Liberal MP: "The prorogation rallies were hijacked by the NDP"
Well, thanks to Liberal MP John Cannis (Scarborough Centre) for confirming today in the House what I'd said quite some time ago... that the "grassroots" anti-prorogation rallies were nothing more than a partisan SHAM.
His quote today, as relayed by a friend on the Hill:
And the media fell for it... hook, line, and sinker. One of the many reasons Canadians want a new media outlet like SunTVNews!
Looks like today's Opposition Day motion from the Liberals has gone and opened up a whole can of worms for themselves... that's the second Opposition Day in a row that's gone badly for them... I'm sure we all recall their pro-abortion motion fiasco?
Congrats guys... good job on reminding Canadians that you're not even close to being ready for prime time.
UPDATE: Exact quote from Hansard HERE.
His quote today, as relayed by a friend on the Hill:
"The prorogation rallies were hijacked by the NDP... the rallies DID NOT represent the will of Canadians."(exact quote from Hansard to be posted when available)
And the media fell for it... hook, line, and sinker. One of the many reasons Canadians want a new media outlet like SunTVNews!
Looks like today's Opposition Day motion from the Liberals has gone and opened up a whole can of worms for themselves... that's the second Opposition Day in a row that's gone badly for them... I'm sure we all recall their pro-abortion motion fiasco?
Congrats guys... good job on reminding Canadians that you're not even close to being ready for prime time.
UPDATE: Exact quote from Hansard HERE.
Labels: coup d’état 08, Liberal/NDP Coalition, MSM
At Thu Jun 17, 12:57:00 p.m. EDT,
Bert said…
I'd love to have that quote when available, CC. Some's are asking for it (they actually don't believe it, to tell you the truth)
At Thu Jun 17, 01:05:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
My source tells me the Hansard will be released tonight.
At Thu Jun 17, 02:29:00 p.m. EDT,
Top Can said…
He's right.
I went to the one at Yonge and Dundas Sq in T.O. One of the speakers literally said "for me, my ideal government is an NDP government." I was still a Liberal that time, but that totally turned me off.
At Thu Jun 17, 04:12:00 p.m. EDT,
Roy Eappen said…
Yes we need video
At Thu Jun 17, 05:18:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Increasingly, the media also purports to report the will of Canadians from their badly done pols. Today in Parliament, one MP stated that Canadians wanted 3rd world abortion in the G8 proposal. This is simply untrue. Lots of pro-choice people (like myself) have said that they want it OFF the agenda, as it is foisting controversial ideas on other countries. I would find it embarrassing to have our government sponsoring abortion clinics in poor muslim or Catholic countries. There is so much to be done on other fronts without offending people at home or abroad.
At Thu Jun 17, 09:26:00 p.m. EDT,
maryT said…
We have a female ndper against Israel, and liberal women against african women having children. No wonder the govt has stopped funding these groups.
At Fri Jun 18, 09:46:00 a.m. EDT,
Brian Busby said…
Oh, dear, I do hope your unidentified "friend on the Hill" isn't a journalist.
"The prorogation rallies were hijacked by the NDP... the rallies DID NOT represent the will of Canadians", he has John Cannis saying; yet the MP said nothing of the kind.
Not only are those not his words, but Hansard reports that he was speaking only about the rally he attended, that which took place in Toronto:
"I was pleased with the people who showed up, young, old and everybody in between. However, as the rally moved on, it was hijacked by the NDP. It was not a Canadian rally. It was an NDP rally. I left because it was not a true expression of all Canadians, but more so politically motivated."
So, nothing about the rallies in general, and most certainly no statement that "the rallies DID NOT represent the will of Canadians".
The MP's experience seems to have been somewhat similar to that witnessed by Top Hat (above) at the same rally. I dare say that each rally, having been organized at the local level, was markedly different. You yourself write that much of KW rally agenda was taken over by the NDP and the Liberals. At the rally I attended, in Stratford, the Conservatives, Liberals and New Democrats were all roundly criticized.
Did some take advantage of the soapbox? No doubt. Were the rallies hijacked by the NDP? I've yet to see the evidence, nor do I see that this view is supported by Mr. Cannis.
What I do know is that it is wrong to put words in the mouths of others. I'm not saying that this was intentional, rather I believe it to be a sign that your friend on the Hill is simply not ready for prime time.
I'm only sorry that you've not seen fit to retract the false quotation and issue an apology.
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