peoples "choices". Almost no one says that they can't help "the way they were born". Today homosexuality has gained widespread acceptance in our culture, and the agenda of its advocates is more about social normalization. We now are being told that sexuality is fluid, individuals should feel free to go from gay to straight, as you feel, and not identify with any sexual orientation. The end goal of gay rights is not marriage or adoption, equal rights under the law will not be enough. Instead it strives to reshape society from the ground up.
I don't believe that anyone chooses to be gay, its a complex psychological, hormonal, and environmental issue, but it should not just be accepted. To simply accept someones ills does them no service. If you truly love someone, you can't just accept the wrong things they do. We must strive to show them the love of Christ. Christ did not accept peoples sin, he redeemed them from it, and we are to be instruments of Christs love to the world.
There is no doubt that the optimal environment for raising children is the nuclear family. Therefore, any other situation is by difinition, not ideal. Should we not strive to give these children, already disadvantaged in life, the best possible environemnt, not just one that is "good enough"?
The most famous and often cited study of homosexual "families" was conducted by a lesbian and a gay activist and is flawed from its inception. Obvious biases aside it begins by claiming to be able to measure the happiness of children. Happiness by definition is unquantifiable, so any claims to measure the happiness of the children in the study are ridiculous. Further more the study claims to show that children who have never experienced a family consisting of a heterosexual mother and father are just as happy as other children. However it is impossible for the children involved in the study to comment on whether they would be happier in a situation they no nothing about and have never experienced.
Like many other left-wing ideolgies the forces that advocate these issues try to silence the debate once a certian level of social acceptance is gained. Already people are loosing jobs, some gov't jobs, because they raised their voice in opposition to the homosexual agenda. Look for this trend to continue, and affect teachers, and ministers of faith.
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