My LIVE Debate Blog Post
And they're off... my wife has made some popcorn... I'm not a beer drinker, so tea will do...
Harper, re: Martin and CSL - "As Prime Minister, I'll do what I've always done... I'll live under the Canadian flag, and pay my taxes." ZING!!!
Paul Martin is TOTALLY STAYING OFF TOPIC... dodging questions regarding CSL.
Now he goes off course on the Ethics issue to make his surprise announcement that the Liberals will attempt to remove the Not-withstanding Clause from the Charter! (that may end up leading the headlines)
GILLE DUCEPPE - Re: Democratic Deficit - "I think Paul Martin is a living democratic deficit." ZING! ZING!! ZING!!!
Calgary Grit got me going on this idea, he's got some good stuff tonight.
Healthcare... Harper did well, stating that "We shouldn't be banning means of provinces banning means of providing those Healthcare services."
Supreme Court Decision re: Swingers clubs. Moderator asked Harper "Should there be any social issues that the Not-withstanding clause should be used?" He answered EXCELLENTLY... "Just so we're all aware, this decision in question was not a Charter challenge, therefore, the Not-withstanding clause isn't in play here." NICE!
Gilles has another good line... "Mr. Martin campaigns like the NDP, then governs like the Tories." Will appeal to left Libs, make them think of going to the NDP!
This live thing isn't working for me... will post after the debate.
Harper, re: Martin and CSL - "As Prime Minister, I'll do what I've always done... I'll live under the Canadian flag, and pay my taxes." ZING!!!
Paul Martin is TOTALLY STAYING OFF TOPIC... dodging questions regarding CSL.
Now he goes off course on the Ethics issue to make his surprise announcement that the Liberals will attempt to remove the Not-withstanding Clause from the Charter! (that may end up leading the headlines)
GILLE DUCEPPE - Re: Democratic Deficit - "I think Paul Martin is a living democratic deficit." ZING! ZING!! ZING!!!
Calgary Grit got me going on this idea, he's got some good stuff tonight.
Healthcare... Harper did well, stating that "We shouldn't be banning means of provinces banning means of providing those Healthcare services."
Supreme Court Decision re: Swingers clubs. Moderator asked Harper "Should there be any social issues that the Not-withstanding clause should be used?" He answered EXCELLENTLY... "Just so we're all aware, this decision in question was not a Charter challenge, therefore, the Not-withstanding clause isn't in play here." NICE!
Gilles has another good line... "Mr. Martin campaigns like the NDP, then governs like the Tories." Will appeal to left Libs, make them think of going to the NDP!
This live thing isn't working for me... will post after the debate.
At Mon Jan 09, 09:07:00 p.m. EST,
Paul MacPhail said…
Paul Martin is unreal. Harper IS looking better than I thought he would, considering the pressure's on him to perform to expectations.
I don't know. What can ya say?
At Mon Jan 09, 09:16:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
What's with Martin? He keeps saying that they're going to do this and that... what have they done in the last 13 years?? I know, I know...
At Mon Jan 09, 09:21:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
THE PEN...THE PEN!!! I bet Tim Power would love to have an earpiece in Stephen's ear tonight!
At Mon Jan 09, 09:34:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
is anyone counting how many times PMPM says 'fundamentally'?VF
At Mon Jan 09, 09:39:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Mark it . 9:32PM EST ... Martin and Duceppe punch it out .. Harper maintains an even keel .. !!
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