Foot in my mouth?
Did I put my foot in my mouth, again?
It seems my last post may have caused some to question my commitment to my faith. Well, I don't EVER want that to happen, so here's my clarification/correction post.
My faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is THE most important person in my life... more important than my job, my life, even my wife. (and just before anyone thinks that's weird, she'd say the very same thing) I've moved halfway across the country because He opened a door to serve Him. I have a lot to learn yet, so when someone says that they don't think I really am a Christian because of something I say or write, I LISTEN.
So, to help clear things up, here's my definitions on what a "MOONBAT" is:
Seriously, I didn't mean to be offensive. As I said in my comments, the title and some of the content was intended to get your attention, and to stir the pot... but not to be offensive.
Now, to answer some of my commenters...
In terms of the military, I was actually seriously considering that as a career path. I actually went through the first steps to sign up with the milita program in high school, and was getting ready to apply to the RMC in Kingston. But, this may be hard to understand, the Lord made it clear to me during one of the intro meetings that this wasn't the path that He wanted me to follow. So He closed that door to me as a career. (no, I didn't hear voices... but He might as well have spoken, it was a clear impression to my by His Holy Spirit) Ironicly, my wife was also considering applying to the RMC... weird.
Recently, we've both been thinking about joining the Reserves, but some of our commitments prevented us from doing that. As our situation has changed in the last week, we might just do it. Looking for more info on that, so if any of you have joined, or know anything about joining, I'd be greatful for your input.
As for "not helping the cause", it was my intent to show how some of the mission's detractors are the ones "not helping the cause".
In regards to my tone, sometimes, it's easy to get all fired up and say something you regret... or in a tone you regret. With all the anti-military retoric I've been hearing, having friends in the Forces, I got angry. The Lord taught us "Be angry, but do not sin". (Ephesians 4:26) It was my desire that my post would be able to express my annoyance without crossing over into sin. I can clearly see that I failed to do so clearly, and for that, I truely am sorry.
Ti-guy, you asked "Don't crusades and martyrdom hold any attraction for you? Or is your Christianity limited to sneering at and insulting everyone else?" Acutally, my wife and I just watched "The Kingdom of Heaven" the other day, and no, Crusades have NO APPEAL to me... that was a dispicable period of history, and I pray that it is never again repeated... especially not in the Name of Christ. He asked us to "turn the other cheek", not "slit the other guy's throat", which kinda goes against the whole Crusade thing. As for the martyrdom thing... I'm game, if the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ is glorified in the process.
He also admonished us not to be insulting and evil in our speech... therefore, I will endeavour to keep things on a more even keel in the future. Thanks to all my commenters for the admonishment/reminder.
It seems my last post may have caused some to question my commitment to my faith. Well, I don't EVER want that to happen, so here's my clarification/correction post.
My faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is THE most important person in my life... more important than my job, my life, even my wife. (and just before anyone thinks that's weird, she'd say the very same thing) I've moved halfway across the country because He opened a door to serve Him. I have a lot to learn yet, so when someone says that they don't think I really am a Christian because of something I say or write, I LISTEN.
So, to help clear things up, here's my definitions on what a "MOONBAT" is:
1) someone who typically falls on the far left of the political spectrum, who consistantly votes NDP, Green or Communist, or will simply vote for a party (ie - Liberal) not due to their policies, but simply to "stop the scary-Conservatives at all costs"Okay, now that I've offended a few more people... actually, I hope that clarifies what I meant by "moonbat"... I don't use it as broadly as some might... mostly just to the Cindy Sheean types...
2) someone who is anti-Walmart for the simple reason that they think everything should be free, no one should have to work if they don't feel like it, and that capitalism is a concept from the pit (I live in Guelph, where there is a very noisy lefty-anti-Walmart contingent... there is WAY too much NIMBYism going on around here... but that's another post for another day)
3) one who protests against the war in Iraq, mostly due to being uneducated on the subject... ask any Iraqi who had family members vanish under Saddam how they feel about it
4) regarding #3, they really think that our annual military budget should be a whopping $0.00 per year, and that our troops shouldn't be anywhere where a gun might be required
5) they liked Paul Martin's promise to ban all handguns, and think the Gun Registry was a good investment (of course, they think it actually works)
6) they love John Lenon's "Imagine", and want to implement it as world policy
7) they think the U.N. is a functional world body
8) they are ravenously anti-"dubbya"
9) is not a Bible believing Christian (almost all will fit into this one... or they will go to the United Church of Canada, occasionally)
10) fits into multiple of the above categories
Seriously, I didn't mean to be offensive. As I said in my comments, the title and some of the content was intended to get your attention, and to stir the pot... but not to be offensive.
