About Me
- Name: Christian Conservative
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm a Born-Again Christian, redeemed by the shed blood of the risen and eternal Lord Jesus Christ. My wife and I are both active in our local church, where our life's focus is on giving all Glory to Jesus Christ, on missions, the preservation of Biblical truth, and the strengthening believers everywhere.
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January 7, 2007
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Previous Posts
- Hill Times: WHO is leading the Liberal Party?
- Well played, Green Party of Canada
- Iggy "Goes Negative"... and falls FLAT
- Another Tory ad blitz underway
- I do take issue with the Bev Oda CIDA decision
- Any Liberals still hankering for an election?
- Unauthorized use of an MP's e-mail account?
- "Glory, Glory, Man Uniiiii-ted!"
- Now accepting applications for my next Internet Pr...
The Waterloo Wellington Bloggers Association
At Thu Mar 10, 04:17:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
They're all out printing election signs. Good thing we're getting all those new prisons - we can fill them with Conservative money launderers.
- p.s. - CAPTCHA is "swindl". How appropriate...
At Thu Mar 10, 04:43:00 p.m. EST,
Bert said…
So, anon 4:17. When are the Liberals going to pay the Adscam money back ?. When is Dion going to pay his debt incurred from his running for the leadership of the Liberal party ?. People who live in glass houses should not throw rocks.
At Thu Mar 10, 06:01:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Maybe the prisons will be for you..
New AngusReid poll
taken Tues and yesterday
CPC 39
LPC 23
NDP 17
At Thu Mar 10, 06:06:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
maybe we can use the new prisons for these guys...?
Speaking of truths...Liberals like to try and change the channel and drag other good decent people into their cesspool. Your not fooling anyone.
Is that you Carolyn Bennett(bodybags) or is it Joe Volpe(taking donations for election campaign from dead people and kids) or is it Judy Sgro(charging taxpayers for a condo that she rents to her kids...employing immigrant strippers to work on her campaign..hiring an immigrant to deliver free pizza to her campaign so he wouldn't get deported...oops she did deport him so he couldn't testify against her)or is it Mark Holland or Marleen Jennings(stole CPC documents , rifled through them looking for dirt to take to the media) or Hedy Fry(crosses are burning in BC as we speak)or Pablo(charged with drunk driving and still sitiing in HOC..he couldn't blow)
Thats not even the BIG items, Democracy? Yeah..lets hear more about it...where's our $40,000,000 from the money handed out to steal the election in Quebec to Liberals in brown envelops at Chez Franks?
Go crawl under a rock. PM Harper is decent, and honest and will grind the Coalition into oblivia after the Coalition take us to a $300,000,000 election to get rid of their useless leader.
The economy is why the Conservatives are IN and the Coalition is OUT.
CBC is a JOKE!!!
At Thu Mar 10, 08:49:00 p.m. EST,
gimbol said…
You know, I really do want the opps to run on teh in and out thing so I can ask the first one that shows up at my door campainging if they are so upset about it then they would be supportive of the elimination of that party subsidy..right?
If they want to cancel the fighter-jets contract, are they intending on spending the money on something else, or are they again going to gut the defence budget?
See this is the thing.
The liberals are up in arms, but over what?
And even then the inevitable question comes, what would they do differently, if at all anything.
They have no plan.
No policy, they haven't thrown under the bus because they mis-judged the political winds.
And the last time they had a real leadership contest was...well I can't recall a time they ever had a leadership contest that wasn't co-opted by special interests.
It comes down to a campaign where the liberals have changed stripes so often, they have become a non-entity. There's no party there anymore.
Can we rename it the gelatin party
At Fri Mar 11, 06:48:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"..Liberals like to try and change the channel..."
Whoever wrote this, ha, you made me laugh so hard milk came out my nose!
Teapot meet Kettle
At Tue Mar 15, 05:42:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Bert, glad to see you're admitting the Conservatives are no better than the Liberals.
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