Liberal Scare Tactics
This one came in from Garth Turner, Conservative candidate (future Finance Minister?) in Halton. He reports that the Liberals are attempting to scare voters by intentionally misspeaking when calling voters. Is this the depths to which they've had to sink? From Garth:
"And then there’s the local Liberal phone bank – as reported to me by two strangers I canvassed who told me exactly the same story. They were both called, and asked this question: “Would you feel comfortable with Mr. Harris as prime minister? Oh, excuse me, I meant Mr. Harper...”On another unrelated note, this blog turned 1 yesterday! And post #300 was made!
Same mistake made by a phone bank of multiple people on two random calls? You be the judge. Poor Mike Harris just can’t get no respect."
At Mon Jan 09, 01:27:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Mike Harris saved Ontario he put our economy back on track after Rae. If Mr. Martin didn't starve the Provinces all those years we would be in much better shape fiscally. Despite going into deficit Harris did Balance the books for awhile, we only went into deficit when the economy slowed down; with tighter restrictions at the boarder after 9/11, BSE, West Nile, SARS, and the blackout.
At Mon Jan 09, 01:52:00 p.m. EST,
Canadianna said…
I'd be comfortable with Harris or Harper.
Why the Liberals think Mike Harris is a Conservative liability is beyond me. It was Ernie Eves who blew the PC reputation.
At Mon Jan 09, 03:00:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
For sure, I liked Harris. The "cuts" that he made didn't affect my life negatively one little bit... when Dalton came along, my taxes went up. Remember the "I won't raise your taxes" bit? I certainly will be come October 2007...
At Mon Jan 09, 05:37:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Harris did what he said he was going to do, and that's why Libs don't like him. It seems more( again) the MSM who put the negative slant to what he did.And doesn't anyone remember RAE DAYS?? Harris had to clean up that mess! I'm from North Bay(Mike's town) We saw a lot of good changes in the social-welfare areas that were very positive.And if any government employees were 'downsized' they found employment in the private sector. Common Sense Revolution...bring it on again!
All that is beside the point...with phone calls like that you know they(Libs) are desperate!VF
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