No doubt about it... HARPER WON THAT DEBATE!!!
Layton was to wooden, scripted, rehersed. Duceppe was good, fiesty, drew Martin in once or twice.
Martin stammered, was grasping at straws (what's with bringing the US into this?) and threw a fit at Duceppe. Anyone know what he said to Duceppe in French there? He stepped away from the mic, I wanna know what he said! Anyway, that fit may go over none too well for him... then Harper responded REALLY well!
However, I think that Martin's Not-withstanding clause bombshell will be the headline. I also think it will backfire on him, as most Canadians won't want to open the Constitution debate, and most won't see the need for it. His bombshell will end up being a dud.
Layton was to wooden, scripted, rehersed. Duceppe was good, fiesty, drew Martin in once or twice.
Martin stammered, was grasping at straws (what's with bringing the US into this?) and threw a fit at Duceppe. Anyone know what he said to Duceppe in French there? He stepped away from the mic, I wanna know what he said! Anyway, that fit may go over none too well for him... then Harper responded REALLY well!
However, I think that Martin's Not-withstanding clause bombshell will be the headline. I also think it will backfire on him, as most Canadians won't want to open the Constitution debate, and most won't see the need for it. His bombshell will end up being a dud.
At Mon Jan 09, 10:06:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
HA ha ha What else is a blogging tory sycophant going to say!
At Mon Jan 09, 10:15:00 p.m. EST,
Dan McKenzie said…
If you watched the debate you would have noticed that it was Duceppe in a fit. The debate was similar to last but Martin is getting the headlines at least now for the Notwithstanding clause. Other than that I believed it was a similar outcome. Harper scored points for his nice poke at Martin for not accepting 1on1 debate, but he also looked like a complete fool for preaching his childcare giveaway in the context of a Quebec question, where the childcare program has been a success. Harper wanted to emit an air of Leadership but I'm not sure he performed any different than the last. However I definitely don't think Martin turned in a performance which will put him right back in the race. But there's time to come.
At Mon Jan 09, 10:16:00 p.m. EST,
Paul MacPhail said…
Ha Ha yourself! The truth!
At Mon Jan 09, 10:23:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Okay anonymous, I'm Allan Carty from Toronto, and I really do think
won the debate. Hands down. The proof will be the ten points the Tories will jump in the next week.
At Mon Jan 09, 10:25:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Stephen Harper won. Hands down. Allan.
At Mon Jan 09, 10:26:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Well, it seems many in the media and people on the street think that Harper won it, according to all the post-debate interviews I'm seeing... oh, sorry, first commenter that said Martin won it.
At Mon Jan 09, 10:43:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
They showed the debate on C-SPAN2 in the States. Harper was brilliant. Layton looked good too. Martin, however, look like he wondered in accidentally and just started throwing out ideas to sound smart.
You're right on. Harper won.
At Mon Jan 09, 10:52:00 p.m. EST,
trustonlymulder said…
I just replayed Layton on my tivo a few times. he looked like a commercial.....same thing over and over. Honestly!! He sidesteps the question by saying the Conservatives were wrong on issues and Liberals were corrupt and then promoted his "for the people" shpiel.
Harper and Duceppe were clearly the winners.
Martin was up there but the notwithstanding clause remark just ended the election. He just told people he wants to let judges decide whats best for us....forever....and ever....and ever......
That was the boner of the election.
At Tue Jan 10, 12:13:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Easily, Harper won. Hands down. That was the easiest fight he ever had to fight.
And as I wrote over at Civitatensis, I finally saw Layton for what he was tonight. He is nothing. I usually have respect for the guy, but tonight he showed us exactly what he is: a guy who say he wants to talk about something, but refuses to do so when the opportunity presents itself. He is a tool of the highest order and I have lost all respect for the guy.
Certainly it is hard for anybody to place last when both Martin and Layton are lying dead at the starting line. They both looked like mindless automatons tonight and it showed. If Harper didn't win, I don't know who could have.
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