Now, to answer some of my commenters...
In terms of the military, I was actually seriously considering that as a career path. I actually went through the first steps to sign up with the milita program in high school, and was getting ready to apply to the RMC in Kingston. But, this may be hard to understand, the Lord made it clear to me during one of the intro meetings that this wasn't the path that He wanted me to follow. So He closed that door to me as a career. (no, I didn't hear voices... but He might as well have spoken, it was a clear impression to my by His Holy Spirit) Ironicly, my wife was also considering applying to the RMC... weird.
Recently, we've both been thinking about joining the Reserves, but some of our commitments prevented us from doing that. As our situation has changed in the last week, we might just do it. Looking for more info on that, so if any of you have joined, or know anything about joining, I'd be greatful for your input.
As for "not helping the cause", it was my intent to show how some of the mission's detractors are the ones "not helping the cause".
In regards to my tone, sometimes, it's easy to get all fired up and say something you regret... or in a tone you regret. With all the anti-military retoric I've been hearing, having friends in the Forces, I got angry. The Lord taught us "Be angry, but do not sin". (Ephesians 4:26) It was my desire that my post would be able to express my annoyance without crossing over into sin. I can clearly see that I failed to do so clearly, and for that, I truely am sorry.
Ti-guy, you asked "Don't crusades and martyrdom hold any attraction for you? Or is your Christianity limited to sneering at and insulting everyone else?" Acutally, my wife and I just watched "The Kingdom of Heaven" the other day, and no, Crusades have NO APPEAL to me... that was a dispicable period of history, and I pray that it is never again repeated... especially not in the Name of Christ. He asked us to "turn the other cheek", not "slit the other guy's throat", which kinda goes against the whole Crusade thing. As for the martyrdom thing... I'm game, if the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ is glorified in the process.
He also admonished us not to be insulting and evil in our speech... therefore, I will endeavour to keep things on a more even keel in the future. Thanks to all my commenters for the admonishment/reminder.
At Mon Mar 13, 08:48:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Some don't understand 'righteous anger' And there is that misconception that Christians don't get angry.
"be angry, sin not" and "don't let the sun go down on your anger" I think in your excitement to tell some to 'shut-up' it sounded offensive. I forgive you. (but I agree with what you were saying.) I'm glad to read your calm, reasoned response. And I have to say I'm so thankful for Prime Minister Stephen Harper.VF
At Mon Mar 13, 09:54:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
You might not want to get your history lesson about the crusades from 'Kingdom of Heaven'. Do some reading it was necessary to stop the advance of Islam and the destruction of Christianity. Certainly not cut and dry but don't make it out be the peaceful Muslims being attacked by evil Christians.
At Mon Mar 13, 10:14:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
From a purely emotional point of view I would agree with your 10 definitions of a "moonbat", however as a Christian I don't find it very benificial to so tag people with whom I disagree. It is for these very people Christ died and as His servant my job is to interact with them in such a way as to bring them to a place where they too can accept that salvation so freely given so costly bought. God Bless
At Mon Mar 13, 10:16:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Agreed, Islam was advancing through conquest. The first crusade was a direct result of that. Some, not all, of the subsequent crusades were motivated by very un-Christian values and attitudes. However, all this is irrelevant. The question is; do we distract and demoralize our troops while they are in the field? I hope every Canadian would answer "No!"
At Mon Mar 13, 10:41:00 p.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
I think what constitutes a large part of the problem is the perceived arrogance at the tone of Andrew's posts. Knowing Andrew, I know for a fact that arrogance is not a contributing factor at all, but the tone of "inconsidered assurance", to develop a phrase. What I mean by that, is the assumption that one's opinion on subject x is correct without a fully-developed and fully considered interaction with an opponent's position. Andrew at times doesn't do this, but it does not cast a negative light on his Christian profession. In fact, this kind of thing is endemic to contemporary Christianity, and - right, wrong or indifferent - it establishes Andrew as a thorough-going contemporary evangelical.
