Martin wants to make us like America!
That's right everyone... Paul Martin was attacking Stephen Harper, saying that Harper wants to make us more like the United States.
However, an analysis of his surprise bombshell (dud) announcement that he intends to remove the Notwithstanding Clause from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in fact proves that HE is the one who will actually turn our nation into a country more like the US!
Stephen Harper dealt with Martin's surprise announcement really well, and actually was the one who pointed out Martin's Americanization plan to me. In his reponse, Harper said "I think our Charter strikes a balance between Parlimentary supremecy, as we see in Britian, and the supremecy of the courts, which we see in the United States."
By seeking to remove the NwC from the Charter, Martin wants to enshrine the supremecy of the courts here in Canada. Therefore, our judicial system will be the ones who hold the power... just like in the United States. Why do you think there has been such a HUGE debate in the US about Bush's Supreme Court nominees? BECAUSE THEY'RE THE ONES THAT WILL BE HOLDING THE POWER!
Don't forget the fact that the Liberal Party of Canada has been in power for the majority of the last 40 years... and the power to appoint judges rests with the PMO! Many conservatives have been decrying for years that the judicary is full of liberal minded judges, who have an activist mentality, who think they have the right to re-write the laws passed by our Parliament, duly elected by the people.
Paul Martin himself has said on a number of occaisions that we have a "Democratic Deficit" in this country. This plan to remove the NwC will only FURTHER entrench the problem, not solve it.
On January 23rd, vote to solve the Democratic Deficit... by NOT voting Liberal.
However, an analysis of his surprise bombshell (dud) announcement that he intends to remove the Notwithstanding Clause from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in fact proves that HE is the one who will actually turn our nation into a country more like the US!
Stephen Harper dealt with Martin's surprise announcement really well, and actually was the one who pointed out Martin's Americanization plan to me. In his reponse, Harper said "I think our Charter strikes a balance between Parlimentary supremecy, as we see in Britian, and the supremecy of the courts, which we see in the United States."
By seeking to remove the NwC from the Charter, Martin wants to enshrine the supremecy of the courts here in Canada. Therefore, our judicial system will be the ones who hold the power... just like in the United States. Why do you think there has been such a HUGE debate in the US about Bush's Supreme Court nominees? BECAUSE THEY'RE THE ONES THAT WILL BE HOLDING THE POWER!
Don't forget the fact that the Liberal Party of Canada has been in power for the majority of the last 40 years... and the power to appoint judges rests with the PMO! Many conservatives have been decrying for years that the judicary is full of liberal minded judges, who have an activist mentality, who think they have the right to re-write the laws passed by our Parliament, duly elected by the people.
Paul Martin himself has said on a number of occaisions that we have a "Democratic Deficit" in this country. This plan to remove the NwC will only FURTHER entrench the problem, not solve it.
On January 23rd, vote to solve the Democratic Deficit... by NOT voting Liberal.
At Tue Jan 10, 10:41:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
In the US the members of the Supreme Court and its Chief Justice are all vetted out by a bi-partisan (democrats and republicans)committee. Here in Canada, they are appointed by the Prime Minister and his mandarins. There lies a chasm of difference. PM will make us worse than the AMERICANS.
PM's stupid stunt on removing the proviso of the notwithstanding clause, is not only dangerous but just showed one of Mr. Martin's HIDDEN AGENDAs. One begs to ask the question, "What other HIDDEN AGENDA he has in his war room ???"
At Tue Jan 10, 11:21:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories or hidden agenda theories, but after hearing Paul Martin say he would get rid of the Notwithstanding clause ... I wonder.
BEFORE the same sex marriage legislation Paul Martin promised to use the Notwithstanding clause, if necessary, to protect religious organizations from being forced to perform same-sex marriages against their will.
AFTER the legislation has been forced through Parliament, he wants to get rid of the clause, so it can't be used.
WHY? - Draw your own conclusions !!!
ALSO - remember the famous "persons" case, where the Supreme Court of Canada declared in 1928 that women are not persons under the law; that decision was reversed the following year by a British court that had jurisdiction back then (but not any more).
The Supreme Court interprets law. Law is not always well written. Decisions might have 5 Supreme Court judges in favour of a decision, with 4 dissenting. Interpretation of law can be made in a manner that is not in the best interests of the country, even though it is technically correct. Judges are not accountable to the public. Parliament has to retain the option of over-ruling a Court decision.
We should remember, also, that using the Notwithstanding clause requires a process that involves all parties, with debates and committee reviews. It's not done on a whim.
At Tue Jan 10, 05:12:00 p.m. EST,
Blake Kennedy said…
I couldn't agree more with this post, Andrew. In fact, I satirized Martin this afternoon on my blog, should anyone care to read it.
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