At Tue Mar 14, 10:34:00 a.m. EST,
Rosie said…
What does being anti-walmart have to do with being a moonbat? That is the weirdest thing I have ever heard.
You are pretty quick to stick labels on people, when you fit into the cookie cutter "conservative wingnut" description down to the last syllable. I mean EVERYTHING you say on this posting is just a blind repetition of things I've read on other so-called "conservative" blogs. Get original thoughts already!
I thought it was christian principle not to judge people. My mom is a born again and she respects everyone, even if I or they "don't understand".
Thanks! From a jello koolaid pinko tree-hugging dirty hippy atheist wal-mart dubya -hating lefty who wants to live for free and screw all the hard working conservatives out of their money.
At Tue Mar 14, 11:46:00 a.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Amm, jdave34, your post just proved that you DON'T fit into my criteria of a "moonbat"!
Actually, all the thoughts I've posted here are my own... if others have come to them as well, so be it.
As a matter of fact, I enjoy actually DEBATING the issues, rather than just having others (or even myself) merely spouting retoric. Thanks for your response to my 10 points, and I'd gladly like to explore these responses to help clarify my position, if you'd like to.
And you're right, there are nutbars on the right as well... I haven't heard a good nickname for them yet. The only term I've ever heard used anywhere is "right-wing", which most on the left (or in the media) use to refer to MOST who lean Conservative, not just those on the fringe. Your thoughts on this?
There are indeed Christians on the left... I've just run into very few of them. Most who are on the left have "issues" with some of the teachings of Christ and the Bible, thus, they don't follow Him. Just an observation.
Procrast, most of the anit-Walmart forces here in Guelph are on the far left... you see many driving Volvo's here in town with bumper stickers supporting other extreme left causes. Again, just an observation, and I'm NOT saying that all Volvo drivers are lefties! ;-)
JDave, many of the anti-Walmart people here in Guelph DON'T fit into any of your three categories... this is often a weird town. Those three items you point out are all valid, and believe it or not, I agree that ALL OF THEM are items for concern. My argument is against those who oppose it "just because".
As for "why wasn't regime change and democratization the reason we were given for going into Iraq?", I agree... those should have been the primary reasons.
As for guns... I don't own one, and I don't think I ever will. I just don't agree with a complete ban that will only affect law abiding citizens, NOT criminals.
"Christian the man calls himself....methinks he needs to spend more time studying the bible, and less time waving it." JDave, you're absolutely right.
Procrast, as for my "being quick to stick labels on people", you're right... I sure have been lately, and it's starting to bother me. My wife has pointed that out to me, so that's something that I'm working on. Thanks for the reminder.
It is indeed a Christian principle not to judge people, and I have been very judgemental lately. It's also a principle to "speak the truth", but that principle is followed with another princial... "IN LOVE". So, I need to find the balance in speaking the truth, but doing so in love.
To one of the Anonymous posters, yes, Christ indeed did die for all, left or right, and I've been remiss in my primary duty on this blog... not to be a Conservative, but a Christian, first and foremost.
Please feel free to continue the debate... with all of your permission, I may re-post some of this for the larger community discussion.
At Tue Mar 14, 01:17:00 p.m. EST,
Rosie said…
CC-Thanks for replying...this could have gone either way-in an all out name calling extravaganza, or nice and diplomatic. Personally I like diplomatic. I am "left" for the most part (with some minor exceptions) but I don't like being thrown into a particular group and stuck with everything that particular group is "supposed" to believe in. I agree with Jdave, in that what you say in your reply was way better than your post!
And Jdave, that was a good reply. It put a lot of things into perspective.
As for my car? A beat up periwinkle neon that is still givin'er after 10 years ;)
At Tue Mar 14, 07:47:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Dude, you've got a few "errors" in your ten points, one night we need to go out for a coffee and I'll tell you what I mean.... ;o)
At Thu Mar 16, 11:15:00 p.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
And, the retreat from the 10 criteria begins.
At Fri Mar 17, 01:44:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Not likely to happen Blake... I just wanted to narrow the focus of my use of that term, because I did paint things a little too broad there. When I use the "moonbat" term, I'm ususally referring to a small group.
Otherwise, I refer to them as lefties, "the left", etc.
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